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Everything posted by Chen

  1. dies irae btfo... muramasa is the new hotness
  2. probably persona 3 QOTD 1462 - How low do you set your expectations?
  3. can anyone else see hidden posts or is it just me
  4. skyrim and casual games are making your kids dumb
  5. yes QOTD 1461 - What was the longest videogame you played yet? submitted by Anonymous
  6. *induces rain* nothin personel zhuge liang...
  7. jokes aside fromsoft has some pretty weird sounding games
  8. ^no yes QOTD 1460 - Do you consider eating to be a social activity? submitted by I do not : /
  9. heh https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DUUSBMRU8AEXKzy.jpg
  10. somebody please hire me to be a journalist, i want to shitpost and get paid
  11. carrying around a "credit" card. the hell is that??? QOTD 1459 - Do you usually pay with cash?
  12. I remember when an Alicesoft game got onto the 3ds
  13. when will DSP break down and give into 2D and stream bad dating sims
  14. NO MOBILE SHIT, THAT IS A DISEASE princess maker QOTD 1458 - Is there anything society considers normal that you think is strange? submitted by Anonymous
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