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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. People did like Cordelia but not for the reason that she has unrequited feelings for someone besides her husband.

    I'm aware, but there is always that chance. After all, we have at least one fanservice-y character that cares a lot about the Avatar, much like Tharja (though, thankfully, not in the yandere way).

    IS likes using archetypes again. Aqua's just Ninian without dragon powers (... as far as we know), for example. It isn't too big of a stretch to think that they'd go back to the well if it's a liked character.

  2. Please, for the love of all that is holy, do NOT make this a recurring archetype. Cordelia's character basically being a perfectionist rehash of Catria aggravated me to no end. Her design feeling uninspired to me didn't help (she's pretty much Tsubaki from BlazBlue without the hat and longer hair).

    That being said, I can sadly see IS doing this considering how many people did like Cordelia.

  3. Much fun was had. RIP rice, 2015-2015.


    As the night progressed onward, the man from before - the one who threw Kiyomi into the mirror realm in the first place - grew impatient of waiting. Normally, he got some sort of indicator that the process was successful, that he had completed his task. However... there was nothing this time. Perhaps the girl died already? She was just a high-schooler, after all... her mind and body were both weak, easily preyed upon by the Shadows. It would have made sense that she was feasted upon.

    Besides, there was still that salaryman from the other day that was in there - he seemed excessively nervous for someone of his particular lot in life, so it was possibly he had already been consumed as well. This was... a problem. After all, the Shadows would eventually grow tired of such meager morsels and demand more of him... Eventually, their demands could well outstrip his ability to supply them prey, and then...

    No. It won't come to that.

    Grunting, the man continued on, towards his home and base of operations. He had some careful planning to take care of... And some potential countermeasures, in case any interference were to pop up.

    One Week Later...

    As reports of Ersatz Syndrome began to slow, many newscasters proclaimed that the epidemic was at a close and that life in Kyoshoku would be returning back to its' prosperous norm within the next month's passing. Some took that with pride, even with the fact that not everyone who had been kidnapped in connection to the Ersatz incidents had been found safely - in fact, none had been found no worse for wear since Kiyomi Shijima's sudden reappearance 24 hours after she initially went missing.

    Nonetheless, life goes on...

    Date: Saturday, April 25th, 2015

    Time: 8:24 a.m.

    [You may all continue posting as normal.]

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