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Everything posted by Vhaltz

  1. Also if somebody wants to contact me they should probably open a conversation for me to respond to whenever because I'm out of the house pretty often while I'm with Mitsuki.
  2. Junko logs Dand logs Bolded line: note scorri's role was proven N1 when Rein was announced as a chump. My logs
  3. ##Vote: Terra Too many plays irk me. Why would you turbolynch scorri without a response from her? even if you were forced to jail her you knew there was a 1-shot doc around for use that night that could've also blocked the kill. Why would you attempt to pressure and control all of Junko's/Dan's/my roles for N4 instead of letting town leaders come up with optimal actions to catch scum? Specially when fypov Rocky's slot and J's were scum and you were so quick to call that scumteam, then why tell Junko to bodyguard you?
  4. And also since I'm probably not going to be around for long periods of time because Christmas, don't lynch anybody who isn't J or Terra, one of the disruptive roles is necessarily mafia, since nobody has claimed having their role tampered with throughout the game other than redirected/jailed targets (making a hidden mafia roleblocker extremely unlikely) Last scum should be within Elie/Dandragon, since I doubt that J/Terra are a team (although I'll have to reread logs to make sure I'm not wrong)
  5. Uh, whoever was jailed should probably claim blocked btw
  6. Vhaltz

    The Well

    Psych Radiant Dragon
  7. Poly's claim is just generally eh. It has too many restrictions to be of any use in this setup, and there's already a role that can act as a small backup for investigation and protection. Unlike poly's it's been proven and is almost certainly town unless somebody else wants to claim that they also have a rolecop that justifies Mancer's "scans as informed/strongman" All in all the restrictions given in Poly's claim feel more like an excuse to not be able to do shit with what there is so far than they feel like restrictions for the sake of balance.
  8. are you guys trying to enable a suicide command or something
  9. Hey Dan do you have skype? If so search for Vhaltz and talk to me there, if you don't then just talk to me through PM
  10. [6:23:42 PM] SB: you guys realise you dont need a hammer to lynch so whoever has the most votes will die unless there's a tie right For future reference, don't think there was a clear mention of this is in the rules Also votes aren't tied, Rocky is in there twice so only dandragon is at 2 votes
  11. Also ##Vote: kirsche I get the feeling you've been avoiding OC quite a bit more than I'd expect from you, any reasons for that? you should've talked to quite a few people afaik so show me what you've gotten so far, what are your reads and why?
  12. cases not only limited to the four people in that conversation in case that was confusing, just making a case for whatever you have in mind that makes you think somebody is more likely scum than everyone else works
  13. Posting cases and voting is also encouraged, let's get the most out of deadline and aim to get a good lynch, if nothing comes up then we can switch back to no lynch or whatever but don't agree with NL just because it means you get to not effort at deadline.
  14. Instead of giving up on having a meaningful lynch today earlier than necessary, I think everybody should just read this interesting conversation and comment on everything that they can. Refa and I already have some opinions and they're timestamped and whatever so I'd rather see what people have to say before I comment myself.
  15. I'm a gaylord ##Unvote still gotta talk with Mancer Poly Dan and Rocky but I'm falling asleep here, I'll do whatever with my vote when I wake up and my ideas don't all seem dumb
  16. wait to be fair Terra didn't post himself as much as other people just posted about his thoughts Still you get my point
  17. Please quit role speculation in public. SB checks his setups for fakeclaim viability iirc so rolespeccing night 0 won't get you anywhere, role paranoia is also easy to fake as scum, so all we're getting from this is people being generally harder to read. This is mainly aimed at Terrador but also applies to Mancer/Dan/other people who tagged along
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