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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. When Aoi pushed through the door and into the room before her, what she was met with was... blue. Lots and lots of blue. Everything in the room around her appeared to be blue, and it almost seemed akin to a doctor's office, considering the rather... unusual decor dotted around the walls. Medical charts of all kinds adorned the walls to the left and right of what appeared to be another exit, and there was also a bed for patients - or, at least, it would be, if not for the fact that the atmosphere permeating the room was... odd. It certainly didn't seem to be a hospital room.

    Especially with the strange man with a comically long nose sitting directly across from the door, flanked by a striking woman in a similarly blue nurse's outfit.

    "Welcome... to the Velvet Room. My name is Igor. I am delighted to make your acquaintance." Igor began, with his assistant motioning to the motley quartet to come and join them in the room. "This place exists between dream, and reality. Mind, and matter. Now..." A brief pause, as his assistant adjusted her glasses and Igor seemed to adjust himself every so slightly. "Why don't you introduce yourselves?"

  2. Saburo was, at this point, and for a lack of a better term, scared shitless. These people were trying to kill him, he just knew it! He saw those... things, and how they ended up defeated by these people! He was having no part of it. Fortunately, there was a door handy that he could use to trap them, so he stood up quickly, and ran to the door, slipping through onto the other side and trying to keep it closed as much as he could.

    The voice was mildly amused by all of this, but now the group did what they were tasked to. "Remember, children of man. You have one week to save the people trapped within here... Though I expect you cannot save everyone, you must do as much you are capable of."

    Then, there was silence.

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