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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I've only read the fire emblem 4 manga, but I did watch some anime's Mostly the populair ones like Fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood Naruto One Piece Bleach Recently i've started watching a new series called magi: labyrinth of magic. Its pretty awesome so far, but I hardly hear anyone about it online.
  2. I like Community for the great characters and the over the top stories. I don't really enjoy all the referencing they do though.
  3. Gregor X Cordelia: So far this support has been my favorite. Gregor is funny as always and his metaphors are awesome. Ricken X Olivia: I really liked their support much to my surprise. It shows that Olivia is a good entertainer, dispite being shy and I thought Ricken being scared at the stories was pretty cute. Tharja X Henry: I already thought about pairing them up before I saw their supports. they're both pretty odd and they fit well together in my opinion.
  4. I don't own the game yet, but so far i'm not so fond of Laurent. He looks like a less quirky version of his mom.
  5. Who made these? These are awesome. Am I the only one who thinks about a more spoilery card for Emeryn at the moment?
  6. I haven't played Awakening yet, but usually I use have my stylus in my left hand when I'm using it and when i'm not I keep it in my mouth, much to the annoyence of my twin since we share our 3ds.
  7. I''m glad that we have a release date, but.....I hoped it would be at the start of April.
  8. I haven't played awakening yet because....ugh Europe, so I can't say anything about the gameplay. Anyway I would have liked it if the dlc characters had one or two supports. No marriage or anything, but just something that shows a little personality. And I would remove the weird sound that happens when a character dodges.
  9. At least 2 times so I can try some different pairings and use both a male and female U I'll probably play trough it more, but that depends on my mood.
  10. I have another question. How outclassed will the mommies and daddies get ingame/postgame. So far I like most of the parent characters more then the child characters. Parents are probably good ingame, but are they still worth it in the endgame chapters?
  11. Best: Sothe (fe10) I don't like him as a character in fe10, but as a unit he's pretty good. Worst: Cath (fe6) Only recruitable character that I usually end up killing. She's annoying to recruit, steals your stuff and both Chad and Astohl are better then her. Dm: Rickard is pretty bad too, but he's safe for being an amusing character in his gaiden stage.
  12. I'm always a little surprised when Liam isn't playing insane bad guys with his deep voice. Still he did a great job at voicing Ieyasu so I think he'll be amazing here too.
  13. I prefer the first one (especially that Titania design), but I don't really have any problems with the new artist.
  14. I'm not very interested in the caps, but how its the balance ingame? Some class questions How do Sages and dark knight compare to each other? Is there any reason to use a battle monk/cleric instead of other healer classes? Are Snipers actually good now?
  15. I started with fe7 again. I never played that one on hard mode so I thought now would be a good chance to start....unfortunately I don't own my old game anymore and I only cleared Eliwood normal mode on my emulator, So its Ehm instead of Hhm. I can't say i've ran into any trouble so far except that the shaman boss on the boat chapter doesn't have a speedwing anymore.
  16. I loved the Wind Waker dispite some of its flaws. I just hope that they ditch the triforce collecting bit and replace it with the two scrapped dungeons. As for the difficulty, well its not the hardest Zelda game, but it can at least boast about being harder then twilight princess.
  17. I dont know anything about Shin megami tensei, but the Fire emblem part is more then enough to make me very happy.
  18. I'm sorry if this has been asked before, but how is the difficulty in this game? I'm not the best fire emblem player so I won't ever though lunatic, but so far I have no idea if I should pick normal or hard. In fe7/8/9 normal mode is too easy for me, but in fe10 I thought normal mode was fairly challanging so how does normal and hard mode compare to the previous games.
  19. So far i'm neutral about Sariya. As far as her personality is a nice balance between psycho and nice then I might grow to like her. As for her outfit, well i've seen worse things to wear. I do however think her swimsuit pic is unapealing. The red doesn't really suit her, her pose is ackward and the look on her face is just weird. She won't marry my unit though. So far I think i'm going with Miriel.
  20. Seliph is pretty good in my opinion. Its a little weird to call him something else then Celice, but its close enough. Fin to Finn is a little pointless, but almost the same so i'm fine with that too. Leif is.....a bit worse though. It just sounds ackward when I say it.
  21. That would be Link from the first smash game. I completely sucked with him when I first started and quickly settled for Fox as my main. I liked Link however so I just started every first match I played with Link till I was good with him. I ditched him in melee and brawl since young and toon Link where much better in my opinion.
  22. Well yeah I live in Europe so I haven't bought an American 3DS.
  23. Nope i'm not living in the USA.
  24. I'm happy for you guys, but ugh i'm jealous as well.
  25. So far i've been fine with most name changes and these ones doesn't sound all that bad either. Ricken doesn't really sound like a mage kid name in my opinion though.
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