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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. As the quartet introduced themselves, Igor nodded and motioned to the couches that seemed to have materialized before him in an instant. "Please, do have a seat, and I will attempt to explain everything to you." Turning to his apparent assistant, Igor glanced over at the unconscious Kiyomi and the still-panicked Saburo. "Estelle, please take care of those two while our guests' questions are answered."

    "At once, Master." The assistant, Estelle, replied as she stood up and hefted both of them onto a hospital table and closed some sort of curtain behind her. Satisfied with his assistant's work, Igor turned back to the quartet before him.

    "Now then... To answer any belief that I may have been guiding you within the realm beyond that door, I'm afraid that I was not the one you were speaking to. However, I did observe you all, and, with you all having made a contract to choose your fate of your own free will, I am now able to assist... you..." Igor slowly trailed off, as his face seemed to darken ever so slightly. "Oh my... none of you possess the Wild Card... very interesting indeed."

    Igor's expression returned to the way it was before, as if he had never changed his face at all. "This room exists within a space in the collective unconsciousness of humanity... In essence, you are in another world, created by human thoughts." Igor paused for a moment to let this explanation sink in. "Now... I presume you are meaning to solve this mystery, and save the people trapped within the world of mirrors from their cruel fates. To this end, Estelle will purify any whose minds have been tainted by this... ailment of the mind." Igor added, seemingly unmoving aside from his mouth.

    "Onto some more pressing matters. You who hold the power of Persona, can gain even greater power through your bonds with other people. These are what my former guests have chosen to call 'Social Links'. As you strengthen these bonds with others, you may attain an even greater power... But be wary. Though bonds can provide you great power, they may also come with grave consequences... Please, do keep that in mind." Without skipping a beat, Igor flourished once more to the wall on his left, showing a second door, much different than the one that the quartet had originally entered from. "If you wish to leave now, the exit is to my left. I suspect you will be back, and that we will meet again someday."

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