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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I do think he was out to kill Greil or at the very least that he knew that a dead Greil would be the result of his little 'I want to surpass my former master" motive. To be honest the whole surpassing his master thing kind of made me think of the Black Knight as a complete and utter scumbag. He basically killed a man and orphaned his kids because he needed to boost his precious ego. As far as motivations go I consider that a bit pathetic and it made see him as less of a respectable knight and more of a common killer. Sure he did have a job in retrieving the medallion, but I believe I remembered Lehran saying that Greil's death was not in his cards and that BK acted on his own.
  2. I can't say i'm an expert on what makes a female character a good female character or if we should discuss good characters who happen to be female or good female characters. But anyway here are some that I quite liked. The first is Titania from Path of Radiance. A proper second command and while she has some motherly traits it isn't anything that defines her as a character or her position as deputy. Other then that I like that she's usually not portrayed as wrong during her arguements with Soren, despite her taking a more moral stance. The second one would be Luca from Final fantasy the after year.Mostly because i'm surprised the game did't treat her like a complete joke since many of her traits are usually used for 'comedy'. she has the more traditionally manly hobby of a mechanic, she's not conventionally attractive and because she's a dwarf she's a bit on the chubby side too. Despite that the game has no fun at her expense and she's portrayed as a strong and kind character who's also good with machines.
  3. I always thought lances made a lot more sense. Its the weapon I would use if I would ride a giant flying mount, instead of an axe thats usually not long enough enough to work well on such a thing. You do have poleaxes, but thats usually not the weapon that gets shown. Axes make more sense from a gameplay perspective though. Wyverns are the strong, sturdy, slow ones, compared to the pegasus knights so an axe fits in that way. It also doesn't make all the mounted classes so lance centric.
  4. I'm still going through the orginal Xenoblade, but I think i'm reaching the end after a good 75 hours so i'm finally ready to delve a bit deeper into this game. So I have a few questions. One how bad is the character select forcing? I've heard a lot of complaints about Elma and Lin basically forcing themselves on your team for everything important and that your main character can't be swapped out. So that locks up 3 slots and the cast is a lot bigger then the original from what i've heard. So how much does the game punish you for not having Lin and Elma on your team at all times? The second is that i've heard that chain attacks are gone, but replaced by the overdrive mechanic, but I don't really have any idea what that is. Are there any other important changes that are nice to know when your goin in? Some reviews mentioned that the game itself doesn't explain everything properly so it might come in handy.
  5. I'm going through Xenoblade these days and it has a few candidates, such as round one against Xord in the Ether or the last fight with metal face But the boss that gave me the most problems where the security mechon in the fight with face nemmesis. Those things where big, ganged up on me even with Reyn and Dunban drawing Aggro, inflicted bind and both the camara and the movement are awfull in that fight. I might have encountered a glitch or I sucked so bad that the game started to pity me. I've beaten that fight because the game only made two guard mechs notice me and the mission was completed when I destroyed those. Jade face got down very easily for me though. Maybe I just suck at fighting against group bosses.
  6. Oh don't worry Pieri doesn't kill at random. Her reasonings can varry a lot, such as being bored or because someone doesn't give her some cookies. I have no idea why they decided to make someone as insane as Pieri a recruitable character. Honestly I would rather be stuck with Valtome, instead of her since i'm fairly certain he's less likely to kill me.
  7. I think its fine if they return to the old formula, but I don't mind the character creation or the kids either. I do mind when they're being stupid about a second generation, but thats Fates fault and not the fault of the mechanic itself.
  8. Many bosses in the ds version of final fantasy 4 with two special mentions. The first one is the annoying demon wall and the second one is a machine boss who's hard, but becomes harder because the game advices you to fight him in a way that results in him wiping out the entire party in one attack.
  9. I did a small cleanup session once, where I sold some games, but other then that I never sold any of the games I owned. Part of the reason is because I like the games. Who knows, perhaps i'll plug my old console in sometimes and play through them again. I occasionally did it with my Gamecube. The other reason is that I usually just can't be bothered. They're fine on my shelf and bringing them in usually doesn't earn that much.
  10. I haven't played Fates yet so I can't say for certain, but for now I'm ok with Corrin. The whole idealistic thing is a bit overdone and I would prefer a less sheltered Corrin, but so far he hasn't done anything too offensive. He's the naive, nice lord and thats standard for the series. It would be great if they actually did something else with him since most lords have something else about them, but I can live with a bland lord. At the very least you can do a lot worse and Fate does have some characters who are much worse in my opinion.
  11. True although Nintendo did insist Bayonetta should't wear pants with them. Anyway some of the fanservice about Bayonetta is a bit too much, like the camara angles, but she's an extremely fun character if you look past that. I quite liked how she flamboyantly goes through nearly every scene, while the villains are all talking about ancient prophesies and other serious matters.
  12. It is getting a bit overboard. I always thought people seemed to care too much about representation, but right now its just downright nasty. I mean Corrin isn't the best add in the world, but its no reason to go screaming how awfull Sakurai is.
  13. Wow Bayonetta! I'm surprised she got in and even more surprised she got first place in Europe, but I think she's a great choice to add. Corrin is.....uh not someone I would pick, but he looked cool enough and its not that awfull.
  14. I think absolute power can corrupt, but doesn't neccesarily do that. There where plenty of people with absolute power that where pretty decent rulers if you look at them with the vallues from their time. On the other hand I do think absolute power can play a factor in getting corrupted. If very easy to start believing in your own hype when you have the power to decide over everything and that can cause some problems. I do actually think Robespierre is someone who turned into the awfull human being he was because of the power he got. I mean he did start out opposing the death penalty and had some idea's that where ahead of his times before he became a complete and utter lunatic who had people left and right beheaded. Then again the entiry French revolution is somewhat messy in my opinion.
  15. I remember two units who did't really work out. The first one was Fir. Perhaps its my own fault for playing normal mode, but she wasn't all that good there. Her awfull con gave her a rough start where everything slower her down and her strenght just wasn't very good. She did get the crit bonus with promotion, but by that point I was already too annoyed to care. Fe10 Jill is usually very good when I use her, but in my current game she sits as level 19 unpromoted and she hasn't gained strenght even once. This also causes her speed to drop since axes are heavy and weapon weight only matters in early game. I did have characters ending up better then usuall too. My Eliwood was actually pretty great last time around. He capped defence of all stats, while still having good strenght and speed. I'll also mention the trainees. I know they're horrible under normal conditions, but if I use them, they usually turn out alright.
  16. I agree with your main point. Going for extreme realism isn't always the right route and you can make a more impractical design if it looks well enough. However my main problem right now is that some of the outfits look both very impractical and that they're starting to look more and more stupid.
  17. I have another dislike that slipped my mind. Its no big one, but its a bit of an annoyance to me. I don't really know why Fates and Awakening lock certain things to which gender you pick. Its a bit annoying to be stuck with Felicia earlier, instead of Jacob just because I picked the male Avatar. Thats small, but I think its less small when it comes to Morgan or Kanna who force you to pick a different gender if you want the Kanna/Morgan of another gender.
  18. I agree with the people saying Camilla needs an alteration and a pair of pants. The pants because I actually think she had a very nice design going untill they made it look stupid by making her go around in her underwear. Its just comes across as desperate. I would also tone done her Kamui obsession and make her more of an extremely mothering person. She can still make Kamui uncomfertable with her babying and she can have him as her favourite, but just don't make her want to sleep with him. I would make Pieri...,less Pieri. She's basically evil from my point of view. If she keeps being a mass murderer thats fine too, but at least give a better reason why she's Xander's retainer. Have it be that her noble family is very powerfull or something because right now it doesn't make sense for someone as Xander would keep a lunatic around. Speaking of Xander and to a lesser extend Leo. Make them support Garon's war. They don't have to like it, but at least make them express that Nohr could use the recources or something. Its a much better reason then being daddy boys. I don't mind that Felicia is a clumsy maid, but I do mind that there's barely anything else to her. Collete for example was a fine character because being cute and clumsy was just a part of her, instead of that being 99% of what she is. So I would like her to be just a bit more grounded. And finally the awakening trio. I don't really like them as the nohr siblings retainers, mostly because they don't really tell us anything about Nohr. I don't like them in the game at all actually, but them being normal mercenaries would give room for 3 characters who could be much more involved with the siblings. Childhood friends, retainers that sort of stuff. For gameplay I would switch up Jacob and Felicia's growths. Felicia is supposed to be useless in taking care of people, but a complete powerhouse in the battlefield, while Jacob is very skilled at his butler job. I think it would be better if that translated to their stats with Jacob being the healing support unit and Felicia the better fighter.
  19. I never played the original final fantasy 7 so I can't say I hate the new direction they're going in. What little we did see was pretty cool and i'm interested in seeing what else they'll include. That being said i'm a little concerned though. Square Enix has been pretty well known as the turn based jrpg giant and final fantasy 7 was the game that made that genre mainstrean. If the remake of that game isn't a turn based rpg then I fear that there really isn't a place anymore for console turn based rpg's by Square Enix. I mean we'll still get Bravely Second and such, but still.
  20. I do think Konami is the worst, but I never bought into the story that Kojima was this pure innocent soul who was being abused by the soulless corperation. This however is just extremely petty on Konami's part.
  21. I will get the game eventually, but I only just started playing the original Xenoblade so it might still be a while before I get it. I have some worries about the setting though. It looks less attention grabbing then Xenoblade's and i'm a bit worried about the avatar system and if they won't appear get too bland.
  23. Felicia (I don't care when 99% of your character consists of tripping, breaking or burning stuff.) Pieri (A complete monster who drags the entire cast down because they are tolerating a completely insane mass murderer. She's the only character who I consider killing off. Ignis (Unlike most other kids I haven't found too much that sets him apart from his dad yet) The awakening trio (I consider them shameless fanservice and I don't think they make sense to be in the story The awakening reincarnations (Also shameless fanservice)
  24. Likes -The general idea's that the story had. Its a shame that it did't reach its full potential - Different classes and weapons depending on the country. I really like that idea and hope they'll include it in more entries. -Xander in supports -The new gameplay mechanics, such as dragon's vein. I always thought it would be nice to change the map a little. -Probably more, but I haven't really gotten too indepth in a lot of cases. Dislikes -Xander in the main story -Other characters who come across as idiots in the main story. -The lack of any kind of nuance between Hoshido vs Nohr. - Slime Garon who makes the motivations of Nohr completely irrelevent. - No on worth caring about actually agreeing with the war on the Nohr path, even if its throuh gritted teeth. - The stupid kinds of fanservice - Some of the gimmicicky characters, especially when said gimmicks are played for fanservice. - No european release date
  25. Well its true that Shinon has his reasons to do what he does. As you say he's limited by his social status and thinks Ike doesn't deserve to be the leader for being Ike's son, but I never really found myself on Shinon's side in any argument, mostly because of the way how he presents himself. Others in the game touch on the same subjects, such as Ulki explaining why relying so much on birth isn't a good idea in wars and the like, but he manages to get those things across without appearing to be so unlikeable in my eyes.
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