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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. This... appeared to be a problem. The children of man that were apparently chosen to wield the power of Persona seemed to be having some sort of... difficulty... leading the man out. Of course, there was a simple solution to the issue, that they had yet to consider.

    "Children of man... perhaps your best course of action regarding the man is to merely leave him to his fate. I suspect that he will not be easily saved regardless of your best efforts. His mind was weak, and the world surrounding him quickly swallowed him whole. The disease plaguing his mind... I fear it may not be purged enough to save him."

    Kiyomi, meanwhile, remained motionless, while Saburo continued to inch ever so slowly away from the people near him, though he did seem to be heading in the general direction of the blue door... Perhaps he could be corralled there?

  2. The voice seemed to be contemplating Aoi's question - the trouble was, they didn't have an answer handy. Only so much a disembodied voice could do for these children of man, after all. "I'm afraid I have nothing for you... that will be a trial in of itself for you." The voice was ready to answer the other girl's question, but one of her male companions used the Dia spell to heal her wounds and seemingly shut her up for the time being.

    Meanwhile, Kiyomi somewhat stirred, but made no effort to speak or to even open her eyes. Saburo, meanwhile, shuddered and backed away from Aoi swiftly and without warning. "S-Stay away...! You're not going to save me from anything...! You'll just make my life worse!" He cried out, clutching his head in pain. Perhaps if he were a bit more... sedated, he would be willing to go with the group, but that wasn't an option right now.

  3. The entity that seemed to be controlling the world was surprised by the turn of events, albeit pleasantly so. These humans had awakened to their true selves much faster than he had anticipated, and seemed to be passing the test set out before them with flying colours. Perhaps they could be of use...

    "Sons and daughters of man, you are a truly impressive group. Your awakening was just as I had hoped. Now, I must now ask you to use that to save those trapped in this world." The voice boomed out as the last of the Shadows were destroyed. Not far from where the Shadows formed, the unconscious form of a young girl was splayed across the floor - the form of one Kiyomi Shijima, the girl who had just been thrown in earlier.

    Beside her was another body, that of a somewhat young male in a suit. However, he was quite pale and seemed to be not only awake, but shivering, and muttering something under his breath. Could that be the early signs of Ersatz Syndrome? In any event, the group must now decide what to do.

    "Sons and daughters of man, if your hearts are true and your intentions pure, you will grant these people a second chance at living." As the voice boomed, a strange blue door popped up to the side of where the group started. "Bring them through that door, the being on the other side should be able to take care of the rest."

  4. The voice seemed sated, for only a low "Hmm..." could be heard as the group began to explain themselves. So, they were not involved in the recent surge of people arriving here... perhaps they could be of use? No, they did not possess the power... but there was one dormant within each of them. A test, then, to awaken them to what lies beyond the looking glass.

    "Sons and daughters of man, if what you say is true, your convictions will show themselves here and now." With that declaration, a group of blob-like creatures with light blue masks adorned with the Roman numeal "I" began slowly lurching towards the quartet, what little mental capacity they had focused on consuming the unfamiliar beings before them.

    If they are to be of any use to me, they will awaken here and now. If they fail, their hopes will be destroyed as with all the others trapped within this realm...

  5. As Aoi touched the reflective surface of the mirror, all hell appeared to break loose as a terrifying wind burst out from the mirror. It was almost like a vacuum, drawing Aoi in, and then the others with her in rapid succession. One by one, Aoi, Akane, Kazumi and Ichirou were sucked inside the mirror and disappeared, leaving behind a surely confused Eliana.

    As the quartet were dragged inside the mirror, a deep voice boomed out from within the realm they had fallen into - what appeared to be a sort of funhouse, covered wall to wall in mirrors of all shapes and sizes.

    "You, sons and daughters of man... State your names, and why you have come to this realm not your own."

  6. As the group at the Saito residence went about their various businesses, a large crash sounding like broken glass could be heard from outside, in a gap between their residence and that of their neighbours. It appeared there was a significantly noisy struggle going on outside, that just couldn't be ignored by the five within the house...

    Upon further inspection, the struggle was between a large, seemingly cloaked man standing next to a mirror, and a young woman in a school uniform - one Kiyomi Shijima, a member of Torodara's drama club who ended up running late as a result of an issue in cleaning up after the drama club's meeting. She really wished that the meeting wouldn't have run late.

    "Get off of me...! Ugh...!" Kiyomi cried out, as she attempted to free herself from her captor. However, as the man was bigger and stronger, he held his ground and began to push Kiyomi towards the mirror, much to her horror as she slowly began to realize what exactly was happening to her. "W-wait, no... please! I'll give you anything, just... please, don't...!" The student pleaded, but to no avail. With one final push, Kiyomi was thrown inside the mirror, the glass rippling for several long seconds, before the man briskly walked away, seemingly pleased with his results.

  7. So, for the people that aren't on Skype as much (like Phee), here's how I'm gonna break down the group's obtaining their Personas:

    -Aoi, Akane, Kazumi and Ichirou will get theirs during the current in-game day, then we'll do a week timeskip to set up the first dungeon.

    -The other four will obtain theirs periodically between the first and second dungeons.

    Dungeons will be explained later on, namely after I do the timeskip.

  8. To be honest, I'm fairly non-plussed about the Hoshido path's gameplay being more akin to Awakening's. I'm more concerned about how they're portrayed within the narrative. Are they really going to be the eternal good guys, or is there something deeper behind them? Like, is the queen basically just Emmeryn with black hair, or does she have some skeletons in her closet?

    Likewise, will the Hoshido path villainize Nohr entirely, or will there be a fair bit of sympathy for them and an overall message being that "war is shit no matter who wins" or whatever?

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