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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Kendeall, meanwhile, didn't really feel anything about Vriska's death. I mean, sure, it sucked that she was so young and died so quickly and in such a shitty way, but on the other hand... She knew what she was getting into. She was well aware of the risks of traveling with a mercenary group, and let her guard down when they weren't completely out of danger. So, Kendeall didn't feel pity.

    It also didn't help that Kendeall really didn't like her, either. She was arrogant, conceited and a bit of a showoff; three things that Kendeall hated in a person. Worse, she seemed like she was muscling in on things she didn't need to, so...

    "Meh. Are we staying long, or are we moving ahead soon? I'd imagine you'd want to get the mission done sooner rather than later, right boss?" Kendeall tried to call out to Makin, but he doubted she'd listen. Doubtless that everyone else actually felt something about Vriska's death, so Kendeall just sighed. Seems like he needed to dole out a bit of a proverbial kick in the ass to the group before they got too worked up over it.

    "Honestly... If death is so goddamn hard for you guys to face, then we may as well go back to Felson and wallow in our own self-pity. We. Are. Mercenaries. This is the danger we face all the time. So we lost one of our own. Big deal, it isn't like everyone who travels like this lives through every job. And if you guys don't smarten the fuck up quick and make something of the stupid kid's death... If you let the kid die for nothing because you got scared of dying yourselves? Not only are you gonna die yourselves, but you're gonna spit in the fucking face of not only her memory, but the memories of every single goddamn enemy we've faced up to this point - before, they were felled by a mighty band of mercenaries. But now, if this is how we're gonna be, all mopey because of one of us dying? Now they look like weren't strong enough to stand up against a bunch of crybabies. Man up, or woman up, or I don't fucking care. But I'm not gonna die here because you guys couldn't get over someone dyin', and I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels that way. Oh, and by the way? All you guys going on about how you should've saved her? That kind of thinking before she died woulda gotten you killed too. You can't save everyone. You just gotta save yourself."

    Angry as all hell by this point, Kendeall stormed away from the group, muttering about how he felt 'too old for this shit'. Really, it wasn't their faults that she died, so why the fuck were they so upset about it? That wouldn't change a damn thing. They'd still go on living as usual, and Vriska'd still be dead.

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