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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I am pretty happy with the mega selection in the Oras games. I felt it was more to give weaker pokemon a plan to catch up, instead of the majority of choices being decided about which pokemon was popular. Now Pokemon like Beedril, Sharpedo, Altaria and Camerupt got mega evolutions which are pokemon that could really use the boost, instead of pokemon like Gengar, Alakazam, Scizor and Garchomp who where already very good. A lot of people seem to want Flygon and normally I would agree with that, but at the moment I am kind of glad they made other choices. Dragon types just have way too many mega's at the moment. Dragons either get a mega or pokemon turn part dragon when they mega evolve, while other pokemon types have a much smaller selection of mega pokemon.
  2. I generally name my pokemon after ancient gods. Mostly Greek ones, but others will do if i'm out of names. If I see a similarity I might nickname my pokemon after video game characters. My Roserade was called Hanbei if I recall correctly.
  3. Well you guys where right. I've rebattled the elite four and after that Ho-oh was nice enough to appear again.
  4. I finally encountered my second shiny ever today. First Drifloon and now Baltoy. So far i've only gotten shinies that I actually like as pokemon. Need to think about how to fit Baltoy on my team though.
  5. Ah that sucks. I still have a ho-oh in XY so i'll bring that one over if I ever buy the pokebank thing again.
  6. Me neither, but the rings stayed where they where, which made me assume you could try as much as you liked. I would't use Ho-oh, but being locked out of not one, but four legendaries kind of stings.
  7. I may have run into a bit of a problem. A while back I went into the Ho-oh battle without any pokeballs on me. I ran, restocked and came back, but now my character just walks away whenever I aprouch the ring. Did I just lock myself out of a legendary?
  8. I've just bought my first Amiibo. I took bit of a look at the collection of my country's biggest online site and wow, Villager and Wii Fit trainer are selling for 70 euro's and Marth was the only one missing. Seems like they really are pretty rare. Unfortunately Zelda was slightly to expensive for my gift card so I went for Pit.
  9. It took a long time, but i've finally managed to capture a nice Snorunt that can evolve into a Frosslass. That does mean one of my current party members is going to get the boot and i'm still undecided about who should get it. So far my team is 1. Shiftry 2. Camerupt 3. Medicham 4. Lanturn 5. Altaria 6. Solrock Frosslass will replace either Altaria or Solrock. Solrocks has been surprisingly decent so far with some nice moves like Stone edge and Will o whisp. Altaria has been a bit of an dissapointment so far. Medicham is my mega of choice so I usually go with normal Altaria. It still gets the job done, but I expected better of a dragon type.
  10. I would say i'm in the center when it comes to my country's political views. That would probably be left compared to the bigger American view though. Anyway i'm not yet old and independent enough to completely say what I want from the goverment, but generally speaking I think they need to step in to correct the failures of the market. There need to be safety nets for people to fall back on and I believe a goverment should at the very least guerantee a mimum for a dignified life, if they are able to do so. Enough food, a roof over your head, clothing, proper healthcare and a little bit extra so people can enjoy themselves at times. I'm all in favour of the tired old saying that the strongest shoulders should carry the heaviest weight. They should still be able to live comfertably and in wealth of course, but they can stand to miss just a bit more if that money can help out. In general I do think success should be rewarded, but up to a point.
  11. Its not that I dislike the Hoenn starters, but there where just alternatives I preffered this gen. I wanted to use a shiftry and a Chinchou so I already had water and grass covered for my team. Not entirely fond of Blaziken so I did't pick that one either.
  12. I'm currently nearing the fourth gym and my team is sort of ready as well. I'm a bit surprised about how my team has turned out. Little status moves and lacking the speedy pokemon I usually pick. Right now my team is. 1Nuzleaf 2.Numel 3. Meditite 4. Chinchou 5. Swablu 6. Solrock (For the moment)
  13. I'm suprised by how practical the dexnav is. I went into the game without looking into the changes much so I wasn't aware how good it was. I managed to get a 3 star Nummel from it, who was around the same level as the rest of my team and who had heatwave as a special attack. I did't even need to go through that many pokemon. 15 at most I think.
  14. Ah thats nice. Anyway my friend code is 2191-7770-7149
  15. Ah thank you very much. Is it possible to trade from Y to ruby?
  16. I was wondering if someone could trade me a meditite or a chinchou. I just got Omega ruby and planned to use both of those for my team. The problem is that I just found out you can only get those two fairly late in that game, which is why i'm asking. I'm looking for female pokemon so I can breed one of my own. I don't really care about the nature or IV's. Just not a nature that decreases their main stat, but otherwise I'm fine with every nature. I just started the game so I don't have too much to give though. Could give a seedot for the people with Saphire, but i'm afraid I don't have much else. Ahem anyway thanks in advance.
  17. I'm not knowledgeable about the competetive scene enough to say if my little trick is cheap or not, but its pretty effective when I use it. Drifblim with unburden and a weakness policy can get pretty though once it is hit by a super effective attack. Double speed, sharply raised attacking stats and acrobat has given plenty of people some problem. Priority attacks solves their problem pretty well though.
  18. Now that I played the game a little more I can safely say the game is still amazing. Better stages then the 3ds version and it feels a little less bare boned then that version too. There is one problem that does annoy me a lot though. I have some problems with the options this game give to players. There are a lot of them, but I did't feel like they worked as well as in the 3ds version. In the 3ds version you could alter your custom moves every time you selected a character by using the edit button when you could choose which custom set you wanted to use, but I did't see that in the Wii U version. The need to keep going to the seperate custom screen slows everything down and makes slight alterations a pain. Its great that the Wii U offers so many different controll options, but its sometimes a little restricted. Why can I only use my 3ds for normal smash games, instead of using it for Smash tour, or Co-op stuff as well? Gamecube adapters are all sold out and I don't have a classic controller, meaning i'm stuck with the not so good Wii mote if I want to do those modes. And my last complaint is the way you alter your controll scheme. In the 3ds version you said what you wanted to change and it did so without trouble. Here you need to attach a name to your preffered controll scheme and you must pick that name before the match begins. Its not something I always remember to do before starting a match, meaning i'm stuck in the default setting when I do that.
  19. Right now that I have the Wii version of smash i'll be trying to add people from the list. If you get a request from Pieter77 then its me.
  20. I'm looking forward to the game, but I haven't been able to get it yet. Being released on the same day as Smash wasn't good for my wallet so i'll be waiting a week or two before I end up buying it.
  21. Yes I finally got the game today. Only played one classic mode so far and right now i'm waiting for my bro to get home. By the way there's no way to take pictures without an sd card is there?
  22. I was thinking about perhaps adding a class designed to counter cavalries. Anti cavalry weapons are infrequent and desert chapters tend to be one or two chapters in the game, but a class could be a recurring element. A pikeman/hoplite class with innate cavalry slayer could be a answer. If they had a added horse slaying ability it would sometimes prevent cavalries from moving forward too much. The class should be designed not to completely break cavalries, but perhaps to make people consider about keeping the ponies back for a little while till others have dealt with the hoplite places amongst the other units.
  23. I think Balancing armour knights statistically is a bit hard to do without changing the class fundamentally. They're supposed to be low movement units with bad speed and resistance, but good strenght and killer defence. The best way to improve generals should be just to create more situations where there strenghts shine. Right now the high defense is rarely needed, the low speed and resistance hold them back from being truly bulky and most importantly their move just isn't good enough to keep up in most of the cases. The only place where there defense would't be overkill is in the early game and there being lance locked hold them back. Also wyverns having most of the same strenghts, but better speed and being a high movement flying unit isn't helping them either. My first solution is more choke points and defence based maps, but thats kind of obvious. The second solution I have is to give enemies better speed. Right now there are few enemies that can reliable double attack your units which hampers their offense. Sacea from Fe6 created a situation where armour knights had a good time because the place was filled with nomads and swordmasters. High speed, but low attack units that could give most of your units a hard time, but the high defense of the generals made them laugh at such enemies. Its just a shame the rest of the game hated generals.
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