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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Female Robin is a nice extra costume choice so no complaint there. Cordelia making it in isn't very surprising. I just hope her inclusion doesn't mean that Ceada is getting the boot from the game since I'd say she'd be a better fit in the story then Cordelia who's mostly just kind of there in Awakening.
  2. Rome total war. For some reasons the others games like Shogun 2 and Napoleon just did't do it for me, but Rome Total war is still a game I pick up from time to time. Either i'm more used to that game or its slightly more simple then the games that came after it.
  3. Final fantasy 4: The after years would be my pick. I can see its flaws with it trying a bit too hard to recreate the origina, the weird story and the not so great balancing, but I liked seeing the cast many years later. The giant amount of playable characters that you can use for the boss rush finale also gives you a lot of options. Its nowhere near the best Final Fantasy, but I had a lot of fun with it.
  4. I don't think we will be seeing any nerfs or buffs. If I got the bussiness model right the solution is usually just to include new stuff instead. I believe they already tried that with stuff like Wrathfull staff and the anti buff skills. But if it where up to me i'd buff the anti armour and anti horse stuff. They do little damage and armour units are pretty rare so the weapons themselves being weak makes them unapealing. I might nerf the bladetomes. From what I read they overshadow every non dire thunder tome at the moment.
  5. Characters I like, but others don't: Siegbert: A lot of people consider Siegbert to be bland or even one of the worst kids and I don't really see why. Siegbert avoids the gimmicky character trap and his self esteem issue's are given the weight they deserve. Alfonse: I would't go as far as to say Alfonse is a good character. He's the lord in a game with an excuse plot so there isn't much there. Still I think the idea behind him is pretty interesting. Most lords are pretty fond of the whole friendship thing and I thought it was nice to see a lord who is more jaded and tries to limit his relationship with others to a more proffesional level. Characters I dislike that others don't: The Black Knight: Poor BK you did everything so well. You managed to be a good, baddass and mysterious baddy who made such a cliche title work. Its just a shame your reasons for killing a man and orphaning his children where unbelieveably scummy. I don't get 'last true knight' vibes from someone who starts fights to the death just so he can boast about how great of a swordsman he is into the mirror every morning. Rudolf: I don't know if Rudolf is liked or not, but I don't hear much dislike about him, at least not for the reason I dislike him. I'm willing to forgive Rudolf's not so great plan since he's an upgraded Nes villain and they could't change the main plot too much. Instead I don't like him because the remake turned him into an awful father figure. Sure the game says he cares about Berkut, but he sure doesn't act like it. In all of his scenes he's pretty dismissive towards Berkut and he could have been a bit more gentle with the 'plot twist' at the end. Rudolf had the time to tell his general when it was apropiate so he either did't care about telling Berkut himself or he did't have the spine to own up to his own lies.
  6. I do remember there being a good Maribelle support, but if I recall correctly there was a conversation between Gaius and Libra too in the harvest dlc.
  7. Gaius was one of my least favourite Awakening characters because of his candy obsession. Still I thought there was one moment where the character became a slightly interesting and they might have made him into a good character if they actually showed the thief side of his job for more then one or two conversation. It was his conversation with Libra in one of the dlc episodes where he says he does his job because he's good at it and because someone needs to do the dirty work even if it pays crappy and makes his allies suspicious of him. On an unrelated note that dlc did the same thing with Miriel where it briefly dropped the experiment of the week gimmick and instead focuses on her establishing a mutual friendship with Cherche and her talking about her problems with making friends. So yeah focusing more on aspects like those would be my fix for some of the gimmicky awakening cast members.
  8. Yeah Merlinus probably needs a rewrite when they start remaking fe6. There are other ways to make your character smart then having someone else always be wrong. I think Clive also suffers that problem to a lesser extend. Still I think the Wagner bit was actually the only time they made the dynamic work because Merlinus had a point and Roy listened to it. Merlinus was right in saying Cath wasn't a trustworthy source of information. Wasn't that the reason Roy tricked Wagner into exposing himself, rather then him walking up to Wagner and accusing him?
  9. Gameplay-wise I see no problem with archetypes. Its a simply way to space out of the various characters you get at the game. You start with a set that teaches you the ropes with your high move cavalry/Jagen, Defensive knight and an Archer to showcase ranged combat. After that you gradually get some more exotic units like Myrms, Mages and Pegasus knights. Its a simply way to introduce you to the classes of the game. Archetypes can be more problematic from a story perspective, but I think they are already fixed that problem. Early game Myrms are often very brooding, but you also get characters like Zihark and Joshua who fit in the enemy myrm archetype who avoid using that personality trait.
  10. How about Pokemon Conquest, but with Fire emblem characters? I'd heard a Fire emblem/Pokemon crossover was the original idea and I'd think it would be fun to see which Pokemon every character gets.
  11. least liked: Peri: I'd just remove her entirely or change her personality completely, but then Peri would't be Peri anymore. So instead my solution would be to change everyone around her. Xander did't make her his retainer because of her skill, but rather because he felt bad for her. Xander employs Peri so he can help her become a normal person and he holds her on a very tight leash. Both he and Corrin give her a strict no killing innocents/allies ultimatum and Peri actually does her best to keep that promise. Awakening Trio:I'd have Anakos actually mention why a larper, a mood swinger and a flirt where summoned to go on a world saving adventure. I have no reason to believe those 3 where the best choice for the job since the game never gives us a good reason. They're fine soldiers, but they lack Kjelle's strenght, Laurent's intelligence or Lucina's leadership skills so why did Anakos not just call them? I'd also not make them retainers of the Nohr siblings. Only Lazwald worked, but I think it was still a waste to turn them into retainers. They have no history with the siblings or the other retainers so there's nothing to expand upon. Just make them mercenaries working in secret at the task Anakos gave them. Favourites Roy: Roy does a good job at being a competent lord, but the bare bones, by the book story doesn't spend much time with Roy as a person. Eliwood is now more then a plot devise so why not use him? Roy not being around while his father is very ill and might be at risk of dying could have its effect on Roy. Giving Wolt and Lilina similar roles as Grey/Tobin or Boey/Mae could also work since that gives him plenty of time to talk with his friends.
  12. My favourite lord is probably Roy. His intelectual nature makes him good at the lord part of the job. He seems to know how the political stuff works in his world with him making an alliance with Etruria in advance and he thinks quick on his feet during several moments in the game's story. I also like that they keep Roy's smart guy status and accomplishments pretty low key. He doesn't conquer an entire castle with only three man or always beat impossible odds and he's not some omnipotent chessmaster either. He simply calmly looks at a situation and comes with simple and practical solutions. Marth is probably my second pick. He's mostly known for his nice guy traits and his charismatic nature now, but I also liked other aspect about his character. I thought the scene where he decided to celebrate with his people right after he found out his mom had been murdered was one of the better lord scenes in the series. It shows he serious he takes his job and how he's able to set personal feelings aside to do what his people want of him.
  13. Most of my star players are the same as before. Reinhard is as broken as ever, Azura is a nice refresher and Roy comes in handy when I want to be invincible against green unit. My biggest surprise was Boey though. He might be a bonus unit, but I was a bit warry about taking him since he's not really strong and the -speed nature makes his speed even worse then normal. Things turned out less bad then I thought with him though. He tanks all the blue units the trial throws at you, being doubles by those blue units makes it easy to charge Ignis up and if not his chip damage is at least good enough for the next unit to go for the kill. He's not my greatest unit, but he's not the liability I thought he would be.
  14. I'd say Merric is pretty likely. Not only is he slightly more important then the other Shadow Dragon characters, but I also don't think his role as a mage has much competition. If Merric makes it in he'll use wind. Lots and lots of winds. I don't see Tharja or Leo using that element when they appear. The only other character who might use a lot of wind based spells is Ricken and I have a feeling he isn't making it in any time soon. Focusing exclusively on wind spells would fit with Merric's preference and it helps stand out from other magic users this game has to offer. Being a good friend of Marth is also something that helps his inclusion. I don't see Astram getting anytime soon. Competition is fierce amongst sword users and I don't think he'll win out.
  15. Micaiah and Pelleas aside pretty much all new characters introduced in Radiant Dawn where missed potential. Some more effort was put into Nolan, Leonardo and Edward, but even then we still had to learn about their past from other sources. Other characters like Vika, Kyza and Aran had to make due with maybe one or two base conversations. Gameplay-wise i'd say the third tiers where a wast of potential. The idea sounds cool on paper, but they essentially just nerfed the second tiers into the ground and gave the third tier units an instant kill move. Only the Marksman class felt like they where unique.
  16. I would't mind seeing an atheist or a less passionate priest in the next game. Not in the jerkass Azama way, but a character who was forced enter the clergy to advance his family's interests. From what i've read sons who weren't in line to inherit anything where often raised to make carreers in the clergy so those sons could further the influence of the family from there. It would make for an interesting backstory and I don't believe Fire emblem ever had such a character before.
  17. I got a Boey out of the latest banner. Pretty nice since I was hoping to pull either him or Mae, but sadly he seems to be -speed/+resistence. Is the character worth something with this boon/bane? 23 speed looks pretty painful and his resistence still isn't something worth bragging about.
  18. As usual I haven't gotten anything from a banner even with 100 orbs thrown at it. I don't recall ever pulling a banner unit during my entire playthrough. Still I can't complain. I did't care too much for the swimsuit characters and I did get a fancy Ryoma out of this. 5 star Lucius and Priscilla are nice too I guess.
  19. Its mostly Garon who is to blame for Fate's bad story. The story has some good potential with choosing between the siblings who raised you or siding with the nation you where stolen from. Norh being the more morally ambigous country would also help develop the Nohr siblings. Sadly Garon is so cartoonishly evil that there isn't any case to be made for Nohr. They aren't an impoverished nation attacking for recources, instead Garon wants to invade Hoshido for reasons he can't be bothered to explain. This forces the Nohr siblings to behave like spineless yes man and undermines everything about how Xander is supposed to be portrayed as. Corrin being put on a pedestal the entire time is problematic for the story too. You have scenes where Takumi is somehow in the wrong for not setting aside his hatred even when Corrin is siding with the country that is obviously evil and isn't making their Hoshidan invasion a secret. Ryoma admitting his jealousy of Corrin's greatness before he was stolen did't help much either since it makes an established badass come across as pathetic. Thirdly the fanservice gets in the way of the story. Not the silly costumes, but the marriage system has no reason to exist in the Fates world in its current form. The explenation of the second generation characters is weird at best and horrifying at worst. The Hoshidan siblings being romanceable was also not needed and it makes Ryoma come across as a lying scumbag. True family huh? But I will give Conquest story some credit. I was pretty invested in the first half where the story doesn't ruin itself. I liked how Corrin's desire to change the country from within seemed to be working at first before completely failing in Chev. Corrin following Leo's advice of seemingly following Garon, while playing damage controll while he wasn't looking would make for an interesting direction if they did't need to invade Hoshido.
  20. I have a question regarding skillsets about two characters i'm using. The first is Reinhard who has a grand total of 1600 sp left to spend since I did't give him a lot of skills. I don't use a cavalry team so I did't get the horse buff skill and vantage seems like a weird skill on Reinhard since he dies whenever a unit looks in his direction. I'm not entirely sure what to give him. The other is Michalis. I assume he's better with another offensive skill to make better use of the Hauteclaire, but otherwise i'm not sure. The anti arrow skill and threaten defense work out alright for the moment.
  21. The Fates villains are pretty bad. They are boring at best and awful at worst. The only villain I found entertaining was that semi important ninja guy. But another villain I did't really liked was Valtome. I know IS wanted us to know the Begnion senators where scumbags, but we had enough evidence for that without a cartoonishly incompetent, self sabotaging jerk. Lekain seems to be a reasonably competent bad guy and he seems to have the senators in his pocket by the time of Radiant Dawn. I wonder why he allowed Valtome anywhere near the army when he randomly sends his own soldiers to death and is the only one responsible for Crimea not being neutral anymore.
  22. I had the most amazing pull ever yesterday with : 3 star Odin (again) 3 star Fir (again) 3 star Charche 3 star Palla 3 star Gwendolyn (again)
  23. I would hate seeing the Awekening trio again unless the game in question would be an actual sequel to Fates or a gaiden situation where returning characters actually have a good excuse to appear. I believed them being transported into the Fates world was just one of the things that did not work for me. Even with the DLC I did't get an answer about what made those 3 so special to be chosen by a god to help save the world. It did't help that they seemed to completely suck at the job that they where given. To me it just came across as pandering to the Awakening fans.
  24. my favourite design would be Xander. He really nails the personality he would have had if he wasn't stuck in Fates' Awful story. The black armour and purple cape go well together as well. My least favourite design would be Sophie. Fates has some issues with female character design, but at the very least characters like Camilla and Charlotte go all the way in their stupid fanservice. Sophie is just not wearing pants for reasons that are never explained. I wonder what part of her personality made the devs decide that "Yeah this character spends all her time in her underwear". Its not fitting and it doesn't look good either.
  25. Too bad the stream is pretty much a repeat. I did't expect any new reveals, but they could at least focus on characters not used yesterday. We already saw Xander during the first stream. It seems to be over now aside from some amiibo stuff too.
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