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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. @SB: I thought his announce at the beginning of the night phase right before I posted was townie enough, especially since he backed off PRIMS a bit and provided some other reads that I wasn't seeing him provide in his other posts.

  2. Guh, sorry, sleep and friends have killed my content.

    Alec, I really only skimmed the ISOs of the people I townread, and I don't recall seeing anything about the announcements. I also didn't see Boron/j00's posting them before anyways, because I only did my reading through ISOs.

    I'd probably put you below Rapier at least if I was to make any revisions to my lunch priority, in light of you actually making words and such (that I've actually seen this time, lol).

    Not much else to add, tbh. Everyone else I've either already talked about or think is town, either on content or gut.

  3. *cracks knuckles defiantly and readies the laptop*


    Alright, so my immediate thoughts on the game upon first flip were, prior to the post directly above this one, that Makaze was scum. His content seems all over the place and he never seems to stick with casing one person for long, with the exception of Prims, who I'm not seeing as scummy upon reading his ISO. In fact, Makaze's ISO, to me, reads like a constant waffling until someone brings up Prims, in which case he gets ridiculously bloodthirsty for some odd reason. His Shinori "case" is also bad because that's what Shinori does a lot if he can't be assed to read back.

    That said, his claim and summary of reads and what the fuck ever reads very much as townie. I'm conflicted as fuck right now, but why exactly do you scumread Rapier and Blitz, Makaze?

    Terrador also feels like scum to me, considering he's made a grand total of two posts so far with no real content within. Probably a policy vig at best, and an outright lynch at worst.

    Not particularly sold on the potential of scum!SB, but that's also non-indicative of his alignment since he's good as scum. Unsure where I stand on him, though his lack of concrete reads on any particular front feels kind of bad to me.

    I brought up my disagreement on Makaze's earlier Prims read, and tbh I'm not particularly seeing it? Prims reads like regular Prims to me, so barring anything super scummy over the next night phase or so I'm not gonna magically scumread him.

    I guess I'd be down for a Rapier lynch since his ISO feels kinda fluffy, but I can't vote to influence that. He does also note that Makaze's Shinori case is fairly weak, which I agree with, so there is that.

    I can't make heads or tails of Elie's content post aside from his Eury read, which looks a lot worse upon her flip. That said, his not making content is for the exact same reason why I didn't (S I C K B O Y Z) so I'm not gonna penalize him too much for no content. Still okay with vigging him, though.

    also, I legit forgot Strawman was playing in this game, and upon reading his content, I'm not liking a whole lot of it, especially post-Euryflip. Not sure what I don't like about it, aside from just generally not liking the direction it took. Would lynch if day, would vig also.

    Lynch Priority: Terrador > Strawman > Rapier > Makaze = Elie?

    Everyone else is null at worst.

  4. Kendeall was seriously about to light someone on fire if it meant he could warm his hands. Seriously, shit's cold. "Oi, nerd girl," Kendeall grumbled towards Vriska, hoping that she would at least figure out some way to keep warm. "You got any spells that just warm you up? I really only know how to throw stuff at people until they either get knocked out or die."

  5. Mercedes was bored, and apparently Thea wasn't in the mood to hang out yet. Lame. She did see another member of the group talking to some weird old guy, and figured it was a good idea to bail her out. Clearly.

    "Oh my goooooooooooood, it's so good to see you...!" Wait, shit, Mercedes didn't remember her name. Think... think... got it! "Remilia! Seriously, it's been too long, I can't even remember the last time I saw you! Oh, we simply MUST catch up! Come with me!" She replied, taking her comrade's hand and trying to move towards the door. Hopefully. Was the old man pulling back or something?

  6. Declan felt words die in his throat continuously as Melanie tried to give him advice - he seemed to be getting a lot of advice from people he didn't expect over the last few days - and never spoke up again, even after Melanie had gone off to talk to Magali. Wordlessly leaving the library, Declan thought back to how he treated the mage girl when he'd first joined the Hallows - and it wasn't pleasant, but... not exactly fearful.

    Even then, I seemed a bit more... eh, protective of her? Maybe she reminded me of Ari even back then...

    Grumbling to himself, Declan wordlessly exited the library and headed to the boxing ring. He still had to make good on his promise to Louis, after all, and now seemed as good a time as any. Even if his mindset wasn't exactly... ideal.

  7. Yeah, Sophitia is canonically dead, and Cassandra was apparently tossed into Astral Chaos during the time skip. According to supplemental material, anyway.

    Also, while SMT characters could be interesting, Sega seems to be leaving Atlus the hell alone to function as their own company, so I doubt we'll see characters like Yu or Flynn popping in.

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