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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. It started horrible for me too with the game refusing to give any green or blue orbs for quite some time. After a lot more orbs then I epected my luck did turn around with. Grima, Micaiah, Inigo and Shigure which is nice. All units I did't have before, but Grima, Inigo and Shigure are -speed which is less nice.
  2. Well I would't call the Nohrian army good guys, but the game attempts (attempts being the keyword) to portray Corrin and Xander as upstanding moral people who hate needless killing. Its a bit hard to take them seriously when they condemn the actions of certain characters when they allow Peri in their army.
  3. I think Peri's tragic backstory explains why she is the way that she is, but I don't think it does much to justify Peri's inclusion into the game. The reason I have a problem with Peri is that she makes every character in the game look much worse then they should be. They should't be this comfertable when she talks about looking for people to kill or any other problematic aspects of Peri. Backstory or no backstory someone as unstable as Peri has no place in any good guy army. She still should't be allowed to wield any sharp weapons and she would still need help, rather then a spear in her hand and orders to kill.
  4. Oof infernal was pretty difficult, but after trying several different combinations I finally had my team of Roy/Reinhardt/Gordin/Raigh beat this chapter. Its been a long time since I used the skill, but rally attack actually proved to be the key to winning this map for me, helping to take out 3 different units. It helped Roy kill the sword cavalry on the counter with draconic aura, it helped deathblow 3/strength +3 Gordin one round Saias and it helped Rein one round the brave bow archer.
  5. I think Camilla as a character had a lot of potential, but like a lot of Fates they kinda wasted all that potential and just made things stupid. The idea behind her character is something I found very interesting. An emotionally damaged woman who showers people she likes with love and affection because she wants to be loved. Her special fixation with Corrrin is even partly explainable by him/her being so far removed from the whole Garon's wife conflicts. Sadly they greatly undermined her entire character by making her so obviously want to sleep with Corrin. Her design is also kind of a shame. The purple hair and the black armour is a good combo and I think some fanservice on Camilla might even work since she looks like the type for it. But her lack of pants kinda went too far and just made her look silly.
  6. I like how we are having four persons again on a non seasonal banner, but I don't know how I feel about Rein/Olwen getting different forms. Thracia already has few units so I would't use doubles on that game just yet.
  7. Ow wow. Saias was my top pic for a Thracia GHB, but I always thought he'd never be included into the game. Nice to see him although I would prefer a first staff ghb over yet another healer turned blue mage.
  8. Seliph it will be then I think. Zephiel might be usefull too, but I see myself using Seliph more in the future.
  9. A way back I got my second Hector. A +resistance/-strength even so he is perfect fodder material for his distant counter material. I need a little advice on who on my team would make the best use out of the rare skill though . Zephiel is the most obvious choice, but I don't really enjoy using armour knights and my armour team is already pretty crowded. Black Knight already has distant counter on his weapon so I don't know how much i'd use Zephiel even when I give him that ability. My second maybe is Seliph. 30 defense is good enough and the divine tyrfing/deflect magic allows him to take a hit from a mage. He also already has infantry pulse so whats one more rare resource?
  10. That would mean they would have to include a character with a beard and I don't think we've seen many of them lately. But I think seasonal banners are pretty nice. Fan service on seasonal banners is mostly acceptable to me since they are meant to be goofy side things. Its not like the normal parts of the game where you are supposed to take things seriously.
  11. Ricken is a Chrom fanboy so his reclass options mirror Chrom. Cherche has two healing classes because she was trained to use a staff. Henry using the not so pleasant Berserker/Thief/Dark Mage classes fits well with his nature. Gangrel probably uses the same set because those classes used by Plegia a lot.
  12. Fates world really needs expending since it the only continent that lacks even something as basic as a name. The ancient battle depicted in the painting of the reveal trailer might be an easy way to jump in too. I remember a blue haired samurai fighting against Norh that wasn't really used other then in the trailer. I forgot most Sacred Stone endings so I don't know how much they'd need to retcon, but Sacred Stones might have a good base for a sequel. The giant earthquake that would completely devastate Grado and the bad blood from the previous war could both lead to some pretty interesting situations.
  13. I don't think I have a clear preference. Mustache twirling bad guys can be very entertaining like Mumkhar or they can have a cool factor like the non wind waker Ganondorfs. They can also be super boring like Garon however. Meanwhile Sympathetic villains or villains with a tragic backstory can be interesting like Yggdrassil. On the other hand some of my most despised fictional characters are sympathetic characters done wrong. Villains like Jin or 'Tobi' where every crime they commited is instantly shrugged of because 'they where so sad'. I think I have a slight preference for sympathetic villains, but on the whole I think its a matter of excution.
  14. I never did promote Camus so no Grani shield for me. Still Clive with swordbreaker was tanky enough to take little damage from the sword cavalry and kill it before it passed through and hit someone else. After that it was smooth sailing.
  15. That did rub me the wrong way too. The only thing the Black Knight got out of killing Greil was sohe could look in the mirror and tell himself he was the world's greatest swordsman. It makes him come across as a petty murderer, instead of 'the last true knight' and 'Ike's final teacher'. The other thing I did't like about the Black Knight was the him holding back part. I can get why they added it and the Japanese explanation was very bas as well, but did't they already establish that Warp Powder was something that was very draining to use? Would't that be a reason enough for BK being able to get defeated?
  16. It would be hard to change Peri without just making her an entirely different character. So instead of changing Peri, i'd just change everyone else around her. So Xander did not recruit her because of her combat ability, but because he pities her and wants to help her. Meanwhile Xander and Corrin also keep Peri on a very tight leash with a no killing rule around so she does not casually talk about going to town and murdering someone. With those changes Peri would still be a batshit crazy character that should not be in the game, but at least she would't drag down everyone else with her anymore.
  17. I remember liking the Arabian themed designs of games like Suikoden tierkreis and other stuff in which the setting was used so i'm all for a setting like that. It also helps that an Arabian themed setting is also not a huge departure from what they usually do. Of course they do need to change desert chapters because having a lot of those would be a giant pain.
  18. Kris was an awful awful character whose canon class should have been thief, but I do think he has an idea worth expanding upon. Kris was the only avatar who's backstory you could(sort of) decide on and him not having an unique class also helped him be more customizable. I'd say go all out with that next time the avatar makes an appearance. Have backstory/class decide on what characters the avatar can support and increase the ways in how you can customize your character with different outfits and such. My main wish for avatars is to greatly tone down their story importance and just focus on having your own character interact with the cast. Have your backstory/class effect how other characters view your Avatar and maybe create some personality templates that influence supports to some degree.
  19. I'd say most of the ones others have already mentioned and these who haven't been mentioned yet. Hayato and Izana having a support would make some sense. Hayato is preparing to be a leader and tries to act serious and 'grown up'. Meanwhile you have an actual leader who is as goofy as they come. Izana could also show there's a good leader behind all the jokes since he did't really get to show that anywhere else in Fates. Felicia and Reina could be one of the wacky supports in the game. Both like doing chores and helping out, but neither good at it if you look at Reina's cooking stats. Maybe Felicia would have seen Reina as a mentor of sorts.
  20. I remember that the first sidequest boss in fe6 was an absurdly strong monster on a throne. So him probably. Promoted, high stats, sitting on a throne and I believe he had a ranged weapon as well.
  21. They could cut Lucina or make her a Marth costume, but I don't think Lucina having her own slot does any harm. She is a 0 effort character thats not taking anything away from other characters. The only downside to Lucina having her own slot is people complaining about the number of slots a franchise has. I don't mind if they change Lucina's status, but i'm not going to root for it either.
  22. I got a male Morgan! Yaaaay! He's +Resistance/-Attack BOOOOOOH!
  23. Felicia is probably the worst example I can think of. She's a good soldier, but a bad maid and she always outdid her sister in combat training. Despite everything mentioned about her she functions as a healer/maid instead of a fighter. Some Azama growths could have sold her archetype a lot more. Rinka's abs of steel also don't really get translated over to gameplay sadly. Tormod having such a high strength growth is RD is also a bit odd since him being so short is often mentioned. I don't see any problem with Hinata/Subaki's growths though. Their growths are odd when you consider their class yeah, but I don't feel anything about their character/design chains them to their class type's growths. I actually thought it was somewhat refreshing to have a bulky Myrmidon or Pegasus knight for once and that it helped set them apart from other units in their class.
  24. Oh wow. I was pretty convinced this would be a Smash 4 port with the Inklings being added in. I kept thinking that until I saw the breath of the wild design for Link. So here's hoping its not just a skin.
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