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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I can see why the parent/child dlc would be left out. Translating every single parent child combo seems like a lot of work. I don't see why the Halloween support would be a Japan only thing though. I believe it more closely resembled the scramble dlc's from Awakening. Its still a fair amount of work, but it should't be impossible.
  2. I mostly agree with that. Pandering to gen 1 isn't all that bad in my opinion and many of the Alolan forms come from Pokemon that could use a little extra attention. Still i'm a bit annoyed to see that so far its 100% gen 1 even though there are plenty of trash pokemon in gen 2 that could use a little bit of love.
  3. I came in expecting not to see anything that interested me and my expectations weren't proven wrong. Most games are fine, but they aren't games I want to play. So in the end i'm not dissapointed since I did't expect much. I just hope they'll actually say something about the NX soon.
  4. Top 5 1. Drifblim: My very first shiny Pokemon and his unburden + weakness policy combo made him quite the powerhouse on my online team. Design and typing is cool too. 2. Alakazam: The original psychic powerhouse. 3. Male Meostick: Looks cute, decent pokemon and a psychic type. 4. Honchkrow: I like crows and Honchkrow pulls the look of pretty well. 5. Mamoswine: I dismissed it as ugly as first, but its sheer power won me over when I tried to use it. Bottom 5 1. Talonflame: I got more then a little annoyed after the millionth time I got a priority brave bird in my face. 2. Braixen: A tsundere witch pokemon is fine, but I expected less of that and more of a cool sorceror mage pokemon in the Delphox line. 3. Elemental monkeys: They bore me. 4. Barbacle: I'm not really fond of the design. 5. Ambipom: It just looks ugly.
  5. I normally don't have a problem with fanservice, but fanservice becomes annoying when it leads to bad character designs. My reason for disliking cavalry riding into battle in thongs or generals forgetting to cover their butts is not because its fanservice, but because the end result looks amazingly stupid and very out of place in a game like Fire Emblem. If it was Disgaea i'd probably just shrug it off, but Fire Emblem always plays wars and battles seriously and armour design used to reflect that.
  6. Most people already pointed out the truly awful ones such as Hana/Corrin, Peri/Everyone and Soleil Ophelia so I won't mention those anymore. I am not the biggest fan of Siegbert and Ignatius' support conversation. I liked that they tried a serious support with the second gens, but the support in question is just so boring. I feel like I have seen this conversation a hundred times already and neither characters have anything interesting to add to the 'should a prince fight' discussion either. A shame since the two most insecure gen 2 characters could have a somewhat interesting support. I did't really enjoy Niles and Odin's support either. You have two of the weirdest characters in Fates, but the support itself is pretty boring. Niles could be replaced by any other serious character and there would't be much of a difference. Odin is acting like usual, but I did't think the weapon naming part was all that interesting. Sadly most of Keaton's and to a lesser extend Velouria's support did't do anything for me either. I really liked how they introduced Keaton and I was interesting in the character, but the garbage obsession having a huge role in many of his support kind of killed my interest in him. Its not all that funny after the first time and it tells us nothing interesting about the character. Velouria meanwhile has a great design and I was interested in her too, but once again the garbage obsession takes the spotlight too much.
  7. I hated Shadow Dragon's storytelling when it first came out. The lack of lines and the very short cutscenes weren't something I liked at the time. I recently replayed Shadow Dragon again and I started to appreciate it a lot more. The game had more strong scenes then I remembered such as Marth's bit after he finally retakes his kingdom and the map narrations where amongst the best of the series. Fe12 was merely ok. I liked how they gave everyone at least a conversation or two, but Chris wasn't really used well in the game.
  8. True Kjelle would be a bit redundent and I don't think she is very likeable either, but I meant to say that she has a trait that would actually make her a good candidate to go on a world saving adventure I never really understood why the current trio was chosen from a story perspective. Awakening never really presented Inigo, Severa and Owain as outstanding. They are good soldiers, but they where not absurdly strong, they where not the smartest soldiers around and I did't see much leadership potential in them either. I just don't see how the one who called them to the fates world could look at all the Awakening characters and decide that the current trio would be the best pick to go and save the world.
  9. I would have included Laurent, Kjelle and Lucina. Its not that those 3 are my favourite kid characters, but I think it would make the most sense if the characters where chosen on merrit, instead of popularity. Laurent is the smartest of the Awekening kids, Kjelle is presented as almost inhumanly strong and Lucina seems to be the most capable of leading. They also don't have flaws which would prevent them from being chosen other then Kjelle being a bit of a jerk. Many of the other Awakening second gens have some traits I would't want in my saviours.
  10. Normally I don't bother with status or buff moves in rpg's. They aren't worth it in most normal encounters and bosses tend to be immune. Final fantasy 4 ds was a big exception though. You absolutely needed slow and to a lesser extend protect and shell or else the bosses would wipe the floor with you. I was also a big abuser of status moves on my online team in Pokemon XY. Most of my team knew either thunder wave, sleep powder or Will-o-whisp to cripple opponents during switch ins or when they where outspeeded.
  11. Xander/Charlotte: I like Xander in supports like these where he doesn't get dragged down by the story. Charlotte meanwhile is at her best in this support as well. Arthur/Beruka: A support that manages to be both funny and sweet. I like how Beruka is less robotic in this one and I thought the two had good chemistry throughout. Siegbert/Shiro: The support shows the differences between the two princes very well, but it also presents them as good friends who don't have the same tension as their dads or uncles. There are probably some more, but these where the ones I thought of first.
  12. I believe that IS did try to give Ike some flaws. He has his inexperience, there was his little bit in the senate and he does seem to hold a somewhat stereotypical view of nobility. The problem is that some of his flaws don't have much effect and that the game goes out of its way to present them in a more positive way. His little bit with the senate should be a good way to present Ike a bit tactless and not someone that fits in when discussing politics, but the Senate and Sanaki to a lesser extent where such assholes that Ike walks away as the better man. He gets told off a bit by Nasir, but nothing really comes of it and I got the impression that the scene was meant to show Ike as the ordinary man standing up against the bullying of the nobility. I do like how they handled his inexperience though. Ike doesn't magically become the great leader of the Greil Mercanaries overnight. He needed Soren and Titania plenty of times and I like how the non Shinon mercenaries where presented in the entire affair. Everyone aside Gatrie accepts him as the leader, but they don't just blindly believe in Ike. Even Boyd who is pretty friendly with Ike has some doubts about Ike being in charge when things get dangerous.
  13. I think the main problem with Awakening's story is that they where trying to do too many things as once and as a result very few things about had the time to be good. The game features 4 different antagonists and they had to throw time travel somewhere in the mix as well. None of the bad guys really get the time to establish themselves as good villains and the constant switching of locations also means we don't really get a good feel of the world and its people. As a result we a generic 'strenght is everything!' villain who unlike Ashnard brings nothing unique to the table. An annoyingly incompetent evil sorceror and an evil dragon who has no interesting background or motives. The only villain who was somewhat unique for Fire Emblem was Gangrel and he only had a few chapters before Emmeryn pushed an instant win button against him. Time travel was ok and Future past actually made it very effective. My only gripe is that Lucina never really got to do anything after being recruited. She mostly sits the Valm arc out and the final arc is mostly about Chrom and Robin. She has a scene where she warns Bassilio and her Robin scene, but other then that I don't really remember her doing anything else of importance.
  14. The gameplay might be the best in the series. Fun chapters, varried objections and a challenge. The only flaw for me would be that the last few chapters are more annoying then fun. The story is very flawed as many people have already said. I'm somewhat milder and I think that the game actually had something unique and interesting going untill the whole Hoshido invasion arc. Sure the lack of nuance was a waste of potential, but I did think the early chapters made it work somewhat. Corrin first tries to be a goody two shoes about everything with some success, then gets his hope crushed in Chev and after that he learns how to minimise Garon's damage from behind the scenes from his family.
  15. I would prefer it if they kept permadeath on as an option. I don't mind casual mode, but I do think the game isn't really build around it. Right now there is a pretty high stat difference between your own units and the enemy. Your army is usually stronger, faster and more durable then the random mooks you face. The main difficulty for chapters isn't finishing the chapter and killing the boss/seizing the throne, but its doing so with no one getting killed. Without permadeath you can just rush through the whole stage with your much stronger army and finish the chapter without much trouble.
  16. From what i've been reading there seems to be a bit of a problem with how the Brexit will go. To leave the EU Great Britain needs to activate article 50 which is a formal request to leave the EU. Cameron was supposed to do that, but....he did not. He resigned instead and left that to his succesor. Its actually a bit of a clever move since it would take a lot of courage to request leaving the Eu now that the Brexiters are backpaddling. Its especially bad news for Johnson since he would lose all credibility if he does not formally request for Great Britain to leave the Eu. And that creates another problem since Johnson said he only want to formally say he's leaving when he has negotiated a good deal with the EU, but the EU has shot that idea down completely. They don't want long periods of uncertainty so they are only willing to negotiate about the terms of leaving when Britain actually requests to leave. In other words Johnson wants a good deal before he leaves the EU, while the EU wants Great Britain to leave before they are willing to talk about things.
  17. That is my main complaint as well with the 3 awakening characters. There just wasn't any reason to take them over a lot of the awakening cast. I mean Owain, Severa and Inigo are probably fine soldiers, but they never really came across as anything other then just that. If Anakos wanted someone who was smart he could have picked Laurent, if he wanted someone strong he could have picked Kjelle and if he wanted a leader he could take Lucina. And thats just gen 2. There are other highly competent characters such as Gregor, Virion or Cordelia who's entire thing is being seen as better then her daughter.
  18. The worst dads are probably Desmond and that one king from Fe3. One tried to kill his son and the other one was willing to sell the Gust twins off which likely would have killed them. The best is a harder pick since there is no shortage of good dads or moms for that matter. Muarim perhaps for raising a random kid he found. While she isn't actually a mother i'd like to nominate Niime for worst female child raiser in Fire Emblem. Her support with her grandson was entertaining enough, but in Hugh's support with Lugh he mentioned that Niime wasn't putting her A rank staff skills to good use when he was bleeding like a runt. Not healing the person your supposed to raise when he's in serious danger isn't very praiseworthy behaviour.
  19. I'm not British myself, but as someone from the Netherlands I did follow a lot of the news on the Brexit. I did not expect Britain to leave at all. Just yesterday they said that the polls where split, but that a majority of gambling offices thought the remain camp would win. I knew emotions ran high, but I thought most people would't vote for such uncertainty when they where actually voting. I hope things will work out for Great Britain, but I don't think this will be an improvement for anyone involved. They have to start from scratch when it comes to trade, the vast majority of experts where against a Brexit and today the Pound is making a historic fall. To me this looks like Great Brittain jumping of a cliff without knowing if their parachute works. They might land safely, but they could be in for a nasty fall. Perhaps one positive side of this is that the EU will finally wake up and realise how many people hate their guts. I'm pro EU and even I think they really need to work on their image which is just very bad lately. I just hope my country doesn't do a referendum like this although I'm very sure there's one party over here that can't wait to start talking about it.
  20. Keaton and Velouria would be my main ones. I really like their designs and I like their personalities as well, but there is one problem I have with them. Their garbage obsession gimmick is very prominent in most of their supports and I just don't think that trait is funny or interesting enough to be worth repeating that much. It makes them far more boring then I would have liked.
  21. Oops sorry.I did't think that through. I removed it now.
  22. I would be fine with the kids returning, but only if the game actually takes place in the fates world and if they fit into the story. Returning characters by themselves aren't a problem. The fe3 cast, the fe10 cast and some fe6 characters showed that. I definately don't want to characters randomly getting dragged into other worlds just because they are popular though.
  23. After reading through the Leo and Xander support I got the idea that Leo is a comically bad swimmer. He mentions how Xander had always been better at swimming, yet at the beach Dlc he has to use an inflateable Lillith so i'm wondering how Leo could be worse.
  24. I think I should give Conquest chapter 25 a prize. The prize for most annoying, unfairly cheap chapter I have ever encountered in Fire Emblem. I can stand ninja's and I can stand poison strike, but no chapter should have 3 range ninja's with both poison strike and grizzly strike. Whenever I go down that corridor those two ninja assholes shave off 80% health of the one in front while some other random jerk can pick them off. The Saizo half is annoying, but not too bad. The Kagero side is pure hell. This chapter makes me miss Kotaro's stupid ninja cave.
  25. I have only played through most of Conquest so far and while I can't say I think the story is good, its still less awfull then I thought. At the least it had something interesting going on with Corrin first trying to reform Nohr from withing by acting like a goody two shoes, getting that hope dashed in Chev and then following Leo's advice about trying to minimise the damage, while pretending to follow Garon's orders. It was also quite entertaining to see him troll Iago. I hadn't expected that since the most I heard about Corrin was him being a total pansy. It does its best in ruining the good things with stupid stuff like the crystal ball, Garon and his lack of nuance, the deeprealms and I still have to see the stupid Gooron reveal.
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