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Duke of Dozel

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Posts posted by Duke of Dozel

  1. Felicia!Kanna isnt THAT bad.

    35 23 33 35 43 50 20 30 Base Growth

    HP:50% STR:38% MAG:43% SKL:45% SPD:53% LUK:60% DEF:30% RES:35% as a Nohr Princess.

    She's easy to get, joins early, and can boast prepromote skills from the maid class or other. Not very optimal, but still works.

  2. Aiaiai that's adorable. Thank you~

    There isn't a lot of Las/Azura on Pixiv, but I did find this for you: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=52186237

    Thanks! Im always on the look out.

    honestly if it didn't wreck Ophelia, I'd go for it all the time. It's really, really cute and Kagero is really, REALLY cute in it.

    Well, (65 + 15)/2 = 40% str growth, plus a huge mod. She would actually make a great mixed fighter. If only Odin came sooner to make use of her speed and str boost in S rank pair up.

  3. Someone else who likes Saizo/Sakura! That support was too good, it's great seeing Sakura be so assertive and mature. I do like Las/Orochi, too, but my heart is set on Las/Peri.

    I actually stumbled on Pixiv where I saw a very cute collection of Sakura/Saizo if you wanna check it out: http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=55292584

    Sadly I can never find Las/Azura, but Im sure it's out there.

  4. Just out of pure curiosity, is Sakura better as a war priestess or an onmyouji?

    Shes slightly faster, bulkier and luckier as a War Priestess, but only has 22 STR on average for bows, which is the same as a level 20 Sniper Setsuna minus the damage boosting skills. Meanwhile, sage exceeds her magic more. It's really on preference.

  5. Of course, with the right asset/flaw combo, your Corn could work with any of those DLC classes. Also, why no mention of the Ballistician?

    Because Ballistician is a class made for throwaway characters and PvP so they can contribute. Almost anyone is good as one, especially Takumi because Fuujin Yumi.

  6. Would Azura be a better Witch, Songstress, or Great Lord?

    Songstress. She should never be anything else outside of training.

    In Hoshido, Azama wants out ASAP. Get him a DLC class if you plan on using him. Ryoma also wouldnt mind some Dread Fighter skills, and Kaze is great as one.

    Orochi gains a 90% magic growth and 35% speed growth (her highest possible) as a Witch and since she comes early, it'll be best utilized by her. Almost everyone loves Warp and Witch's Poison, however Warp is extremely good with Azura as it lets her teleport anywhere near your units, whether to get out of danger or to dance for someone. It's also a good way for your little sisters to start training in tomes very early and add to their usefulness.

    You get an unlimited amount of Ike and Robin class seals in DLC but only 1 Lodestar seal and 1 Great Lord. Lodestar is for very balanced fighters who could also want more speed, through Gentle Blade or Speed Drain, as well as just being hella lucky and super balanced. Xander, Hinata, Laslow, Hisame, etc. all work great here. Great Lord is extremely wide spread since many women in the game either use swords or lances anyway, and it gives them Aether and Awakening, two VERY solid skills. Oboro, Hinoka, Hana, Selena, Mozu, Caeldori, and Azura if you're optimizing your dancer.

    Vanguard works great for fast characters looking to trade speed for STR and bulk. Ryoma, Arthur, Laslow, Lutz, Silas all work great. Grandmaster is there for your mixed supportive fighters. Odin, Hayato, Leo and Saizo come to mind.

    As for Dark Flier, a class thats easy to swap in for lancers and magic alike, Leo, Orochi, Hayato, Rhatja, Oboro, Odin, Nyx, and Forrest like this class. Galeforce has been nerfed, so Kamuisexuals or single kids also work here.

  7. Yeah, the older bros are roughly even. It could be hinted that Xander is stronger due to his battle scene showing him kicking your ass on his final fight, only pretty much giving up when you actually fight him because of the murder he committed. Ryoma never has the upper hand on Kamui in any cutscene and the only battle where he's going all out, he still loses to them.

    Camilla and Leo are clearly stronger than their Hoshido counterparts, Leo in particular is practically feared by his own soldiers (Iago). Both Sakura and Elise don't have fighting experience as far as we know, so that's hard to decide. They probably wouldn't even fight each other if given the chance.

    Xander>Ryoma>Leon>Camilla>Hinoka>Takumi>little sisters.

  8. Nah, dragonstone is meant story-wise to patch up defense, this would work right? On PVP i'm not even sure which class i'll take but this probably won't be dark blood, or any Kamui-locked class.

    It'll insure OHKOs very often, especially with Felicia or Gunter support. There are better options but Dragonstone plus can be used without any real issues on all routes up to around the late middle, I think.

  9. I don't like Odin and I hate Peri. While Effie can be boring, she's a monster of usefulness. Arthur is just a riot, love the guy. They get my vote.

    I like Saizo but Kagero doesn't stand out much to me. Setsuna is dull and Azama is an odd one that I can't fully understand. It's a tough one, but I choose team Takumi.

  10. For Azura's Foreign Princess skill, does it work in online battles against the other team?

    (For reference: “Foreign Army” enemies within a 2 tile radius deal 2 less damage and receive 2 extra damage)

    I know it does depending on route, but I haven't tried Revelations yet.

    Will the Localization version of Conquest/Nohr will have good story, and etc.?

    You act like any normal person would know this

  11. Can we just agree that Joker and Rinka have way better supports than with each other? Joker actually has a nice support with Kagero, and Rinka with Kaze.

    But one of my least favorites is CharlottexKaze and how OOC that S rank is.


    Charlotte: Su~zuka~ze-sa~n! You did well in today’s training again~! Here, a towel and some water~!

    Suzukaze: Thank you very much. But… Recently, you’ve been calling out to me a lot, haven’t you.

    Charlotte: Yes, of course~! Well~ You’re very cool~ it’s because you can accept my true self~ ……. Really, I’ve want to pull it off completely. (??) Hey, are you starting to see my appeal yet?

    Suzukaze: That you’re so passionate is wonderful, but isn’t it better to pay attention to other people?

    Charlotte: Ehh~ Noo~. All I need is you~.

    Suzukaze: A-ah…

    Charlotte: That’s why, someday I want to marry you~. Kya! I said it~! Heey, Suzukaze-san. Do you also want to marry me?

    Suzukaze: Eh? Um…

    Charlotte: I’m cute, and I can cook, so I wouldn’t be a bad wife, right~.

    Suzukaze: That’s true. I agree.

    Charlotte: Yes! So you’ll marry me~!

    Suzukaze: N-no, that’s not what I…

    Charlotte: Why not~! So, I’m really no good…?

    Suzukaze: No, that’s…

  12. Not really sure why we are talking about Dark Mage though since most of the units in Nohr are physical. Most of them would benefit from the cavalier line.

    In the cases of Arthur, Jakob, Xander, and Silas, she gives them and their kids dark mage or nothing, so that already lowers her pairing options. But then again, she's kinda stuck with Laslow anyway.

  13. Yeah, not much people use her, but why? She doesn't seems bad by growths for me, really. Maybe she's outclassed by Xander-san and Silas-san?

    She joins late with meh bases, her only saving grace being nice growths and weapon ranks + horse. Her personal is useless without galeforce or Azura refreshing her, generally. She gets outclassed by Xander real soon, and Silas has been more useful and/or of a higher level. She also has a worthless reclass option that many husbands/kids won't like (dark mage). She isn't bad, but completely ignorable outside of pair up/marriage

  14. It's also worth noting that Hisame's personal works great with Peri since her high res and low skill compliment the +SKL/RES it gives him. Minor, but worth bringing up. Not many people want Peri anyway and since Hinata is good with anyone, it's a great pair to slap together.

    How does Lodestar!Hinata fare if you ever did it.

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