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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. It's just that when I'm playing games, I prefer L.A. dubs over Texas. That, and a lot of talent's left Texas lately, so there's few VAs working for Funi that I like at this point. Sentai... yeah, I'm not going into that. Their dubs feel really bad to me.

  2. You want to have an excuse to write a smutty Chie fanfic, we get it

    what shut up I'm not even using the existing characters pls

    Why write when you can "read" one.

    ew then I'd have to go on FFN

    fuck that noise

  3. RIP my sub ;-;7

    i really don't want to replace him with celica but if the nerfs hit too hard...

    speaking of are you getting the japanese CPE?

    I'm prolly getting it next month when I got money.

    general consensus is that he's lowest of low now

    ergo I'm probably gonna switch to Azrael full time

    I might if I can, but DeSu2 takes priority


  4. RC the second hit of Serpents Laceration A (63214A), the first being the trip and the second the stomp down, and your opponent can't move for a few seconds, laying there.

    So you can taunt their shit

    lmao I've never tried that


    (EITHER Forward Throw or 5B>5C>3C)>22C>5B>3C>5D>6D>236D>super of choice (either 41236A/B or 632146D, if you're not at full meter after the 236D just do Laceration)

    fairly simple; in 1.0 you used to be able to skip the set of 5B>3C>5D by going directly into 6D but they fucked that up in the patch so I had to make a quick and easy workaround involving 5D

    5B>5C>3C>22C is pretty standard in most Terumi combos I think, especially since if you have 100 meter by that point you can just go "fuck it, SCREECHES" after the 22C (the timing's kinda weird without wall bounce, though).

  5. ALSO NOTE: other games, such as Street Fighter, don't use the same attack notation. For Street Fighter, it's because it's a six button fighter, in which case notation goes as such:

    LP: Light Punch

    MP: Medium Punch

    HP: Heavy Punch

    LK: Light Kick

    MK: Medium Kick

    HK: Heavy Kick

    Other common terms may include:

    QCF/QCB: The notations 236 (for QCF) and 214 (for QCB). May also be referred to as Hadouken since the motion is most known from that move.

    Dragon Punch/DP: Usually, a 623 motion, can also be called Shoryuken due to that being the most notable usage of the directional input. Some character's DPs are different, though; for example, Guile's Flash Kick (and by extension, Kagura's variant) are also functionally DPs.

    Hurricane Kick: AKA the Tatsumaki Senpukyaku, usually a half-circle motion in either direction.

    OD/Cancel: As Yuki noted, overdrive. Most games have the Overdrive input as a quick cancel input, though BlazBlue uses a different input (I believe just A+B+C?)

    Charge inputs are weird and fuck charge characters they're shit so I don't even care.

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