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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. The second stratum wasn't "hard" so much as "I can't navigate lol". The third stratum was annoying because of its gimmick, but not too bad (other than those freaking turtles).


    The fourth one wasn't too bad imo, but I feel like I was probably overleveled by the time I even got to that point.

    Fuck the fourth boss, though.

  2. Kendeall ignored the others; both Meredith's apparent hounding him, and someone else yelling at him to try and fight - while he'd love to at least take one of those morons out, he had a job to do. And so, he kept heading north, searching for the cave that he was told of in his fortune a while back.

    One of the few good things to come out of those travels, Kendeall thought grimly as he continued his trek, far away from his former allies. Friends, they were not, barring maybe Angus.

  3. Kendeall spat at the ground before him, back still turned to the group. He was still just within earshot, and was able to catch what Raith and the horse had said to him - and, quite frankly, it pissed him off. Did they just hear what they wanted to hear - clearly, they picked up on all the venom laced into his words, but missed the encouragement - just so they had someone to direct their anger and disgust at their own failure to protect Vriska at?

    Feeling that made him even more sick. So, time to purge.

    "Big talk coming from you, little healer boy. I can tell you're gonna crack real easy if anything else happens. Shame I won't get to see you break, though." Kendeall growled out as his head turned slowly towards the group, his voice dripping with venom. "That is, assuming you're not gonna turn tail and fly away. Unless you're already wrapped around the boss' little finger, in which case... Heh. I doubt you'd even get any tail, if that's how you already are." Kendeall may have kept to himself a lot of the time, but he wasn't stupid; on the contrary, he was smart enough to know a group of dead mercenaries walking, and was well aware of the consequences of staying. Leaving now may have been hazardous, but he had a better chance of braving the cold without these idiots.

    "Ferdinand, shut up. You're one of the last people to talk about me turning out like her, all things considered. You're weak, and if anyone's going to die in this group anytime soon, it's probably you." The irate axeman replied towards the centaur trying to keep him at bay to some extent, clearly fed up with him too, to some extent. "Especially with this whole 'honourable warrior' kinda act you're putting on. Grow a fucking pair and learn a few things; that honour bullshit's only going to get you devoured by the world around you."

    Not bothering to hear any more preaching from this pack of imbeciles (and Angus, whom he still respected even if his choice in company was... questionable, judging by his continued allegiance to the group), Kendeall left, equipment in tow, and headed due north.

    I can still get to that cave... I can still do what I came out here to do in the first place, with or without those bleeding heart morons.

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