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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. So appearantly the battle tree cameo's got revealed and they....aren't very good. We have the 4 that where already showed and then we have:
  2. Yikes all those speed stats aren't pretty. Ribonbee looks better then I expected though. Also i'm a bit confused. Is it confirmed that Gengar lost levitate or not? Some people say its a hoax, while others say its true. It seems like an odd discision to me. Normal Gengar was always a very good pokemon, but I never really considered it something that desperately needed a nerf.
  3. I did not expect Decidueye to get a ghost typing or such a weird name. I like the end result and Decidueye is my starter of choice right now. I'm pleasantly surprised with Incineroar now that I see him in motion. He looks pretty cool. Still not a fan of Primarina. I hoped Popplio would get a circus theme and the idol/mermaid look just doesn't interest me. Her signature also sounds bad. burns are pretty nice to have on the opponent so removing them is a bit odd. It could get a power boost on burned foes, but they haven't said that yet. The post game stuff looked very cool as well. Being able to fight old trainers is always cool.
  4. I'm not completely sure about my team, but so far it will look like this: 1. Rowlette 2. Alolan Raichu 3. Alolan Marowak 4. Ribombee 5. Minior 6. Undecided, but maybe an Alolan Vulpix
  5. So far the reveal seems pretty good. They revealed they will have some third party support on the system, the Wii U enchanted ports will probably ensure it won't have a barren launch line up and both the swtich idea and the graphics look kinda nice. I'm not sure if its a good idea to stop talking about till 2017 though. They have people's attention now and drip feeding information would be a good way to keep the hype going. Waiting till the last 2 or 3 months may make it hard to keep the mainstream well informed.
  6. So the starter leak ended up being true? A shame that we're getting our fourth fire/fighting type. I'm also not really happy with how Poplio turned out. I expected a circus theme instead of a mermaid Idol/performer. Rowlet still looks great though. The new Alolan forms are ok. A bit dissapointed with Persian and a little bit confused about Golem. I thought only two stage pokemon would be getting Alolan forms. I do hope they realise there are still trash pokemon from other generations that are dying for Alolan forms though. Ariados, Ledyba, Corsola and a few from other gens mostly. Also whats the deal with the new Paralysis. I heard it was changed, but not in what way.
  7. I played the demo this morning and....its surprisingly lame. Maybe the Bravely Second demo spoiled me, but there was just not enough to do in this demo. You start with the special Greninja and a Pikachu helps out later on in the demo, but other then that you really should't get your hopes up. You have a place where you can catch some pokemon like Rockruff, Pikipek and Pikachu, but you have to free them when leaving the area so its pretty worthless. The main story of the demo is ok, if a little bit easy thanks to Greninja. After that you can do some riding around on a Tauros, do 3 trainer battles and catch some pokemon that you have to release very soon. There's not too much to do.
  8. Roy would probably get a Litleo because of his title as 'young lion' I think an Altaria would fit Shigure pretty well. Its blue, it flies and it sings so it shares some things in common with Shigure. Muk would be the obvious choice for 'Garon' Henry and the Murkrow line Perhaps a Leavanny for Forrest? I believe its mentioned that the pokemon likes to make clothes for others and the name Forrest fits well with a grass pokemon. It could also work with Oboro. I always thought a Hydreigon would fit very well with Camilla designwise, but personality wise it would probably be a more motherly pokemon.
  9. Its good to see Lance is still ordering his Pokemon to beat the crap out of his enemies. First Hyper beam, then Giga impact and now just electrocuting someone. The short format worked pretty well for the team rocket hideout crash. Dragonite's rampage looked awesome and it showed Lance doesn't mess around. Much better then Blue soloing the elite four without breaking a sweat. I'm still not a fan of the featureless protagenists though. I get the point, but I think it looks a bit weird in something animated.
  10. I've finally beaten the game so I think I have my rating for all the cases ready, but I do think I spoke a bit too soon about Ga'ran and Dhurke. Case 5 spoilers Anyway my final ranking without spoiling things Case 2: This might be my favourite case in the entire series. Some nice twists, an amazing villain and I don't remember this case being dragged down by anything stupid (Amazing) Case 3: Quite the rollercoaster that ended up taking me completely off guard on several occasions. I did't feel as much symphathy for certain characters as much as the game thought they deserved, but i'll let that slide and focus on the stuff I did like. (Good) Case 1: An amusing villain saves this case from being bad. Still its not really a good case either since its too long and consists of info dump after info dump. The villain not going down easily should be a point in its favour, but by then I just wanted this case to end already. (Acceptable) Case 4: Its nice to see Simon again, but Athena being portrayed as extremely incompetent, an unlikeable defendent and focusing on something too Japanese for me to understand ended up dragging this case down. At least it doesn't overstay its welcome. (Meh) Case 5: I still have no idea what to make of this case to be honest. It has some good idea's, but all the things I did not like about Spirit of Justice kept getting shoved in my fave. (No idea)
  11. Probably more then I remember, but these are the ones I remember. Final Fantasy 9 A game I really like and wanted to play through for a very long time. Sadly Fates came out shortly after I finally got the game and since then it slipped of my radar. I still want to finish it, but I seem to have problems with picking something up again after long periods of times. Hyrule warriors legends. I played through the story mode and the first adventure mode, but somehow I stopped playing and haven't picked it up again. Xenoblade chronicle X I still want to give this game a chance, but i'm really not looking forward to going back and getting annoyed at every bad design choice and annoyance that made me drop this game in the first place. Untill recently Xenoblade chronicles used to be my biggest example. I got it when it came out in Europe, played it for 2 hours and then did't touch again for like 5 years. Fortunately I did get back to it and now its probably my favourite Wii game.
  12. I really really don't like Dhurke, but how he got to the States without anyone noticing is actually adressed later on so thats one of the things I don't blame him for. I thought Ga'ran was a bit meh at first, but I warmed up to her quickly. Dhurke and Ga'ran thoughts with a little bit of Fates spoilers
  13. That would be a very interesting idea, but I have a hard time imagining Phoenix willingly taking part in a illegal underground court for the Maffia.
  14. Dungeon keeper would be my pick. It was cool to make a dungeon, attract different kind of monsters with your buildings and send them out for battle. You could even posses them so you could join in the fight yourself. Playing as a cartoonishly evil keeper also gave the game some charm. Also most RTS's could make a comeback. You have Starcraft, but other then the Total war Series the less futeristic RTS's have all pretty much vanished. Games like Age of Empire or Age of Mythology just don't seem to get made anymore.
  15. If it makes sense for characters to return then I don't mind them coming back at all. Characters like Karel, Bartre and Marcus don't look out of place in Fe7 and I don't mind the 9 cast returning for 10 either. I also don't mind how Awakening did it. Returning characters where reserved for DLC or random hires that had nothing to do with the plot. It was just a fanservice mechanic that did't pretend to be anything other then that. It becomes a problem when you randomly add characters just because they are popular. The Awakening trio being the worst example of this. It involves traveling to another world and I saw no story reason why those 3 where picked for the job.
  16. I would leave Nyx as a dark mage. Nyx's strenght is pathetic so she will not get anywhere with normal bows. Her ever touching the shining bow isn't likely to happen either since she starts with an E rank in bows. Nohr hard is hard enough without the extra effort to make Nyx word as an adventurer. Best to leave her as a dark mage where her high magic and high speed are used to good effect. Nina and Anna are probably your best bet if you want another bow user.
  17. Being immune to everything else still seems pretty nice. I doubt they'll make Wonder guard compatible with receiver though. Correct me if i'm wrong, but I believe they prevented the ability being swapped by other ways before. But anyway the new monkey pokemon look pretty nice, i'm still not feeling Z moves, but the animations are cool and I like extra customization options. The feature was a bit bare bones in XY. I do wonder if they are ever going show new Ice or Poison Pokemon. Poison only has one new Pokemon revealed and it could use some extra tools to play with as well. Ice just got the Alola forms.
  18. So I just finished the first day of case 5. It has an interesting premise, but I don't think this part was as good as it could have been Edit: spoiler did't work. Will do my thoughts on the day 1 of case 5 later
  19. I just finished 6-4 and it was...not very good sadly. It wasn't awful, but the case had a lot going against it. The case had a nice little twist and it was good to see Blackquill again, but other then that I was not really feeling it. The setting did't click with me since the Japanese joke thing just wasn't funny to me. Still the witnesses where decent enough and the case is so short that it did't overstay its welcome. The thing that brings this case down for me however is that Athena came across as terribly incompetent. I know she had no time to prepare so I'll let those parts slide, but there where several cases where Blackquill essentially had to take over or where Athena did not point the correct thing out untill being told not to mess around. She managed to be a fine layyer in case 3 of dual destinies so her struggling so much felt a little off.
  20. I have gone through case 2 and just started the second trial in case 3 so I haven't read the spoiler part just yet. Case 2 was fantastic after the somewhat meh case 1. It had a great killer, interesting story and the dynamic between Sahmadi and Emma/ and Apollo/Athena where amusing. Its also my first game seeing Trucy actually be relelvant since Dual destiny gave her nothing to do. Its probably one of my favourite cases in the series. Only complaint I had with the case was Apollo's inner monologue at a certain point which gave me the suspicion that he'll get some new info that I would not like very much. Case 3 is certainly very interesting and I like how they ended the day 1 trial. I have a feeling that I have a good grasp on who the killer is now, but i'll wait and see.
  21. I like the idea of more roman based classes and a lance/sword wielding Legionary would be a very good fit in that. I'd make them more balanced like the mercenary line, but with sword/lance instead of sword/axe. The pair up idea with other Legionaries is interesting, if a bit unwielding. Having the class focus on teamwork, instead of raw stats would be an interesting idea though. If I had to introduce a soldier class i'd probably go greek and have it be a Hoplite. They tend to be anti cavalry when used in RTS's and I think Fire Emblem could use that with the many positives the cavalry class has over other units.
  22. The worst mother would for Kana or anyone else would probably be Peri. I doubt she's be a good mother with her being insane and very quick to go for the stabbing. At least Kana's lucky that she probably isn't a maid. Best mom would probably be Oboro. She's nice and pretty normal compared to most characters. Other candidates might be Mozu or Kagero. The worst dad award would probably go to Jacob thanks to him being very competetive to Dwyer. Ryoma might take second place since he doesn't seem very good at raising kids. His heart was in the right place with Shiro, but he could have handled things better. I'm not too sure on who I would call the best dad. Shiro seems to know how to handle being around kids, but its mostly in a big bro kind of way. Arthur is very doting, but his luck would probably make things dangerous. Xander perhaps? He seems to be a good dad to Siegbert, despite accidently giving him self esteem issue's. Izana could go either way. He's very doting and he'd probably spoil his kids, but he could also spoil them rotten.
  23. Ace Attornet: Spirit of Justice I have only finished the first case as of now so I can't say anything about the game as a whole yet. The first case ended up being pretty decent. The witness was entertaining for a starter villain and its less of a no effort case then most of the first cases. On the other hand the game starts out very very slowly and it did start to annoy me at certain points. A lot of time is spend explaining the new court system and it all dragged out a little bit too long for my liking. The witness' gimmick is entertaining, but he is not really helping things speed up when the dialogue slows down to a crawl thanks to his unique way of speaking.
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