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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Michalis is a dracoknight in a game where they are the promoted forms of Pegasus knight. Does that mean Michalis might have been the first male Pegasus knight offscreen?
  2. Poor poor rare. They're not even allowed to touch their own stuff anymore. As for killer instinct.....uh I believe I played a few matches when I was very little, but I can't remember much at all so i'm not exactly leaping from joy.
  3. I used to love Wallace in my first playtrough where I brought him to endgame and never once thought he was terrible. Of course back in those days I still thought that generals where all great units because they looked cool and I managed to get most of my units killed. I completely relied on units like Marcus, Pent, Oswin and such to carry me trough the game. Once I actually got some skill I realised that Wallace was actually....not very good to put it gently. His personality is still awesome though.
  4. To be fair it doesn't take all that much to get the children up to speed. There base stats are usually bad, but if both parents are trained they shouldn't be unuseable. Their exp gain is quick, they might already have offensive skills and when you pair them up with a strong unit they might just kill enemies with a duel attack. It isn't worth the effort since the first gen characters are perfectly fine for the main story, but I did't see the few children I trained as really difficult to use. Of course the only children I used without grinding them up to speed where Laurent and Morgan who where the mini gods produced by Avatar and Miriel so that might explain why they weren't all that hard to train.
  5. Uh wow I think my rating will be a little higher then most on here. Anyway Libra starts out very good as a prepromoted healer with good base stats. He has the staff utility including the rescue/phsycic stuff and when he joins his combat is very good. Axes and a reasonably good base strength ensures that he hits pretty hard. His high resistance also makes him the ultimate mage killer. If I remember correctly the magic users in Gangrels chapter don't even damage him, with exception of the sage and hand axes make sure he can always counter them as well. I just saw the base stats page and it looks like Libra has the best base resistance in the entire game, with the exception of lunatic Tiki. And he joins in chapter 9 After that the party switches over to Valm where Libra still has good combat. Hammers work wonders against the many many knights, generals and great knights and he still destroys enemy mages even though they don't tink him anymore. This is the point where he will greatly appreciate a speed boosting pair up like Gaius though He will slow down a little after this though. His exp gain is a little low and 14 base strength with 40% growth won't carry him trough the whole game and neither will his speed. Fortunately Libra's reclass options are rather good for the main game. There is a lot of overlapping, but if he goes sage he'll keep his staff rank and his magic is pretty high so he can at least damage someone even with an E rank. He still has his staff utility when his combat turns unimpressive so he'll remain a valuable unit troughout the entire game. I don't know if he's actually that good, but I was quite impressed with Libra and thinks he deserves a 9/10 from me.
  6. I actually like lower growths more. I prefer having capped stats be something special, instead of something that will happen all the time. I found fe10 to be pretty bad with this. The high growths, the not so high caps and the easily abuseable bexp system made green stats a little too common in my opinion. Awakening had high growths as well, but the caps are a lot higher so it takes longer to actually reach them.
  7. I'm going with this one. I see what makes Panne great, but I haven't used her all that much yet. However i'm going to give her -1 bias point. I know she has a reason to mistrust humans, but she just comes of as a jerk in most of her early supports. 7/10
  8. I don't like Ltc's, but that's mostly because they look very very boring to me. I don't play fire emblem for the lowest turn count. I won't purposely turtle trough the game, but I want to at least kill all the enemies, get all the treasure, etc. I think Ltc's gets in the way of that and I like to change characters every game and I don't think many characters are really usefull in getting the minimum amount of turn, so i'm stuck with a team with little change. I won't insult anyone for liking Ltc's, but I don't see the appeal and I don't want to hear my playstyle is wrong.
  9. Gaius has a rather rough start when he joins. Thief utility has been lessened somewhat in this game and Anna is just once chapter with chests away from him. Meanwhile his bases just aren't very good. 22 hp, 7 strength and 6 defence is pretty bad for a physical fighter. His speed is great and that stat and his strength will grow nicely, but his defence will take a lot more work. Chrom and Libra do like the nice speed bonus he gives them in the thief and myrm lines though. Like I said thieving utility is nice, but not as good as in previous games and he has to work a little bit too long before his offense picks up. Being outclassed in the thieving (and staff) utility sucks, but that isn't why i'm rating him poorly. 4.5/10 Am I being to rough on sweet tooth?
  10. I don't really care about his name. I think both Elidigan and Elthans sound good. Its mostly Arvis i'm bothered by since it sounds less natural to me then Alvis. Another name change I think it questionable is the Yewfelle, but that's more because I think it sounds like "you fell"
  11. I actually like Laurent more then I expected. I thought he was boring at first, but he shows a different side then his mom in many of his support, being more human and less of a one trick pony. The hat does make him look rather boring and way to similar to his mom. I think it would be better if he dropped him. I did't care for Gerome much. I thought he was a "trying too hard" character and I only liked him in his Inigo and Laurent support. The batman jokes are amusing though.
  12. I was less then impressed with Maribelle, but I thought she was a decent enough unit. Having staff utility is not as good as previous games, but still nice and a pony is nice as well. Having those two combined is awesome, but Maribelle does have her flaws. Her bases are just horrible, being similar to Lissa who joined much earlier. Now healers are less dependent on stats, but it still stings, especially since her growths are a little bit meh is well. Her second problem is that this game decided to trow 2 extremely good prepromotes with staff utility in your face just a few chapters after she joins. She has the benefit of a pony, but I don't think that is enough to make up for the statistical and combat loses that she has on her competition. Still she's a healer who gets the job done and she's a good support bot as well when she promotes. 6.5/10 with an extra bias point since I like her personality, much to my surprise. Soooo a 7.5/10
  13. (Too bad that Miriel's vote took place during my vacation, since she's my favourite) I always wondered why there was such a hatred towards Ricken around gamefaqs. I was able to use him without any difficulty and I don't really see why he's seen as that horrible. He's certainly not the best unit in the game, but I thought he was more average, instead of horrible. Anyway Ricken's start isn't the most amazing in the game, but he has enough going for him to make him usefull in his joining chapter. Elwind and wyvers ensures that he can do some hefty chip damage. 5 base speed is massive fail, but the rest of his bases are passable and he joins at a point where he isn't the only one with speed problems. He does join in an ackward spot, but I don't think that anyone is able to one shot him aside from the myrms who can double him. After that he will grow surprisingly bulky for a mage and his magic grows decently as well. Speed remains a little low, but he has a Gregor support and some females who can give him some extra speed. He's outclassed offensively by Miriel, but he's able to see some more enemy phase action thanks to his better bulk. Staf utility or gaining a pony is nice as well. His reclass options suck in the main game though. He has the horrible archer line that gives him absolutely nothing and the cavalry line, which gives nice skills, but messes with his stats so I wouldn't bother with that until the game is over. All in all I think that Ricken is a decent unit, but a little bit outclassed by the other mages you get. 5/10
  14. I guess my vote goes to Micky for reasons that have already been said 1000 times. Most lords are a little bit too perfect though. Roy for example is only 15 years old, but can manage a whole army, makes smart tactical decisions and quite a few supports call him an amazing leader. He's still better then Micaiah though since he doesn't have the whole special power thing and stupid engame reveals.
  15. I did't dislike Hetzel. He was a cowardly, timid old man who couldn't stand up against the others which is a lot better then the other senators who are pretty much all monsters for no reason at all. At the very least Hetzel has done some good in his life. Still I don't think anything would have changed if Hetzel would choose Sanaki's side. He wouldn't been able to stop the others, since Lekain did't seem to completely trust him and only told him about the serenes massacre and the plot against Sanaki after those actions took place. I just saw him as a cowardly man way out of his depth.
  16. Galeforce is one of the best skills in the game, only beaten out by limit breaker. I don't think its always worth the effort to actually get the skill though.
  17. I don't think I ever cried about something in video games or movies. The closest thing was having my kid self get a sore troat after Greil was killed. Well not the killing itself, but the scenes that played right after that.
  18. Defender isn't that good, but I think aegis is a pretty nice skill to have. I'm more annoyed with the skills archers get. Skill +2 is useless, I forgot the other skill, but it wasn't that good either, +20 accuracy isn't exactly amazing either, unless you use it for long range dark magic or something. That leaves it with Bowfaire which only helps classes with bows, but none of the gen 1 characters who have archer can reclass into warrior and I believe only Stahl gets assassin. Bow knight Is even worse with the useless rally skill and bowbreaker which is only sort of usefull for fliers. I also think that the sage skills are a little boring. Tomfaire is awesome and rally magic has its uses, but both skills are a little boring in my opinion.
  19. Its a shame i'm going to have to rate Virion poorly since I like him and I have a soft spot for archers. Anyway Virion joins pretty early, but he's really not all that good when he joins. I really wonder why IS keeps giving early archers horrible bases. His growths aren't bad, but it takes a little while before his bases are completely salvaged and he still has the no enemy phase problem that archers have until promotion and starting with E swords is not very great either. His class set is also very ackward. The archers and mage classes really don't mix well with each other or with the wyvern line. He gains no offensive skills and the good skills that he does get, either only benefit the archer class, are gained at a high level or both. Carrier is the sort of an exception, but it does require a second seal and a master seal again or getting him all the way to level 15 sniper or BK 3/10 with 1 bias point since I like him. 4/10
  20. I don't think tsunderes are always a bad archetype, but Japanese games usually take them way too far. I wouldn't mind them so much if it was a little understated and just hard on the outside soft on the inside, instead of becoming a violent, abusive and unreasonable person. Rita from Vesperia for example is a tsundere gone horribly wrong. I dislike the term tsundere as well. It always makes me cringe a little when I see that word.
  21. Did anyone noticed they censored Gregor's "is that a big legendary weapon, or is risen just happy to see Gregor" line in the European version? I accidently killed the boss the first time and I got a Luna lance and Vengeance axe, both of which I already got from the bonus box. The hauteclaire is nice I guess.
  22. How expensive to make are the fire emblems anyway? I'm sure awakening and the Tellius series where quite expensive to make, but the gba games for example don't look like they needed a fortune to make, considering all 3 games used the same basics. Same deal with the ds fire emblems. I'm not really experienced with developing so I might have no idea what i'm talking about.
  23. I believe Ike being helped by Kurth isn't a show of Ike's charisma, but more Kurth being a nice guy who isn't as strict as his father when it comes to trespassers. I don't think things would have ended differently if someone else was stranded and Kurth was in the area.
  24. I got the feeling that Microsoft forgot that Europe existed, especially considering we will never, ever get those streaming services they where talking about. I've been wondering if I should drop the Xbox this gen and go for playstation for some time now and this presentation really isn't helping me stay. Lets hope for Microsoft that their E3 will go better. Btw how did the non gamer crowd react to this presentation? The internet exploded with negativity, but how did things like television and newspapers respond to this? I got the feeling many features and anouncements where meant for non-gamers, but I haven't heard their viewpoint yet.
  25. Thank god I did't hear this before Awakening was released or else I would have gone in panic mode.
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