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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Fe4: Azel. I like shy characters who don't take it to annoying Florina levels and him being the brother of Alvis is rather interesting. Fe6: Niime. Great unit and one of the few good guys who does some messed up things. Fe7: Pent and Louise. Fe8: L'arachel. She's a fun character to see. Fe9: Tauroneo. Badass with a nice backstory Fe10: Pelleas. One of the few characters who actually devolopped in the game. Fe11: Did't really care about anyone aside from Hardin and his turban. Fe12: Gordin Fe13: Virion
  2. Fire Emblem is a pretty long running series so I don't think its odd for them to have 4 characters. Other series might need a newcommer more like Metroid or Donkey Kong, but thats more because those franchises are a little underrepresented at the moment. Also I barely see Lucina as a newcomer anyway. She's just a glorified costume change with a few different attributes as far as I know. It probably wasn't that much work and I highly doubt her inclusion means someone's exclusion.
  3. I wonder if Robin will be customizeable to some extend, aside from gender. I don't think they will change body types since that seems like a lot of work, but hair colour and the like could be possible. Also is the site only really really slow for me or do others have the problem as well?
  4. That was a good number of reveals in one trailer. So the captain is back, Robin is playable and appearantly Lucina is as well. I thougth she would be a skin for Marth, but I believe she showed something new. Chrom is part of Robin's final smash right?
  5. My first one marrier Miriel since I wanted a magic baby. Miriel herself disapointed me a little though. My female Avatar marrier Chrom so my Morgan could be a prince.
  6. Its a shame my country's team did't bring back the gold, but Bronze is nice enough I guess. You could do a lot worse then silver last cup and bronze in this one.
  7. I would like some strategic options for the maps itself. Pulling switches to open watergates so you can flood a part of the map to prevent the enemy from reaching you. parts of the maps on fire, traps or maps that change in lay out a little like that one chapter where the water goes away in fe6. Some fire emblems already did this, but mostly the map stays the same every time.
  8. Well that sucked. I hoped we would actually end up winning a world cup for once.
  9. I would like to join as well. Are we using fixed levels though?
  10. Yay the Netherlands are going to the semi finals again! I was at the edge of my seat and I'm not even an avid soccer watcher. This match did drag on a little too long for my liking though.
  11. It used to be Iggy, but since the redesigns I went with Lemmy as my favourite. He just looks like he's a lot of fun now. Ludwig and to a lesser extend Roy are closely behind though.
  12. I tend to play at my own pace. I'm not one for rushing things, but I also don't turtle. I just complete the map with a full roster of characters and try to get through it while making sure everyone gets their fair share of exp. I don't mind taking risks when attacking, unless the opponent is able to kill my unit with one counterattack. One thing I need to work on is not hording items. If I get a great item then the chances are pretty high that I end up never using the thing.
  13. I like both versions of Morgan. The female version is pretty cheeky, but the male one is insanely nice and a bit of a dork. I think I slightly prefer Male Morgan.
  14. I'm normally not a soccer fan, but even I enjoyed this match.Also glad to see that my country won with 5-1.
  15. I once tried to flirt with one of my older brothers friends during a party where I got drunk. Her boyfriend was there too, but fortunately he was drunker then me. It was a little ackward the following day.
  16. Some friends called if I wanted to see a movie. Its 22:30 around here when the matches start and I won't be on at that time. Anyway I hope i'll be able to be on the next time.
  17. Ah too bad. I can't seem to join today either.
  18. I'm in for a match now if anyone is interested.
  19. Ah I missed it. I'm willing to join if I still can. Although I don't think i'll be able to make 1.30 Pst. Time zones aren't my strong point, but I think thats pretty early in the Netherlands.
  20. I would put in a legionary class that promotes to centurion. They would be similar to the hero class, but more defensive and slower. They could wield swords and lances. Skills Legionary level one- March: Gives two extra move points when walking over roads. level 10- Testudo: Immune to ranged attack, but only when next to another unit of this class. Centurion I suppose it would get more supportive abilities.
  21. I used to watch the anime a lot, but its fallen of my radar ever since the Shinoh arc. I stil watch the occasional episode when I see if pass on tv, but nothing more then that. I did't really like Cilan from what little I saw of him. I thought his game personality was better then what was shown here. I may just not have seen enough of him though.
  22. Lets see if I remember my unlock orders correctly. 1. Metal Mario 2. Wendy 3. Lemmy 4. Ludwig 5. Rosalina 6. Morton 7. Pink gold Peach 8. Mii 9. Toadette My favourite stage so far is Shy Guy fall, followed by Mount Wario and the course in the clouds. I've done some online matches and i'm surprised to see i'm doing decently on them. I rarely get in first, but so far I have never dropped behind 8th place. Also does anyone thing Dry Bowser will be a pretty likely candidate for Dlc? He does have a stage named after him and I believe there's one add saying undead motors with a Bowser head on it. I haven't spotted any other clues like that yet.
  23. I'm still a little undecided, but so far I have these. Gardevoir Altaria Shiftry Medicham I might decide to not use a starter pokemon this time around. I just have other plans for my water/grass/fire types. I may use a Lanturn or Seviper this game, but i haven't decided on that yet.
  24. I managed to do 3 grand prix races today. I unlocked Metal Mario first, followed by Wendy and later I managed to unlock Lemmy as well. Lemmy's my favourite newcomer so i'm glad I got him early. Perhaps I just got lucky, but the game seems a little more generous with items at higher places. I got several powerful weapons in third or second place like the Piranha plant. I did get a lot of the more mundane weapons in lower spots though and first place gets mostly coins, which sucks a little. One small nitpick is that there doesn't seem to be an award ceremony anymore. I know it doesn't really add much to the game, but Is still miss it.
  25. My shop had the game 2 days earlier so I managed to take a copy of Mario Kart 8 home with me. I played 3 races as a tryout and will play some more once my brother gets home.
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