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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. yeah my motivation is shot now, thanks long-ass RP thread making

    uhhhhhhh LG still owes werds so w/e

    I'm not gonna be around for phase end probably so


    ##Vote: FrostyFireMage

    because hell if I'm gonna let an NL happen

    if I make werds again before sleep it'll be a miracle, sorry syug

  2. [spoiler=The WHAT]

    As Kyoshoku, a fast-rising and fast-living city of the future, begins to take shape, many people have come and made their homes in the sprawling urban lands in order to build their futures, and to reflect upon their pasts.

    In some cases, literally.

    Of late, many of the city's growing populace - of all ages, genders, and walks of life - have been vanishing off the streets with a flourish, only to reappear seven days later a shell of their former selves. Bodies mangled beyond perfect repair, minds warped into a nearly demented haze of self-doubt and paranoia. The sudden change in both body and mind has become known through the streets and the local media as Ersatz Syndrome, and those who have it either remain at home by choice - likely overcome by their own paranoia - or simply quarantined off to prevent any "undesirables" from walking the streets.

    One commonality has been noted - wherever a disappearance has been reported, two particular items has been found splayed across the ground, as if a calling card: an everyday mirror, and a donation tin earmarked for the Church of Ameno-Koyane...

    [spoiler=The WHERE]

    The city of Kyoshoku, a high-speed, never-sleeping metropolis where the lights are never completely faded away and neither have the dreams of the people within. A mecca for young twenty-somethings to jump start their budding careers, or for aging salarymen to earn a larger paycheck for their budding families.

    The city is divided into four major districts:

    • The business district, which is generally the busiest area of the city during weekdays. Many businesses hold office here; as well, The Torodara Preparatory School is located near the edge of the district, as if serving as a constant gateway to the futures of the students that go there. Also located here is The Church of Ameno-Koyame, a religious facility that functions nothing like a church, and more akin to a country club with little entertainment. There appears to be an ominous air about the building of late, perhaps connected to Ersatz Syndrome...
    • The red-light district, generally the busiest area during the night time, especially on weekends. Among the most popular destinations here are:
      • Tu t'amour - a high-end night club owned by an eccentric foreign millionaire
      • Orion's Belt - an adults-only establishment noted for their savoury dancers and not-so-savoury clientele
      • Nenekoko - a maid cafe noted for their high number of high-school aged employees - and a high turnover ratio as well
      • Chevalier - a recently-opened teen-friendly club, open 24/7, located very close to Tu t'amour for ease of access when teens come of age

    • The central shopping district, a perennially jam-packed area of the city. Many shops are condensed into a surprisingly small area, with such oddities as Drei Hard, a tattoo parlour whose owner also experiments with metallurgy in his spare time (with... allegedly mixed results), MediPaX, a self-proclaimed "super-pharmacy" known for their bizarre stock of international products, and Aquamarine, a store only open for very select clientele, and whose owner is known for being a rather... bizarre man.
    • The residential district, where spacious houses with a beautiful sense of decorum are accompanied by less-than-spacious apartment buildings made more for utility than comfort. Despite that, there is a sense of camaraderie amongst many of the smaller neighbourhoods that make up the bulk of the district.

    [spoiler=The WHO]

    Some of the more notable residents of the city - at least, relevant to the primary landmarks - include:

    • Kenichirou Kondou, the current mayor of the city who seems to be obsessed with the Ersatz Syndrome phenomena and the protection of his people. Despite his best efforts to make the city streets safer utilizing his political clout, his citizens are vanishing into the haze of Ersatz Syndrome, and his general approval rating appears to be in a steady decline in favour of...
    • Aikuro Serizawa, the apparent head of The Chruch of Ameno-Koyame. A rather boisterous man for a fourty-something head of a powerful religious facility, though notably he does not appear to believe in the theory of creation or in the existence of Izanagi, the creator god, as a whole. While many of his speeches seem to be inspiring, one can sense a hint of nihilism seeping into his usually honeyed words...
    • Nagita Inoue, the principal of Torodara Preparatory. Typically a no-nonsense disciplinarian, she has recently began to soften her ways, as if in response to the onset of Ersatz Syndrome, especially within her school. She's also noted to be a lover of animals, though the amount of affection she is willing to show varies on the animal and its owner.
    • Guiamme Louis-aime, the owner of Tu t'amour and Chevalier and an especially eccentric foreigner. Noted for constantly wearing a yukata to any public appearances, despite his size and skin tone.
    • Takako Yaguruma, the owner of Drei Hard and an amateur metalworker. An especially intimidating man by appearance, many people nonetheless call him "The Papa Bear of Kyoshoku" for his tendency to (attempt to) help anyone in need, regardless of the emergency.
    • Yuki Kyouno, the manager of MediPaX who has a tendency to flirt with any attractive male in her store, regardless of age (though even she has a limit, though it's unclear how far that goes - most staff, however, say her youngest "conquest" was 17, implying she tries to avoid youth). Her ability to manage a workforce and maintain profits is exceedingly high, however.

    [spoiler=The HOW]

    How the signups will work is as follows:


    Gender (anything will do):


    Arcana of Choice (pick up to four):

    Preference of Role:




    Anything else to add:

    Send these signups VIA SF PM. I don't care if I have you on Skype (and if I don't have you on Skype, please send me your info so that I may rectify that), don't flood my Skype with signups. Just PM me and we'll deal with the creation process from there.

    If you wish to be a social link, provided you get the Arcana you desire, you will be accepted and immediately implemented into the fold. If you wish to be a Persona user and are accepted as such, you will then need to complete an additional application, as such:


    History of the Persona:


    General Statistical Spread (Strength/Magic/Agility/Endurance/Luck)(NOTE: This is mostly for your own sake, to aid you in writing battles more effectively.):

    Skillset (up to 4 starting skills and 4 eventual skills prior to Persona evolution, subject to my nerfing as needed):


    When we reach the point in the story in which Personae evolve, I'll contact you to revise this list with your evolved Persona's info. For now, just focus on one Persona.

    [spoiler=The RULES]

    1. For the love of all the gods of all the pantheons in the world, DO NOT SPAM HONORIFICS. For your own sake as a writer, and my own sake as a reader. Don't do it. If, at some point by the end, you decide to toss them in as part of someone's nickname, that may be fine. Just don't push it.
    3. NO GODMODDING. If I start seeing it, you get a warning. If it doesn't change, you'll be written out of the narrative for a time. Third time, you're exiled from the RP.
    4. If you're wanting out of the RP, please inform me. I'll make sure you're written out of the narrative in a succinct and probably-not-bloody way. Probably.

    Aside from that, disputes and other such hoohah will be dealt with as we go along.

    On that note, flood me, baby. And have fun with this.

    (oh, and make sure to post in here when you've sent your sign-up, may as well get acquainted with each other while I'm sorting everything out~)

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