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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I always thought that Raine's voice actress (tales of symphonia) would be a good choice for Titania.
  2. The game isn't out in Europe yet, but i'm definately gonna pick it up. I'll probably start with Oshawot since I already used Snivy and I don't like tepig. Aside from that I have a Roserade planned and a Magmar. Roserade is a pretty good mon so he will be fine, but i've been wondering how Magmar will do ingame. I can't trade so Magmortar is out of the question. Still 95 attack, 100 spa and 93 speed doesn't look all that bad. Perhaps an eviolite will make him less frail. Any opinion on Magmar so far? I know he's outclassed by Arcanine, but I want to try something new this game.
  3. Definately Calill as well. At first I thought she was just some vain shallow woman, but her supports are pretty funny and she's actually a nice character in her supports. Also from Fe9 is Tauroneo. My first thought was: What a boring general, but after a while I started to like him and now he's one of my favorites. Pelleas did a good job at growing on me too. At first I thought he was just a weak and whimpy ruler, but he does some nice growing in the game.
  4. I am agreeing with pretty much everyting you said, however you are making a certain general very sad for not mentioning him when talking about Dain units. Jill isn't my favorite, but she does come close. her conversation with Ashnard was pretty awesome/funny.
  5. i'm Dutch so I don't know all that much about American politics, but I would prefer if Obama wins. Most of my country is probably pro Obama since most of the republican ideals just seem weird to us and on the other side we're probably a republican's biggest nightmare. I watched an intersting show about the presedential elections yesterday. Apearently the repulicans where a lot more moderate 30 years ago before they where held hostage by their extreme right flank.
  6. Am I the only one that did't get the joke? Anyway I did't watch the debate since it aired on 3 o clock at nigh over here, but from the information I heard about it Romney both won and lost. He was "better" in the debate, but he failed to completely destroy Obama and Obama did't make any big mistakes that could harm him.
  7. Sasori

    Finish my team

    Thanks I just defeated Norman and yeah Linoone can learn surf for some weird reason. I was a little suprised with Norman. People always talk like he's a really hard gym leader, but I defeated him pretty easely. Slaking only used counter so I just attacked when Truant activated and had Aron use iron defence when he was using counter. Only Linoone gave me some trouble when he was using belly drum. I had more trouble with Flanary and especially Wattson.
  8. Lord: Celice Cavalier/Paladin/Similar: Fe9 Titania (screw Seth I don't like him.) Myrmidon/Swordmaster: Zihark Mercenary/Hero: Dieck Fighter/Warrior: Dorcas Soldier/Halberdier: Devdan/Danved Pegasus Knight/Falcon Knight: Fiona Dracoknight/Dragon Master: Vaida Archer/Sniper: Klein Nomad/Nomadic Trooper/Similar: Shin Armor Knight/General: Wallace Mage/Sage: Azel Dark Mage/Sorcerer: Pelleas Priest/Monk/Bishop/Similar: Oliver Troubadour/Valkyrie/Similar: Cecilia Thief/Rogue/Similar: Matthew Beast Laguz: Volug Bird Laguz: Janaff Dragon Laguz: Dheginsea Manakete: Bantu (not an underdressed Loli) Dancer/Bard/Heron: Elphin (Spoony bard) Other: Xane since he's the only one I can pick in this one.
  9. Sasori

    Finish my team

    I've recently started playing Pokemon Emerald and i'm enjoying it so far, but I have a bit of dificulty deciding on my team. I'm now in the Lavaridge gym. My team currently consists of. 1. Grovyle 2. Kirlia 3. Linoone (going to replace him later) 4. Aron 5. Electrike 6. Swablu (I don't know if i'm gonna keep that one. I like Altaria, but I wanted to try a Tropius too so i'm undecided as of now) Anyway any advice on what I should replace Linoone with and if I should stick with Swablu or go for a Tropius later? I guess I need a water pokemon for later, but none of the hoenn water pokemon are all that apealing to me.
  10. Its pretty difficult when you start out especially if your doing a blind playtrough. The amount of broken units the game trows at you makes it a lot easier, but the the non holy weapon users can still get in trouble since the enemies hit pretty hard in this game.
  11. Chikorita was the first starter I used in gold. Unfortunately my gameboy colour was stolen so I did't get very far, but I could try again in Crystal where I choose it too. As a kid I though Chiko was pretty good, but now I know better. Grass is really, really bad in Johto it only hits poliwrath and pryce's pokemon for super effective damage. The rest is either neutral or resisted. Its good against normal encounters, but its really an inferior choice in gyms. 4.5/10 Cyndaquil is my favorite of the 3. Cyndaquil is cute and Typlosion is awesome. Its doing pretty good ingame too, Fire is a pretty good type for the gym leaders and it can hit a lot of elite 4 mons for super effective as well. His movepool is kinda sucky though. 8.5+ 1 bias. (9.5/10
  12. Is playing Muramasa: the demon blade.
  13. Thanks for doing these ratings. I'm finally picking Emerald up again.
  14. Perhaps they could just improve longbows. In most games they are pretty awfull, in the gba games longbows had crappy mt, while in radiant dawn they had awfull hit rates. Making them less rare might also help. I like to have an archer in my team and since I dislike Shinnon I often ended up with Rolf. He has an horrible start and from an efficiancy viewpoint he's god awfull, but he isn't all the bad in a casual playtrough when you get him out of his sucky phase.
  15. I'm hoping that Lex, Azel or Tiltyu make it in that way, but I highly doubt it.
  16. My first choice would probably be Tauroneo which was a big suprise to me. I thought he was boring at first, but I really like his backstory in the Rolf support and his boss conversation with Ashnard and Bryce. Titania for her personality and her looks don't hurt her either. As for others uh I always thought Tormod and Callil where pretty awesome.
  17. Est face looks more then a little weird. I was never an Est fan and this pic won't change my mind. Catria is pretty good in my opinion. Palla is way too much fanservice and like brightbow said she doesn't give the impression of the oldest and more mature whitewing. I don't think the artwork is bad, but I think it just doesn't fit palla very well. Uh I guess I would say that Catria is the best and Est is the worst
  18. I'm a little disapointed with this one. I hoped that Palla would look a little older and not as fanservicy. I'm not complaining, but is there any reason why we get all 3 whitewings? I never noticed them being populair.
  19. I usually promote people once they are level 20 out of habbit. I just don't feel the need to promote early since most characters perform fine unpromoted too. Healers and Knoll always promote once they are level 10 though.
  20. I wanted an Lucia/Jannaff ending. They had a pretty good support in Por.
  21. Alright just wanted to hear your opinion. I'm a bit annoyed though that you automaticly assume I have something against gay people just because I don't see the pairing as a fact. Like I said it isn't unlikely, but its just not cannon. Well i'm done here.
  22. Excuse me, but how is that pairing Canon? He has an ending with Ranulf as well and so far i've never heard intelligent system say which pairing is canon. Just currious, but do you think Roy/Lilina and Eliwood/Ninnian are cannon too?
  23. Wow this discussion became rather intense. Anyway IkeXSoren isn't unlikely, but its nowhere near cannon.
  24. I'm not a low turner, but I believe I expressed the same view in a "most under/overrated" pairing discussion a loooong time ago. To get Arthur out of his 5 move phase he either needs a leg ring till he promotes or elite so he promotes faster. A pursuit ring is less needed since Holsety is still godly. Of course Levin/Arthur is amazing, but I just did't think it deserved the praise it got. Then again even if it was as godly as everyone said I would still dislike it since i'm a bit of a Azel/Tiltyu fanboy even though I normally stay as far away from shipping as possible.
  25. There are a lot of horrible fan bases like Final fantasy, sonic, pokemon, but there are two fanbases that are even more annoying. Zelda: Pretty much every Zelda game is between very good at worst and completely awesome at best, but the fans still complain about every little thing. Super smash bros: The only one that actually turned their anger at me. I can remember they called me woman hater because I commited the horrible crime of not liking Crystal from star fox. I never understood why people hated the fire emblem fanbase. I think its a nice group. The only problem I have seen is that sometime everyone jumps on a noob who has a different opinion.
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