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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. The Whitewing sister are very popular and IS seems to like including them. I could see them getting in as one character with each sister being a costume with maybe a stat difference or two. I believe Navare might appear. Only Lonqu is his competition for the brooding myrm arcetype and I believe Navare's design will win out in the end. I don't know who else could be included from Fe1's cast. Maybe Merric and some of the starting units like Ceada, christmas knights and Gordin? Robin, Tharja and Lucina are pretty much guaranteed and I see the Inigo/Owain/Severa trio having a shot as well. Frederick would be the best choice for the Jeigan archetype since I believe he's more marketable then Jagen. Leo, Camilla and Takumi will probably get in as Fates characters. Not to sure about Hinoka though. so far my bets have been pretty safe so i'll end it with a character not being named a lot. I can see Felicia getting in as a character. The maid fanservice will be hard to resist for IS and though I don't like the character I can see potential in a knife throwing character with ice powers.
  2. I'll give the story some credit for finally doing something with the hero siblings personality traits. I don't remember Alfonse's distant behaviour and Shareena wanting to be friends with every hero was ever actually used in the story besides a few mentions. It did't work out that well, but at least they tried.
  3. I thought they would go the Heroes route and have Fcorrin moveset by mainly dragon based, but from the trailer we only saw her with a sword. The trailer as a whole did't blow me away with little gameplay and for some reason some characters like Corrin and Ryoma looked a bit stiff. I hope they're showing a stage or two on Treehouse later on.
  4. Like a lot of people't i'll name Reinhard. Brave tome on a horse is as fantastic as ever. Roy has been putting in a lot of work as well. Mostly by baiting Veronica/Hector/other greens, but with swordbreaker he can work in a pinch against red's too. Azura goes without saying for dancer utility. I'm also pleasantly surprised by Gordin's performence. The brave bow makes him able to kill almost every mage/every flier and the Ignis I slapped on him helps against inantry.
  5. The base main story has been pretty lame. It wasn't anything more then closing a portal and in cases like the Awakening world they needed to go back and do the same thing all over again. It never felt like the main characters made much progress. 'Bruno' starts to remind me a bit of Tobi and not in a good way. I have a feeling the first guess about his identity will be true in one way or another.
  6. I did't consider it a waste, but I promoted my Raigh to a 5 star unit, despite many people citing him as a bad unit. He's not spectacular, but he's no Odin/Henry and does his job in my team just fine.
  7. I eventually became a big fan, but my first memory of the game was picking it up, playing an hour and then dropping it for years after that. I wasn't too experienced with jrpg's at the time and Xenoblade did so many things that it felt a bit intimidating at first. After Smash 4 I decided to put it in again and since then I've played the game all the way to the end. The gameplay was great when I finally got myself into it and I especially liked the great (and cheesy) voice acting with the dynamic cutscenes. My team was usually the Shulk/Dunban/Reyn team because Dunban/Reyn where pretty good at tanking the enemy and I remember the team working well with chain attacks. I occasionally swapped them out for a Melia/Sharla/Riki team. Poor Seven went almost unused though. I heard she was good, but I already had my teams ready at the time.
  8. Having your whole family killed is more motivation to become evil then most Fire Emblem villains get, but I found Fernand to be a bit too over the top and unpragmatic to be fully symphethetic. He does score some points with his Matilda conversation and the fact that he originally did't even plan to betray the Deliverence. When captured by Desaix he seemed pretty ok with just dying till he became fascinated with Berkut.
  9. I just beated this chapter today and I had a relatively easy way of finishing the chapter. The Arcanists only start moving when you are in their range and next to the boss is one tile that the arcanists can't reach. My dread fighter saber could critkill the boss with the brave sword while the rest of the army sat on the forest tiles outside to lure out the gargoyles. Its a bit tedius but it got the job done. Before you can do this you just have to make sure its safe for Palla to open the gate. She should be fine if you move in when most of the gargoyles are dead. With the gargoyles gone you can pick of the Arcanists with high res units.
  10. I have the opposite situation where Silque barely hits anything and where I was happy to get a single 2 stats level up from her. Growths on the whole seem like they are pretty low so i'm happy for once with something as low as 3 stats going up. Alm is very good, but I was surprised to see that Lucas became my champ for act 1. As a knight nothing aside from that one mage did more then 2 damage to him. I enjoyed act 1 a lot, but act 2 is a bit more tricky. That difficulty seems a bit higher and they throw some annoying stuff at you such as that Cantor that keeps summoning or an all mage boat.
  11. I'm a bit surprised about Clive still being decent. They way he's talked about on Gamefaqs made me think he would be a complete joke unit. Forsyth wasn't high on my list of characters I wanted to use so I can live with him being bad.
  12. I might try that out. Donnel is one of the characters with the drag back skill right? Plan brave weapons usage did't work out so well otherwise with my level 40 Camilla doing 4X0 damange, Gordin not being too impressive and Hinoka failing to one round Hinoka.
  13. Is it me or are the deliverence units just not that good? Clive seems below avarage so far with low accuracy and being doubled by quite a few things in his join chapter. Python does much less damage then my archer Grey and he has the archer accuracy trouble. I did't have much oppurtunity to use Forsyth yet, but his base stats haven't impressed me.
  14. 80 orbs spend on the Celica banner and the only thing I have to show for it is junk and a large amount of Wrys' Anyway my current team of Roy/Reinhard/Raigh/Hawkeye gave me some problem in the final lunatic chapter that got added. I recently upgraded a Gordin to level 5 and I also have a Camilla and Hinoka around. Brave wielders against squishy mages seem like a good idea, but i'm not sure how good they are in these chapters. Any advice?
  15. 80 orbs spend on the Celica banner and the only thing I have to show for it is junk and a large amount of Wrys' Anyway my current team of Roy/Reinhard/Raigh/Hawkeye gave me some problem in the final lunatic chapter that got added. I recently upgraded a Gordin to level 5 and I also have a Camilla and Hinoka around. Brave wielders against squishy mages seem like a good idea, but i'm not sure how good they are in these chapters. Any advice?
  16. I generally try to recruit every character, but I have two units I have never recruited. Both for the same reason too. I always forget to bring Lilina/Ceada to recruit Garret/ uh Anna's boyfriend and I did't care enough about either of them to restart the chapters. I did't learn in my next playthrough of those games either.
  17. My curse of never drawing any good blue units has finally ended after pulling both Azura and Reinhard from a single 20 orbs spending. Shortly before that I also got both a Lucina and a Seliph. So my list is now. Hawkeye Camilla Roy (promoted) Sheena Raigh (Promoted) Lucina Seliph Azura Reinhard Did't expect to pull so many with no money spend on the game.
  18. I usually wait to level 20, but there are some instances where I promote a bit earlier. Healers for example get promoted earlier just so they can get a tome in their hands and I might promote at level 15 when i'm feeling impatient. I get the arguement for promoting early. Promo gains make characters perform much better and they have time to train up a new weapon type. I don't recall ever needing promo gains to come in early so I usually just wait and level up my unpromoted characters some more. Sure promoting early can be optimal, but i'm not trying to play optimally most of the time.
  19. I believe the Oc's might be the same as in heroes. 3 heroes and 1 or 2 villains to explain why characters from different fire emblem games are interacting. I actually don't think females will outnumber males in this one. There will be a fair amount because the series has many female characters, but compared to males there are fewer important female characters. most lords are males and all main villains are male too. I don't believe Hyrule warriors had so many females because 'waifus', but rather because there just weren't that many males to pick. My main concern isn't the amount of females, but the selection. Tharja and camilla are basically locked in and I would't be surprised to see Felicia make it in as a maid fanservice character. Aside from Lucina I don't think many of the non fanservice females will be a big priority.
  20. Ah alright. That sounds like too much effort for me so I don't think I will use Cecilia for much longer.
  21. I've been playing around with Cecelia for a bit and I have to ask, am I missing something about her? A raven tome to get weapon triangle advantage against grays is nice in theory, but every gray unit still doubles her and most deal a lot of damage thanks to her awful defense. Her being a 4 star might have something to do with it, but other 4 stars I tried could at least hold their own for a bit. Another unit i've been trying out is Sheena since I managed to get a 5 star version of her. She's pretty tanky, but she doesn't seem to do much damage and she has the 1 movement problem of all knights. Pivot helped a little bit with that though. Any advice on how to use her for people who used the unit before?
  22. In my opinion conquest's story stopped working when the invasion of Hoshido begin. I actually thinked the early part of conquest worked out pretty well. Corrin tries to be a reforming factor and his goody two shoes act works initially, then his hopes get brutally crushed in Chev and after that on the advice of Leo Corrin decides to pretend loyalty, while trying to play damage controll when Garon isn't looking. And then the plot started to make a nosedive when they decided to attack Hoshido. Birthrights plot was boring, but functional, but I think it stopped working whenever Xander showed up. Garon is such a cartoonishly evil villain that whatever Xander had to say in defense of Nohr stopped having any vallue.
  23. I've put the game down for a week or two so I think i'm ready to give my opinion on the game. As a whole I love the game, but their is one point that I hope they work on for the next games. They really nailed the open world aspect. Getting around is inherently fun and unlike other open world games you have much more freedom in movement. In other games such as Skyrim mountains are roadblocks which you either need to move around or follow the path up. In this game everything is climbable and the sail makes sure you can get around everywhere quickly as well. Combat is a bit more satisfying then usual Zelda games. Less reliance on hitting obvious weakspots and more of a focus on quick action. It works pretty well. The story is decent enough. The champions are all entertaining and/or interesting and this Zelda and Link are probably the most interesting of the bunch. I do think the backstory is more interesting then the main story, but the main story does its job well enough. My main problem with the game and the reason that i've put it down for a bit is that there is little to go back to now that i've beaten Ganon. Breakable weapons are fine in gameplay, but weapons as rewards don't have much vallue. Rupies aren't valuable either since ores are everwhere and i'm at the point where extra hearts and stamina don't make that much of a difference anymore. So at the moment I have no reason to do sidequests other then I because I want to. There are special side quests which are fun to do, but other then Tarrey town and the Gerudo special item no sidequest really has much in the way of a reward. The goddess spring quest for example just offer the same spirit orbs as anything else and a spear that by now I can find with no difficulty at all. So what I am meaning to say is that I think the core mechanics of this Zelda are great and I hope they keep it. I just hope they figure out a way to implement meanful rewards and sidequest that are a bit more varried next time.
  24. At the moment I have 4 5 star units. 1. Hawkeye 2. Camilla 3. Sheena 4. Roy I've been cursed with only pulling green 5 star units. Roy is only a 5 star because I made him into one.
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