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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. 8/10 Whats there to say about Cuan? He's good in 2 chapters, great in 1.5 chapters and death on a horse in the other half. He also has a cool wife. Cuan and Lex are good examples of how a lack of pursuit doesn't break a unit. He loses some points for starting in axeland and leaving early, but when he's around he has both good offense and good defense.
  2. 6.5/10 Perhaps this is a bit biased since Azel is my favorite unit in gen 1 aside from furry. Azel has a lot to boast for, but he has a lot of downsides as well. When he comes his offence is second only to Sigurd and he has the speed and magic growth to keep his offence up. He also gains a pony after promotion and it a pretty good dad. The bad parts are his horrible move before promotion, his defense and fire magic. He'll still double's almost any non-boss characters, but his avoid is taking a pretty big hit.
  3. Perhaps I will try it in the future, but after playing trough the gameboy advance titles and path of radiance in the last 2 months i'm now taking a break from fire emblem for a little while.
  4. I don't really like Low turn counts. It makes reading trough discussions a little boring for me, but if thats whats populair now, I guess I just have to suck it up.
  5. I know this is a necropost, but I have an urgent question. My internet connection did't work for a couple of months so I could't join the ambassador program. I looked around and saw I still had the ability to get the 20 free games, but I have no idea how to get them. I went to a site where I had to give the code from the back of my 3ds to register myself and i've received a conformation that my 3ds qualified for the program. I've tried looking at "your downloads" like I saw on the help site, but nothing apeared. Thanks in advance. (Edit):I did buy it before the price drop btw.
  6. I like Vaida. The only thing hotter then her is her 22 base defense and her weapon ranks. She's a great tank and she flies too. Her late joining and her bad speed brings her down a little. 6.5/10
  7. Seth truly is a unit that deserves a perfect score....but i'm not going to give him one since I don't like him as a character. 9.5/10 since even I can't deny how great his is.
  8. Jaffar used to be my favorite unit in my first playtrough. I really sucked back then and when I watched him slaughter his way trough the mooks I immiedetly thought he was the best unit in the game. Of course now I know a lot better. Jaffar is still good or at the very least better then Karel, but thats about it. being locked to swords hurt him and while his combat is good its nothing special. He does have the nice ability to open chest. All in all I give him a 6.5 for being a good filler unit.
  9. I'm givng her a 2.5/10. I must admit i've always disliked Nino even when she was still extremely populair. I've always thought training her was way too hard and her sweet personality annoyed me. I trained her last time and I must admit she is pretty good when trained. The problem is that she is only good for a very short amount of time and the leads she has on Erk and Pent are overkill. The earlier mage's will perform fine at endgame so there isn't any reason to train Nino.
  10. I would like to see some actual benefits of having an assasin. Perhaps they could give them an innate pass skill and make them do extra damage when they attack someone from behind.
  11. Its been a while since I've played fe6, but aren't those growths way to high for this game? As far as I remember most growths where a little low and only Liliana had a 70% magic and luck growth. Here multiple characters have high growths in a lot of stats.
  12. Ok thanks for clering that up, but isnt it usually the case that roy supports allen and Lance instead of Lilina?
  13. I'm not that good with tier lists, but do you all mind if I ask a question? Why is Lilina above Hugh? She needs to be promoted to match hugh's base speed and she has a lower growth, so Hugh can do more damage if there are enemies he can double and she can't. Lilina also does more harm then good when she joins and while Hugh is by no means an amazing unit when he joins, he isn't a burden either.
  14. I can't say i'm all that fond about Micaiah. As a unit she is ok, she can heal and thany bombing is usefull in part 1. I only wished she was just a tad faster. Most of my complains are about her personality. During part 1 she is just annoyingly good and pure and She derailed sothe's personality by making him some Knight Templar Big Brother. I actually liked her a bit more in part 3 where she was shown making a disgusting but effective tactic showing that she could do terrible things too. In part 4 I liked her even less then in part 1 since I felt that the reveal in the end was horribly executed and was never explained how she survived as a child and how she ended up with some old lady.
  15. The title says it all. What is in your opinion the most overated and underrated pairing in the game Overated: Probably Levin/Tiltyu Everyone keeps talking about how awesome it is to have an holsety user on a pony for the entire part 2. My problem with this pairing is that Arthur still starts as a mage with a lousy 5 move and he has now pursuit. In other words he needs either the Pursuit ring and the leg/elite ring to make sure he has more movement/promotes faster. Isn't that a bit too much resources for him since he isn't the only one who wants those rings. I could be a little bit biased towards this pairing since I like azel/Tiltyu but I believe that azel himself is considered bad because of his 5 move while his offense is great. Of course Arthur doesn't join with an army of horses but still. Underrated: Uh maybe Dew/Ira its a good pairing although its horribly outclassed by both Lex and Holyn.
  16. So you can join underleveled and be crushed in stats but still be better because your movement is better? I can't say I agree to that but then again I am not that knowledgeable about tier list except that I enjoy reading them. If i'm not mistaked Makalov quickly grows more defense and HP the stefan and the avoid lead isn't that much because stefan's luck sucks.
  17. Can a case be made to either lower Makalov or give Stefan a rise? There is almost no availebility lead as Makalov is recruited halfway in chapter 14 and after that he has trouble moving in the dessert. Now if we look at their base stats you can see that Stefan is absolutely crushing the pink haired loser in stats. +8hp, +10 str, +20 skill, +15 skill and 2 more defense. It takes a lot of time for Makalov to catch up for Stefans bases and even then stefan would probably have gained some levels. Makalov needs to be 20/6 to match Stefans base strenght,20/16 for speed and he nver catches up in skill. He does gain more defense and luck but he loses offense forever. Is Makalov so much higher because his movenment lead and rescuing people or does the durability lead count that much?
  18. I have heard of it but I never watched it.

  19. oops my mistake its been a while since I last played the game.
  20. Ik know but you said arthur got pursuit anyway but his parents only have continue, critical and wrath or do you mean he gets it when he promotes into a mage knight?
  21. Tiltyu only has the wrath skill right?
  22. Some characters like levin or dew gain pursuit once they promote but do those skill transfer to the children when you pair those character with a non pursuit mother. i'm going to try livin/tityu for early holsety and dew/lachesis since dew gives his children better growths.
  23. Ah the all hail britania thing kind of confused me.

  24. Ah the all hail britania thing kind of confused me.

  25. I guess you live in britain right?

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