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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. Very well, good to know, thanks.

    Since we got this rolling, and the people in this topic are really polite and I kinda like it here, what does people plan for Avatar's second class? I am thinking of having Samurai, so that my Avatar can further evolve his swordstyle and be a wannabe-Ryoma :)

    As a side note, let's not discuss personal skills of characters not revealed in the Famitsu (or the characters at all), I believe that would count as spoilers.

    My favorite two weapon types are lances/naginata and bows/yumi... Guess that means I'm going to become a great merchant,and become the TRUE hero of the proletarian masses, and lead a revolution in nohr!

    But seriously, I'll probably become a basara.

  2. I noticed one thing while looking in the Maximum Stats... I'll put it under spoiler but I really don't think it is. After all, it's about gameplay and it's a minor thing.

    It seems that Weapon Level caps are changed. S is back, but only Trueblades, Holy Lancers, Holy Bowmen, Elite Ninjas, Berserkers and Sorcerers can obtain it with the weapon they use. Nine-tailed Fox and Managarmr can obtain S Stones, but the Avatar can't. The other classes can use two or more weapons, but they can only get A rank in one weapon. The weapon is already determined, so it's a different system, compared to the GBA one. The only exceptions to this are White and Black Blood, who can get A Swords/Stones and Paladin, who can get A Swords/Lances.

    Thats... actually pretty awesome(As long as it isn't like awakening, where literally only the mani katti, amatsu, the long and double bows were exclusive to specialist classes), except for paladins, getting double A's. As much as I love them, they've been (Along with Wyvern Lords and Heroes) The most consistently. good class in the series, no need to give them a buff.

  3. Jonin(High ninjas) are incredibly cool, but I'm going to have to go with either the weapon master(for being the non-mounted, non-armored counterpart of the great knight... and for the sheer hilarity of someone carrying a bunch of katana, naginata, and kanabo while being that slim, and without aid) or the Holy bowman/sniper (Because I really like bows)

    I must say though, I'm a bit disappointed in the lack of hidden weapon using classes.

  4. The interview mentions that leveling supports will be quicker down the Hoshido path -- which would essentially confirm that the limit of five won't be revived, although I don't believe anyone really thought it would be. If they intend for the player to unlock a handful naturally without having to grind for them, hopefully they wrote a few more unique conversations this time around. Assuming that's the case, then Nohr would address the complaints regarding repetitive maps, while Hoshido would address those directed towards repetitive chats.

    That would create an interesting dichotomy, because while Nohr would have a better overarching plot, Hoshido would have characterization, which would mean that Hoshido would not just be completely worse story wise.

    To be fair though, it was never said that Nohr's story was flat out better, but more complex, and while Xenoblade Chronicles is relatively quite complex, so is Sonic the Hedgehog 2006. (Not saying it will be nearly as bad as that... stain but still)

  5. Nah.

    PAL folks have had to wait extra months for decades; we've gotten used to it now. Although that doesn't mean it doesn't suck...

    Curses! I've been ninja'd by by the Admin!

    But yeah, this has always been how it has been in Europe, and especially Australia. All I have to do is temporarily unsubscribe to people like GameXplain for until I complete the game.

    Xenoblade itself was released in Europe first, I thought?

    Yes, Xenoblade was actually localized in Europe (One of like 3-13 games to do that ever), and wasn't going to come out in NA until the fans rioted asked NoA to localize it. (The full story is a little longer than that)

  6. Is it just me or are Orochi AND Rinka fighting their own people here:


    The enemy guy here seems to be in the same class as Orochi as he's using fan/cards/talismans/whatever and wears baggy pant. Looks more like a Hoshidan mage than a Nohrian soldier.

    He could always be a defector who you have to fight, especially considering I'm pretty sure you get Orochi post-chapter 6;


    her text box is white, not brown(so Hoshido, post-chapter 6), and this is presumably when you recruit her and Saizou, considering the fact that they're reporting to you.

  7. I've actually always liked the series for its balance, in say genealogy, you've got marriage as a central theme (happy), but you also have what happened to the entire first generation(minus a few), which is grim, or in say, in awakening, you have the chipper personalities of most of the cast, but also the promise of apocalypse around the corner, of course the balance is very different between them, but that's why I look forward to each story. That's why I hope the story doesn't swing too far either way.

  8. Yeah I'm Chinese who grew up watching period dramas so long hair on guys is per the norm


    The one standing to the right of Camilla's map sprite.

    Is it bad that I had to Google what a period drama was?

    Oh, I see her now! Though she might be a fighter, considering how similar they are to barbarians, but she's probably the latter, considering she's from the 'evil' side.

  9. There is a female-looking barbarian-like map sprite in one of the Nohr screenshots, is what I'm thinking Loki's referring to. I'm pretty excited for Rinka myself, though. Why is she never an option in these polls

    Also tbh ponytails is a very common masculine look in more east-asian influenced aesthetics or at least neutral. I come from a wuxia-watching background so I'd honestly argue that, due to the cultural influence for Hoshido, that ponytail is actually a, not an end-all-be-all but, a fairly swaying indication of masculinity since feminine hairstyles can get, as seen with Orochi, really elaborate.

    ...I just realised that a lot of Hoshidan women have short-ish hair. Sakura has relatively shorter hair as far as women are concerned, Hinoka has pretty damn short hair. As far as Rinka's model goes, that's another tally for short hair. The long hair women like Empress and Orochi have much fancier styles than a ponytail.

    Edit: Whoops forgot about Kazahana for a bit though

    Yeah, I know A lot of asian men rock ponytails(Thanks AtLA!) but there was also, Felicia,and Kazahana: girls with ponytails, from(and also, I'm African, so I was conditioned to associate longer hair with women), so I thought the hairstyle was too ambiguous to make a call(Since I'm pretty sure ponytails are signs of dedication). You do raise a good point though, looking at the Hoshidan girls again, they all seem to be wearing something prominent on their hair, while Tsubaki is wearing something more subtle.

    Also, I must not have been wearing my glasses while looking at the, because I have no idea where the fembarian is. could you show me the image, at least?

  10. Welp. This thread continued to spiral into the offensive black hole of rubbish.

    Tsubaki being a dude would pretty cool with me. Why not? Hes probably totally gr9mazing and a smooth talker. And he rides a freaking pegasus. All the gender stereotypes out the freaking window. I like how Nohr gets a burly buff fighter lady. femZerkers? YES PLEASE!

    If it wasn't for the pegasus and the ponytail, I wouldn't doubt that he/she/zhe was a man.

    Also, are you talking about Rinka/Linca? Because she seems to be Hosihido exclusive, because she appears on the hoshidan side of the battle on the bridge,dual attacking with Orochi, and in the Hoshidan throne room when Ryouma is talking to Kamui(at least, I think so).

    On the topic of characters, I'm most interested in Orochi, Takumi(archer), and the cavalier girl we saw like, twice.

  11. Not related to the dancer at all, but a few musings (Pictures mostly stolen burrowed from serenes analysis):

    firstly: Isn't it odd how, when the trailer is talking about 'the path of Hoshido', it shows Ryouma, a Hoshidan samurai kneeling before you, and ???, a Hoshidan archer/sniper, about to attack you.

    (Max respect btw, an archer/ sniper leading sword wielders. Gaiden archer/10)

    Similar thing with Marx, who's ready to give you a taste of your own medicine.(He says 'As for this justice you believe in... prepare to receive it!')

    tumblr_nmbaa9L0zW1swncgio1_500.jpgThe feel when wrecked...

    Both of these lead me to believe both games might pull a Pokemon mystery dungeon, making you have to live as a fugitive, at least for a while.

    Secondly is a part in the Japanese direct:

    Orochi(some sort of mage that can use ice magic through fans), as well as red-haired shanksaizou, who are delivering a message, with at least Orochi being heavily wounded. It seems something has happened to Ryouma, and Takumi(possibly the Archer guy), at the border. It's interesting to note two things: 1: this has the white text box, so is definitely post-ch6, and two, this would mean Ryouma doesn't join your party until later, likely due to his strength, which would have similar implications for Marx, and two: Tsubaki and Kazahana aren't there either, there's only Kamui, Nini-bride, Sakura, and Luigi-ninja, implying they are also out fighting(In the scene prior, Kamui asks Kazahana will be fighting, she says she will, says she's most trusted by Sakura, but Tsubaki(Peg.knight guy) objects.


    There's also a cavalier, almost definitely a Nohrian (Or bandit), implying this is either right at the beginning or near the end of a chapter. That means either this is quite early in the campaign, they went out to war with Takumi(If he's the archer, I'm pretty sure all were seen in the January direct, fighting in a dojo), or this is them not being deemed important enough to the plot.(Actually, reading the serene's analysis, it seems to be the latter :tangerinedry: unless you lose control of him for some reason)

    And Finally is Kamui's Text when choosing a side: "Yeah... I'll go with Hoshido" Compared to "Even so, I'll go with Nohr" is a pretty starkcontrast, meaning he had been given good reason for joining Hoshido... or at least betraying Nohr. Think about it, when he's talking to the Nini-bride, he talks about how he was born in Hoshido, but raised in Nohr, and this is brown text, so pre ch-6 at least.She also seems to be the deuteragonist, and that may hint at an early recruitment(unless she decides to be an ephraim, but at least he was mentioned

    feif-april009-300x168.jpg In East Philadelphia born, West Philadelphia raised.(I don't actually know much about either)

    Could it have been that he still remembers his family? They certainly remember him, but I wonder how much he remembers, and how early he was abducted by Garon(He certainly doesn't seem too happy about being bossed around by him, responding to the old fart the way you'd expect a teenager:with a flat yes...)

  12. Well, goodness, it seems like it's been a bit. Well, there are a bunch of reasons that I won't bore you with for that. I'm just here to announce that I will be leaving the RP. Life's stepping up on the stresses, and I've no intention of attempting to hold things in an iron grip when I'm not doing anything to contribute. I had fun, and I wish you all the best with the rest of the RP. Luck to everyone!

    Bye Kat... Good luck with whatever life is throwing at you.
  13. It took Ace one look at Crizix's nervous expression to realize just how stressed out she was. Picking up both Poly and Alicia, Ace nodded, "Yeah, let's head back to camp."

    Jack Taylor meanwhile had stumbled onto the abandoned Durandal, "Are my eyes decieving me? Is this the Blazing Blade Durandal? Who goes leaving a legendary sword in here?"

    "... That would probably be a good idea... Everyone is ... Likely tired from this battle." Samson tiredly chipped in.
  14. Uh... Can I join?

    Name: Quisto Selisimo

    Race: Human

    Appearance: Short and stocky build, but not fat. Spiked black hair with very short, brown bangs. Dark olive piercing eyes. Dark purple armour over the same color shirt, and white trousers. Burnt patches of skin on face and hands, usually concealed by black gloves and dark purple helmet.

    Back-story: As a child, it was obvious something was wrong with him. Whenever someone was doing wrong, instead of trying to tell on them, he would attack them. He was found to be under the control of a malicious ghost. Believing if they killed him, they would also be rid of it, they left him near a wyverns nest on the island of Einad desert to die. He managed to survive long enough, however, for a certain group of Naga to find him. After some convincing, they came to an agreement. He would be taken care of, but he would have to take care of all of their invalids and protect the young, and old every night.. Eventually, when the agreement was over, he wrote a note in the sand and disappeared. He then returned to human civilization.

    Stats n' stuff:

    Class: Knight (added growths. Bases in(double brackets)

    HP 27( +racial bonus(3) 80%)

    Str: 6 (50% (+15% base +2)

    Mag: 3(35%(+3 base, + 35 %)

    Spd 1 (10%)

    Skl: 4 (35% (+1 base, + 10%)

    Def: 6(60%(+10)

    Res: 3 (40%(+10% +1 base.)

    Affinity: light

    Weapon ranks: Axe D, Light E(human bonus.)

    Inventory: Iron axe, vulenrary

    Skill: Armoured.

  15. (Also, we have someone capable of a performing a psychological assessment?)


    *wonders if she should go and check on the Dreamers*

    Samson regretfully looked up. "That ...is outside my... My area of expertise... Sorry."

    (I think the closest are yuffie and kat)

  16. Once crizix had applied ointment, Samson reached for his mend staff. There was nothing there, so he grabbed catharsis and began to focus all his energy into it. After a good minute of focusing, he released a bright green flash. It completely covered poly in green energy. He hoped that meant it would completely heal him, as his energy was now drained for the most part.


    Ace came running, "What the hell is going here?"

    Samson came running. "Did someone call or a-" he then noticed Poly and Alicia. "Damn!" Samson saw Poly not breathing, and decided he should first try hands-only CPR. "What happened?"

    (... And... I'm going to sleep. Ciao.)

  18. There's nothing to do because there's no postgame. What we refer to as "postgame" are things that can be done before the final chapter. Beating the game unlocks prizes, but not additional missions or anything else.

    Well, there is... Kind of. There Lunatic+, which is essentially the same, but harder, and requires you to beat lunatic first.
  19. Samson woke up to find a dead zombie (lol counter) and a lack of glasses, and his mend staff gone. Seeing a large black creature he recognised as Formotiis, he drew his brave axe and rushed at it.

    Samson : 80/80

  20. Enemy Phase!!


    • ​Attacks Ephraim for 7 damage
    • Attacks Samson, but misses, due to his sleepwalking
    Fomortiis: Crizix's Rexcalibur spell would have hurt him, but Aegis nullified the attack from doing enough damage, which was down to 3. Oh, how the mighty have fallen. Do you see now that all of your struggles up til now were naught? All of your endeavors are full of sound and fury, humanoids. Ultimately signifying nothing. And now all that stands to defy me are an insufferable princess and but a wee lass? *Activates Stun and uses Demon Light on Eirika for colossal damage of 63 damage* Heheheheh. It's over for you now. Hell's gate awaits all of you.

    Fomortiis HP: 20

    Player Phase!!

    (Oh dear, what'll happen now?)

    Samson felt a lance pass right behind him. "N-no... Get away.. Don't hurt them, please... No' no get away! STOP!" In his slumber induced senselessness, he began to swing his mend staff, before accidentally throwing it. The rod landed at Eirika's feet, Healing her for 36 HP, but making the staff damaged beyond repair.
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