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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I'm not sure if I want to join a DragoncatRP if my original the characters can't even get it on with your original the characters (and I'm sure I don't speak only of myself when I say this). Maybe you could also plan some divorces in advance?


    bravo reefer

    man idk I might be interested if there's more stuff about the world?

  2. Blackhawk Stinger has been Pre-game Modkilled. He was...


    What is this? You think you have beaten my record? Why, you're a long way from ever surpassing me! The difference between us will be made clear! MUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDAMUDA

    you ain't even Hol Horse level asshole

    you're Tenille at worst

  3. Agree with Snike WRT Makaze at the very least. Lord Gaius never really read as scum to me so idk where that's coming from there? I don't recall seeing anyone reading Gaius as scum either, but w/e.

    Where exactly in 623 did Terralec scumslip? Would really like an answer to this D3.

    Don't agree with his Mancer read entirely; general tone plus his content isn't the worst makes me think he's not the obvscum that Snike seems to be painting him as. Also don't like how he's trying to rolefish me, but that could just be bias because it's towards me.

    Also, semi-quick list of reads:


    Poly - ey b0ss

    Junknee - Confirmed via ascetic breaking that let the Strawman vig happen.

    Refa - I'm reading him town off content, and I think I have an idea what he's all about.

    Makaze - His role probably wouldn't exist with Elie's running around as a scum role, so unless he's got a hella good fakeclaim game, he's basically confirmed IMO.

    Lord Gaius - Already talked about him.

    Snike - I don't think he'd put out the content he has so far as scum. Also got a message earlier that gave me additional info that makes me lean town on him.

    Shinori - Eury defense is okay, interactions are meh.

    SB - If he's scum, it's off POE probably.

    Blitz - See SB, only I feel a bit better about this since I can't remember anything Blitz has done lately.

    BBM - Also PoE, plus other info I got from a message.

    Terrador is all but confirmed town if Blitz is scum, Marth is town if BBM is scum.

  4. Actually, nvm. Consider me /out. I'm not feeling well, and I don't see myself performing well in any game for a bit (and I feel that playing/performing poorly = disrespectful for the hosts/co-hosts), so gl to the rest of the players n' whatnot.

    well then I'm the biggest asshole on SFMafia so TAKE THAT ARGUMENT

  5. Heading into the boxing arena, Declan sighed. Shit, I'm so not up for this today... Yet, still he pressed on, if only because of the promise he made to Louis earlier. Besides, it wasn't like he was going to go straight to the top circuit... He'd start small, then work his way up if he still felt up to it. And who knows? Maybe the others would come cheer him on or something. Moral support. Sure.

    "Hey, uh. I'm looking to get into the Minor Circuit. How much is the entry fee, again?" Declan asked as he approached the counter to speak to who he assumed was the man organizing the whole thing. Maybe. How did these circuits work again?

  6. Mercedes nearly gagged when Abstinence began addressing her instead of Risa - hey, she remembered the name correctly this time! - but managed to keep it down enough to not vomit all over the pawn shop before he left. She'd have to just puke on Lampert later, probably.

    "Not much, just killing some time before it gets dark and I go drinkin' again. Hey, maybe you could come with me?" Mercedes replied, then asked. She figured it worked from some sort of strategic standpoint; if things with the fop went south, she had quality backup. Perfect!

  7. Kendeall groaned; he still wasn't in the mood for this nerd's shit today. Or in general, really, but especially today. "Alright, smartass, how about you conjure me up something to actually catch? I can't well make a sustainable fire for us all without kindling." The axeman grumbled. Yeah, cold really made him pissy.

    Of course, said pissiness made it so he didn't initially catch the fact that, hey, look, someone else did it for him! "...Never mind then. Screw you, lazy nerd! I'm gonna go do a thing." Kendeall shot back at Vriska as he got up and made his way to the kindling that Isabelle had ready. Perfect. "You, ah, may wanna stand back." Kendeall quickly warned Isabelle as he began chanting his Fire spell, trying to limit the flow of magic within him to avoid setting more things on fire than he had to.

    ... Briefly, he considered using the nerd girl as kindling, but set that thought aside. She may have been a stuck-up brat, but she really was helping him with his magic, and he wasn't that heartless.


  8. Berserker - or at least, the part of him that could still think rationally - wanted to respond coherently that yes, he would obey his Master's commands in battle. However, rather than gentle words of assent as he would have given normally, a low growl escaped his lips, as he sighed inwardly. Clearly this is going to take more work than I figured.

    Moving towards the source of the smell he noted earlier that brought him here in the first place, he saw... meat. Succulent meat. Well, maybe not as succulent as he had in life before, but he supposed it would do.

    Motioning towards the meat, he let out a somewhat strained growl, meant to simulate a question being asked. That will have to do for now, Berserker thought, as he began focusing on the red shade the meat took in his eyes.

  9. Also also, if people end up wanting to claim in private for confidentiality reasons, I'd suggest Junko; his role broke Strawman's Ascetic and made it possible for the vig to shoot him. I'd say that's confirmed town compared to everyone else.

  10. Also, I don't expect to be doing too much this phase, since for the most part, my reads haven't changed. I'm reading Terrador and Makaze as town when I didn't before, but I'm still re-evaluating my scumreads.

    Someone mind summing up any Blitz cases for me, if there are any significant ones? It'd save me some time.

  11. Okay, sorry, the sleepening happened.

    As for a claim, I have a courier that can be used twice per day/night cycle (and I've used one of them already today for my own reasons) as well as one announcement that I can use whenever, but it's only one. I'd probably save it for if I think I'm about to get shot.

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