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Posts posted by MRDRHAWK

  1. Kendeall cocked an eyebrow as Tristam showed off his bracers. "I did beat the whole thing... Then again, I never fought Marius, so maybe that's why I didn't get anything more than money. But hey, money's always good... it's the main reason why I'm here, after all." Kendeall replied, not even bothering to address the 'Kenny' thing. He supposed it fit, anyways.

  2. Kendeall snickered a bit; at least he noticed the nickname. "Well, Tristie, since you asked, I beat both. Didn't get anything special for beating the weapons' arena, but I got this cool ring for beating the fist arena! I'm great, I know." Kendeall replied with a goofy yet proud look on his face, gazing at his ring and trying to remember exactly what it did. Something to do with his body, that was for sure.

  3. Kendeall shrugged as he saw Meredith and Tristam's interactions. They definitely looked good together, and he didn't even really have to do anything! Although, he wondered if they really felt like that towards each other. But, it was probably best that he didn't push that line of questioning right now; it wasn't really his business anyways.

    "What about you, Tristie? Did you take on the arena while we were in Felson? I'm sure a guy like you would be pretty damn formidable there." Kendeall quipped, hoping to get off the subject of Meredith's bumbling adventure through the arena. It really did still hurt to think about it... Yeesh.

  4. Declan let out a heavy sigh. He wasn't sure if Melanie could see right through him, or if she just had a lucky guess, but he nodded slowly - and seemingly for no reason - before he began. After all, he figured that this may take a while.

    "It was two years ago... Not far from here, actually. I was in a nice, healthy relationship with a woman named Arietta. Great girl, very cheerful... Actually, a fair bit like you, without the accent. Anyways... at the time, we were also in a band of... uh, bandits, and we came to a nearby town to loot the place and make sure we had the money and goods to keep ourselves alive." Declan began, hoping that maybe Melanie at least picked up on the connotations of that first part. Hopefully he wouldn't need to explain himself; it wasn't like he was interested in her or anything. Right? Right. Besides, he had Vale now, more or less.

    "Anyways, around that time, Arietta started trying to learn how to use dark magic, because she wanted to be more useful and keep me from having to put my neck on the line every time we fought with city guards and the like. She seemed like she had everything under control, until..." Declan bit his lower lip and swallowed hard. He was this far in, and... well, he may as well go all the way with it. "Until... well, she didn't."

    Declan's breath hitched as the memories began popping back into the forefront of his mind; better that he get it out now. "It was fucking awful... she had all this magical potential in her, apparently, and it was all just flooding out of her. Flux spells getting flung around left and right with no semblance of reasoning behind the targets; I saw a lot of people die from those spells, whether it was some of my fellow bandits, members of the city guard, or just a bystander trying to make a break for it. And Arietta... she was dying right in front of me. I didn't know what to do..." Declan took a moment to catch his breath. He felt his chest getting tighter with every word he spoke, and it hurt like hell.

    "Then my old boss, he yelled at everyone else to grab what they could and get the hell out... but not me. He made me kill her... Me, of all people, because he fucking knew what she want to me. That bastard didn't think of anyone but himself... Especially not me." Declan felt his chest continue to grow tighter, and he had to lean against a shelf in the library to compose himself again, if only a little bit. "Of course, me still being an immature dumbshit, I panicked and ran her through without a second thought, and it wasn't until after that I realized that she was just hurting... Killing her may have taken away her pain, but it just dumped it onto other people... like me." Declan felt something burning up inside; was the mere thought of that day enough to give him some sort of panic attack? Or was it anger towards Eduardo? Or himself, even?

    "For two years after that, I drifted along, trying to go straight and make Arietta proud, but... I avoided dark mages like the fucking plague. I knew what that shit could do first hand, and what it was like for someone to lose control... I've hated the very thought of dark magic ever since. After all, it took what was most dear to me..." Declan laughed a hollow laugh, devoid of any joy. Really, the sheer melodrama he was spewing would have been fairly laughable if he didn't know it was all true. "Add in the fact that said bastard boss has apparently been hunting me down and just killed my dad - the last member of my family who gave a rat's ass about me - and ruined my old home so badly that I don't think I can ever go back... And you can see why I hate dark magic so much. It took my love, it took my livelihood, it took my goddamn family. I have nothing left because of it, so..." Declan tried to hold back tears, but he knew it was a fairly lost cause. He could still try though, if nothing else. His dignity was about all he kept from two years ago, and now he was in danger of losing even that.

    "So, now you know. I dunno if I'll ever be able to fully trust you, Melanie, but you know more about what I've been through than anyone. So... take pride in that at least."

  5. Declan sighed a bit; he was already regretting every bit of this. Still, he had to get it off his chest somehow. Besides, it's not like this is the end of the world or anything... Just telling someone how shitty my life's been up until now is something that I've already done today... Still, better start off slow.

    "Look, Melanie... I know I've been a bit of an asshole towards you, but... well, I've been thinking, and I figure it's time you learned exactly why." Declan continued, wondering if perhaps Melanie would ask him something else before he began. Knowing her, it was likely, but he needed to make sure.

  6. Try to please me

    One of the cool people from War for our Waifus and someone I still talk to, though not as often as I used to. You're an okay guy, though I can't say I remember a whole ton about you personally. Ah well.

    8.4/10 for you.

    I agree


    Okay, but seriously. You're... something else. I remember getting you into Danganronpa, I think? And then there's all your waifus. It's ridiculous, but shockingly Yuki has you beat in sheer quantity. You're still worse for liking Cordelia first, though.

    I guess 7.5/10? I mean, we don't talk much anymore and you still like bad characters, but whatever.

    Hey Poly

    ey b0ss

    Pretty much see Jedi's entry. Good thing I don't confuse you two, but honestly, what I said about Jedi applies to you too. Although to a lesser extent, since we haven't known each other quiiiiiiiiiiiite as often.

    Ergo, 7.8/10.

  7. hi poly

    via is cute/10

    Honestly, you're a lot harder on yourself than you should be. Worrying about people and things is normal, and you just happen to have a lot of perfectly valid things to worry about. Nobody's going to give you shit for caring and whoever makes "that" joke is gonna get thwacked.

    I'd give you a 9.2/10 because you're great. (EDIT: adjusted rating for cuteness)

    Greetings, companion.

    Radd sucks. But you're the Protoshota, so you get that credit. Honestly, the fact that I managed to get into various stuff that someone your age... probably shouldn't be playing... is a feat in itself, and shows how open you are to trying new things. Shame we don't talk as much anymore, though.

    I give you a 7.9/10. It'd be higher, but again, we don't talk enough.



    Nah, you're a bro. Sure, I may make fun of you at times... at a lot of times... but still, it's good-natured at heart. Usually. Though that's probably more an indictment on myself than anything. Still, you and I have a lot of shared interests, and you're one of a very small amount of people I can talk wrasslin' with, so that's something.

    Since you're a bro, I'll give you a 9/10.

    The hell's going on? Just kidding; I know.

    Uh... We don't talk that much (I think I literally just met you today?) but you seem decent from what I've seen.

    6.5/10 until I see more from you.



    Uh, aside from mafia, I don't talk to you much either. You should play more mafia, though.

    7/10 for basically same reasons as above.

    This is going to be the Ask Me Anything plague all over again!

    Plz someone get a mod to lock-n-quarantine FFtF before the outbreak spreads!

    actually who are you

    Incomplete rating, I honestly don't know who you are.




    I wish I talked to you more, and we talk a bit now anyways. You're a classy guy, Jedi, and you're definitely someone from SF I'd go for drinks with. Y'know, if I actually drank.

    Solid 8/10. I can't give you more because of how little we actually talk compared to others, but you're a solid guy who'd definitely have a higher score than this if I knew you longer.



    You got me out of the hell known as War for our Waifus and into actually good RPs, so I thank you for that. Plus, if something's up with me, you're usually one of the first people, if not the outright first person, to check up on me and see what's up, and that's boss. Plus you like Persona and shit, which is great. Play Danganronpa, tho.

    Overall, 9/10. Not much to elaborate on here.

    To be fair, if there was ever a bandwagon worth everyone jumping on, it may be this one.

    We should talk more, David, cause you seem like a chill guy. I... actually, I don't think I talk to you much at all, which sucks because you're actually fairly chill.

    7.9/10, if only because you're someone I'd enjoy talking to more.

  8. it's not exactly a bad thing if union dub becomes a thing because while we lose some newer names, we gain other big name possibilities (Troy Baker, Crispin Freeman, Steve Blum, Kari Wahlgren, among others)

    a more pressing matter is the issue that people seem to be doing a lot of cross-region casting from Texas to LA when that is very cost inefficient for the VA (the inverse is also true, but it's a lot easier for certain VAs due to family in the area, taking alternate work on the show, or they just fucking love doing it).

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