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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Thanks for the battle a little while ago Alfred. Anyway I have another question for my team guys. My Tyrantrum usually isn't performing all that well so I was thinking of replacing him with something. My team is very lacking in bulk so I was thinking about a defensive Pokémon. The pokemon I came up with was Miltank. Its fairly bulky and learns some moves that might come in handy like Milk drink for healing and that move that cures status effects. Anyway i'm wondering what ability choose since all of its abilities are pretty good. Thick fat has my preference giving it two resistances to rather common types, but hitting ghosts or getting a power boost when hit with grass type attacks are both appealing as well.
  2. Well what I meant to say was that generation 5 showed a little more love to bugs then the other generations did. In previous gens many bug types where kind of bad or crutch pokemon aside from a few exception like Scizor, Heracross and a few others. Meanwhile gen 5 introduced a lot of bug types and while I can't say much about how viable those mons are in competitive play, I can say that they are statistically better then most bugs received earlier. Accelgor, Leavanny, Scolipede, Excavalier, Galvantula and Volcarona are all pretty decent/good and all where released in gen 5.
  3. Poor Bugs. Gamefreak really tried hard to make bugs awesome the last generation and now they got an extra type that resists them. I don't mind steel losing two of its resistances at all. I always disliked going up against steel types past gen because they resisted a little bit too much in my opinion. Ice could use some more love as well. They got freeze dry, but other then that there hasn't been done anything with them at all this gen aside from making hail more crappy.
  4. I finally have the game and i'm loving it. A little too much even since I breezed through the first 4 worlds. It looks beautiful and the levels are quite addictive. A minor complaint is that the bosses are kind of lame even by Mario standards. I mean someone making someone like Boom Boom a world boss is more then a little bit of wasted potential. That Histocrat boss was pretty fun though, but so far its been the only one.
  5. I still need to wait a little because Europe gets the game later as usual. Normally I would be getting impatient, but I just got my Wii U so I'm still too busy playing wind waker and w101 to mind that much. Its been a while since I've been this hyped for a Mario game though.
  6. I would say that Dahlia is the most evil of the "main baddies", but she's also the least competent which is a little disappointing. If it was just about their murder victims I would pick Manfred as the least evil since unlike the others he did't plan his murder beforehand. He just happened to find a gun and his victim at the right time. Still a horrible and petty act, but you could say he was still in massive shock. He received a lot of evil points for what he did to Edgeworth though so that earns him a high spot too. Best breakdown is Engarde. There is little that can beat someone clawing his own face off.
  7. I'm wondering if someone has a thick fat Swinub or a drought Vulpix and is willing to trade. I don't have a big selection of pokemon, but I could offer something like a magic bounce Xatu or a swift swim poliwhirl for it or something like that.
  8. I don't mind those two characters at all. They're not my favourites, but I have nothing against it. The worship they receive however is very annoying in my opinion.
  9. I'm going to choose Alm. He looks kind of badass and it isn't hard to be an improvement over his awful fe2 look. Roy, Ephraim, Marth and Katarina where rather nicely done as well. Palla and Ike are my least favourite by far.
  10. A sleep clause is not spamming sleep moves too much right? I guess i'm guilty of that. I do tend to feel a little guilty when I get spray happy with my Venesaur's sleep powder.
  11. I think Renewal is better on Libra. 50% healing is rather nice, but if Libra gets healing duty he might appreciate the consistent 33% heal more.
  12. Sure I don't mind. Haha it had just enough hp to get the job done.
  13. Thanks for the battle. The first one was rather embarrassing, but the second one was fun
  14. Thanks Uh well my team is mostly my ingame team with a breeded mon and a shiny Drifblim I caught. I have done a few super trainings, but I don't Ev train all that much so I guess you could say my team is pretty casual.
  15. I'm open for a casual-ish battle if someone wants to.
  16. Weakness policy raises some stats when hit with a super effective attack right? That sounds like a good idea. Is the speed boost from unburden passable with Baton pass as well?
  17. Ah thanks. I just dropped a female Absol and my new Granbull of at the daycare center. Alright I have another question I hope on of you is willing to answer. I just got my shiny Drifblim and I was wondering how I could best use its unburden ability. I could be wrong, but I haven't seen any gems around and using berries sounds a little situational. I was thinking of giving it shadow ball, acrobatics, Will-O-whisp and a move like calm mind as moveset.
  18. Yes! I finally encountered and caught a shiny pokemon. I got a shiny Drifloon while hunting for a female Absol. Drifblim isn't one of my favourites, but its still kinda cool so I think i'll train it.
  19. Does anyone has some advice on how I should use my Absol. Its my favourite in my team, but his performance has been a little unreliable. Mega Absol is quite fast and hits hard, but generally not enough to one shot Mons that its not super effective to. It also has the defense of a wet towel which gets him killed instantly a lot of the time. Sword dancing to boost his attack even further sounds pretty dangerous with his crappy defences so I gave up on that idea. So my idea now is to have him hit as many types for super effective damage as possible I also have some problem thinking up on a moveset for him. He learns many moves, but there are only 4 slots and i'm not entirely what to pick. He learns a lot of dark moves that are handy to use, but I have to think about coverage as well. Sucker punch is great for priority, but only has 5 uses and is useless when people switch their mons, pursuit is good for ensuring a kill on things weak to dark, but is low powered otherwise and dark slash is the most reliable dark move for consistent damage, but doesn't have an nice extra effect like the other two moves. All 3 moves are good, but having 3 dark moves isn't a very good idea. He learns a lot of coverage moves as well and now that he has a mega form he can actually use some special attacks like flamethrower or fire blast. I'm also wondering if I should breed an Absol to give him a strong attack like play rough or mega horn. Mega horn is the stronger attack, but play rough seems like the better idea for hitting fighting and dragon instead of Grass and psychic. Both hit dark types which is rather nice.
  20. Its a shame archers aren't that useful because I have a soft spot for the class. Fire emblem 12 was a step in the good direction. While Gordin and Ryan's bases and move where still horrible their chip damage was still nice to have and they got some awesome promo gains to make quite good as snipers. I get the logic in giving archers bad bases. IS meant for them to chip from a distance so your close range units could attack safely without risking a counterattack, but enemies in most fire emblem games tend to be so pathetic that you don't need archers to weaken them.
  21. I think Mist really wants the Bexp so she can get her pony faster, but Rhys won't be that much better if you pump bexp in him. He can heal good enough already and giving him a weapon is usually a bad idea, since he gets doubled by everyone that way.
  22. Wow Marth actually looks pretty awesome now. I can't say i'm very surprised by him getting in though. I wonder if Ike will make the cut as well because there doesn't seem to be much reason for him to be there anymore. The Tellius series is in an ackward spot because its neither the newest game in the series or old enough to get a retro character. If you see Smash as a series that also advertises every Nintendo franchise then it would make more sense to include Chrom or perhaps the lord of the future fire emblem. I just hope we get a second fire emblem character at all. I don't care if its Roy, Ike, Chrom or someone else.
  23. I think i'll drop of a picture of me too here.
  24. Overrated Owain: He could be 10 times stronger then Seth and even then he would still not live up to the hype he gets. Cordelia: I agree with everyone that she's a good unit, but I never thought of her being the goddess on wings that many people claim she is. Underrated Ricken: Many people think he's the worst unit in the game and I think that isn't really the case at all. At his worst he's just decent. He gets reliable and strong chip damage with elwind and his good defense base and growth actually allows him to have an enemy phase, unlike Miriel. I also don't think he's that annoying. I thought he was pretty likeable for a kid character. He isn't exactly the brat many people make him out to be.
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