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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. I doubt it will, because the idea behind availability being more important indicates a shift from "who can help me the most right here, right now?" to "who can I get more long-term usefulness out of?". The long-term aspect of things is clearly a more important matter now, especially in the advent of Awakening and the grinding system being a key factor in units being better on higher difficulties.

    At least, that's how I see it. I'm probably wrong, though, so w/e.

  2. hey playing mafia drunk is one of the best ways to win. :Kappa:

    I actually thought Shinori posted this at first until I actually looked at your username

    I also almost said Shiori rather than Shinori thanks Midnight Sun

  3. As Berserker continued his seemingly aimless wandering, he caught the scent of something... unusual. Foreign, at least to what was expected. It smelled like some sort of animal, though his mind was too clouded to tell what specifically it was. Making his way to the source of the scent, he saw a familiar shade of red - with the bit of sense he had left, he determined this particular shade to be a way to identify his Master from all the other red in his view - and attempted to speak to him.

    Attempted being the operative word, of course, as all the came from Berserker's mouth was a series of guttural growls.

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