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Posts posted by BravuraLevi

  1. As the risen disappeared around her, she ran over to where Nathaniel lay slumped, and frantically looked at his wounds. All she could see was the pool of blood seeping out from his rib from where he had stabbed himself. "Someone heal him. NOW!" [Come on...don't die on us...We can't lose you...Not now...]

    Samson had already slung Dan over his shoulder, and now knelt by Nathaniel, channeling energy into his staff.

  2. Dan began walking away from Nathaniel. He didn't want to hurt him, but he couldn't do anything to that book. As he was walking away, he bumped into someone. He was about to apologize when he felt something hit him on the head. Then everything went black.

    "For the love of...Dan?!"

  3. "Let me go!" Nathaniel yelled, but he once again felt himself readying an attack.

    "Nathaniel! What are you doing?" Samson dodged Nathaniel's spelll by a few inches, releasing a small electric shock at him.

  4. Meanwhile, more risen were formed by the dark mist...

    Nathaniel felt her lips against his, and jerked his head away. "This... This is wrong!" Nathaniel turned on his heel and grabbed Weaver.

    "No, Nathaniel. This is right... So very, very right!" Weaver threw his head back and laughed, showing his red eyes. "This is how everything should've been! You, Elise..."

    "No... NO!" Nathaniel turned around and ran as fast as he could. Weaver appeared in front of him, making him stop in his tracks.

    "Why resist? You have everything thing you'd ever want here, in this book..." The book. THE BOOK.

    Nathaniel's eyes snapped open, and he went back to reality. He tried to throw the book to the ground, but his arms refused to move. Without him giving the command, his arms began to reach down for his tome to attack the Dreamers...

    "N-no... Let me go, bastard!"

    "Nathan- urk!" He was hit by Nathaniel's spell, and had to step back "Why are you attacking?"

  5. Samson pulled out his staff, he used it, pushing away the mist for a second, before it returned (... no. we're going to need to tackle the source.) A risen tried to hit him with it's claws,but he dodged, before electrocuting it to death

  6. Samson ran into Nathaniel's room and was greeted with the sight of purple mist and risen (Risen! here?!And...) Samson swung his axe at the mist, not disturbing in the slightest (...This is no ordinary, physical mist...)

  7. Right, skirmish rules.

    1: Nathaniel will be in his room, facing his inner demons. You can't reach him until he is finished, at which point you'll end up fighting him until he falls unconsicous, as he is possessed by the souls within the book.

    2: The enemies are risen, and do not include any flying or mounted enemies.

    3: This won't be turn/stats-based.

    Right. I'll type the beginning text...

    All right. I'm back.

  8. "Just home. Nothing too important..."

    "Thank you. And yes I know."

    Stay out mah head Klotho!!!

    "Home is very important, Mr Sorin. I should add that Ms Kat has commissioned me to kill one of them, but says I should get one or two people to help. Would you be interested?"

  9. Sorin shook the thoughts away and continued training. His mind continued to think about home despite his protests. 'Maybe I should get a head start and leave for Valm. Kat and Dusk are more than capable of handling things here.'

    "Mr- I mean, Sorin, are you alright?"

    "Yes, yes. I'd ask you to prove it, but we've company still."

    (Also, Bravura, weren't you and Nathaniel doing a Paralogue?)

    (Not yet. Soon. I need to get Samson to speak with Nathaniel first.)

  10. Dammit Kat, that wasn't even what I meant...

    *sigh* ...Usually somebody else from the Shepherds would be watching me train. Usually Donnel... Still have no clue how he managed to get Sully to love him. Sometimes Duck would train with me or we'd have a royal between Chrom, Lon'qu, Vaike, and myself just because... "Am...Am I lonely?"

    Samson had left Kat's room, and had eventually found Sorin (...Is he talking to himself?)

  11. "I guess... Kinda ruins plans though if people walk in uninvited tho-" He suddenly shot up once he heard what Dan had said. "Excuse me?.. WHAT?"

    Samson had been wandering, deep in thought, when he heard dusk shout very nearby, and tripped heavily into a wall.

    (I'm half tempted to make him trip through it.)

  12. I don't know if anyone can exactly answer this, but what seems like the time most of us are on RPing? Because every time I seem to come on, no one's online...I must have horrible timing or something...

    about... 12 hours from when I'm posting.

    Also, goodbye and good luck, Anon.

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