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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I just wonder what choices IS will make now that they usual suspects for a valentine's banner have already been used in other seasonal banners. Will they go for something new or will they stick to what they used in the other themed banners? Personally I hope for a bunch of cringeworthy lovey dovey couples as characters. Marth/Caeda, Pent/Louise or Mathilda/Clive spending most of their time gushing over each other. However I fully expect them to do another Awakening/Fates banner with at the very least one unrequited love character and one twisted love character. So I have a feeling we're getting another Tharja/Camilla/Cordelia. Flora and Niles would also be contenders if they do an Awakening/Fates banner, but those two would at least be a bit better.
  2. Nothing that exiting. Just that Ephraim has no talent for magic.
  3. I got the new Eirika as wel anyone concerned van rest at ease. Judging from her Words we won’t be getting pony staff wielding Ephraim anytime soon. seeing her stats now and knowing how exclusive mounted mages are I hope she doesn’t end up blocking a certain red haired, mounted mage from fe4 though.
  4. I would have said Conquest for being a very unique final map. The faceless appearing behind you to push you forward, an archer final boss and needing to look for cover where all nice touches. That stupid hexing rod along with some other things ruined it though. So i'll go with Fe7. The many old faces the final chapter throws at you was a pretty fun way to end the game on.
  5. So it seems the recent patch removed "THINK YOU CAN TAKE ME" and "DON'T FORGET ME" from the game The quality of life improvements sound nice though. Being able to skip voice lines when shoving food down a blade's throat will save a nice amount of time.
  6. I think she got a great voice otherwise, but Oboro's "THIS SCUM DOESN'T STAND A CHANCE" never felt right to me. Also "BUT MAAAAAARS"
  7. I had hoped to see Edward/Leonardo/Nolan/Pelleas in a Radiant Dawn banner, but the idea of finally having our protector of beauty in this game makes up for that a little.
  8. Despised hero Peri: Mostly because she has no place being in an army of good people. Her backstory explains why she behaves why she does, but NOT why she is allowed into an army where she has plenty of chance to murder innocent people. Very few people also seem interesting in stopping her and she needs stopping since she doesn't only threaten, but actually tries to murder people.. Despised villains. Echoes Rudolf: I won't hold Rudolfs not so good plan against him. Its based on a nes game so i'm willing to let some things slide. However the remake included Rudolfs relationship with Berkut and thats where he becomes scummy . Rudolf basically enabled Berkut's jerkass behaviour, lied to him his entire life and was just dangled something infront of, only to yank it away at the last second. Rudolf telling everyone, but Berkut the truth in his last moments also shows he either did't care or was just too much of a coward to own up to his lies. I mean sure Berkut was a jerk, but perhaps he would't have turned totally insane if his dad figure at least tried to explain things before he died. Black Knight: I see little honour in killing a man and orphaning his kids just to prove you are stronger yet the game showers praise on him as 'the last true knight' and 'Ike's final teacher'. I just saw a common killer getting of very lightly for his crimes. Even making the fight fair did't change the fact he murdered something just to satisfy his ego. Picking some of my least favourite heroes and villains is easy, but its a bit harder to pick some of my favourites since there are far more character I like. Still I think i'd narrow it down to. Favourite heroes Roy: I like him for being the lord with the intelectual edge and I hope a remake will make him shine just a bit more then he did in his original game. Alm: Yes the game loves him a bit too much, but aside from that he was a very funny, likeable guy with a great voice and some good moments. Elincia: I like just how much she grows in her two games with her role in radiant dawn part 2 being one of the best parts of the series storywise.
  9. My pick for game of the year is Xenoblade chronicles 2. The vast, explorable and greatly varied worlds are amazing to see and the great soundtrack that acompanies everything makes it even better. The cast of the game was very strong with almost every character enjoying time in the sun and the story kept me entertained throughout. The game does have some standard anime tropes I did't care for/really dislike and the map system sucks, but everything else compensated for that nicely. I think I enjoyed the original slightly more, but its a huge step up from X in my eyes. If the series keep this quality up, then I have high hopes for the series. The runners ups are Nier Automata: If it was only about music, then Nier would be my game of the year. I enjoyed Xenoblade a bit more, but that doesn't make Nier any less good. The gameplay is enough to keep you entertained, but its the bleak setting and the rollercoaster of an act 3 that really makes this game stand out. Zelda breath of the wild: I pretty much agree with the mountains of praise a lot of people have given this game. The open world of Breath of the wild is very pleasant to go through thanks to Link being such a joy to controll. Just being able to climb up everything and fly makes the journey just as good as the destination for once. That being said I did have a lot of nitpicks that I can overlook this time, but that I expect to be fixed the next time they try this. Fire emblem Echoes: This is how every Fire Emblem remake should be done. Shadow dragon did't do enough to expand on the original , but Echoes is a good example of a Fire Emblem game modernised. It went all out with an expended story, full voice acting, supports and updated gameplay while still maintaining all the quirks that made Gaiden the weird game that it was.
  10. Azelle is a good choice for a new red tome cavalry. Azelle being pretty fast in Fe4 would also help set him apart from the extremely slow Leo in heroes. Ricken is another choice for a tome cavalry unit. Somewhere in the game its mentioned he has a fondness for wind magic so that makes him a good choice to be the game's second green tome cavalry unit.. A flying archer is an unique role that has yet to be taken, but I don't think there's anyone to fill that spot. Reina favours lances if I recall correctly and I doubt they'd even bother with her. She barely existed in Fates so she will never exist in heroes. Kiragi or notCordelia could be Kinshi knights too, but I have a feeling they would stay in their more conventional class.
  11. I've currently entered chapter 10 and I must say chapter 9 was a great chapter story-wise. It concluded the story of a pretty good villain, had some pretty good action cutscenes and one character in particular caught me of guard. On the other hand the chapter did end up giving me yet another reason to dislike Jin. I already saw this one coming, but it always annoys me when they do something like this.
  12. So I am in the dreaded chapter 7 now. The cave was a bit annoying with that giant spider that just would't die, but other then that it was smooth sailing.......untill the later bosses of that chapter.
  13. Portraits it is then :) I don't have a Wulfric and Pyra seems to be unavailable at the moment. So the only blade I have with Focus is Mythra. I'm in chapter 4 and need to break some stupid fan to get into the factory. Right I have. WIll be needing to give some desserts after the affinity has been upgraded.
  14. You know I had just told someone I was very glad that they removed spike damage for this game just a day ago or so. Guess I said that just a bit too soon. But on another note does anyone have any ways to raise affinity fast? I need a certain blond jerk up to level 3 so I can unlock lvl 1 focus and get through some stupid mandatory blade power usage. I tried shoving every pouch item into her smug face and have been grinding for a while, but I still need like 400 affinity points.
  15. Think you can take me! Think you can take me! Think you can take me! Remember me! I'm glad some things in Xenoblade never change. I got a solid 20 hours in, in just a few days so I think I am liking the game. The characters are likeable, the story is interesting so far and the worlds so far look nice. Wish you could look back on tutorials though since there are a lot of them.
  16. I have a -Atk Siegbert too......or well actually I have two +res/-attack Siegberts while having nothing else from the banner.
  17. Nice my two favourite Fates gen 2 characters made it in. No Siegfried or Rajinto though. Soleil is pretty cool too. Rhajat feels like a bit of a faste since we already have Tharja, but good for her fans.
  18. Necrozoma is extremely fast and powerfull enough to one shot pretty much everything so defeating him in a normal fight might not happen anytime soon. The toxic spam is the safest bet, but otherwise you could try to go for a specific pokemon to counter Necrozoma. Mimikyu could solve your problems. It can withstand the first hit and hit back for super effective damage with its special Z move. Maybe the totem you can get is on the right level for it too? I'm not sure about what level you get it at.
  19. (Ignore this one. accidently hit quote instead of edit)
  20. My Ultra Sun team ended up differently then I imagined it, but after the poni trial my team is finally complete. Incineroar lv. 53 Mr. Mime lv . 51 Trevenant lv. 51 Omastar lv. 49 Alolan Ninetales lv.48 Flygon lv. 45
  21. If I recall corectly this is the first time I managed to beat an infernal bound hero battle. Gordin got a spot back on my team for this one. Brave bow + lancebreaker made short work of the cavalry and the flier. Brave Roy was my mvp being able to drag back Gordin and himself to safety with dancer support, one rounding Cecilia, retreating to avoid the archer, tanking Lilina and killing her next turn. Reinhard was there to deal with the archer and the red mage. Azura was there to dance and to block Lilina so she would targer Roy.
  22. I would start with giving Eliwood one or two more scenes. Either with Memory prism's, a scene before Roy sets of to the western islands or even just by letter. It is understandable he wasn't used much in the original game. In fe6 Eliwood being sick was just an excuse to have Roy be in charge. Now that Fe7 happened it would be weird to give Eliwood just one scene in chapter 1 and nothing more. He could receive word of Hector's death and his illness could be a source of worry for Roy throughout the game to give Roy some more personal moments. Secondly i'd give characters like Lilina, Wolt and Marcus the Echoes treatment. Have them take the role of Tobin/Grey or Boey/Mae and give them a scene here and there after some chapters. But on the whole I don't think the story of Fire Emblem 6 is in need of a rewrite. The story is a little basic, but it does its job and there aren't many....Fates situations in the game. In my opinion the main problem of Fe6 is that it only tells its story and does little more beyond that. So my focus would be on just creating a bit of charm and expanding the characters beyond the minimum to make the plot work.
  23. I wonder how this villain teamup is going to work. I have a feeling someone like Ghetsis isn't a fan of working under someone even if Giovani is the boss of team rocket. Eco terrorists and normal criminals seem like an odd mix as well. Its certainly going to be interesting which is a good thing. Before this Ultra Sun/Moon did't do much to exite me.
  24. Supports are a pretty good thing to add. I understand that the different routes and the previous support make things a bit more tricky, but we hardly got to known any of the new characters like Aran, Kyza, Meg, Heather and to a lesser extent the dawn brigade. I would also like to see the third tiers being changed a little. Nerfing the second tier classes and slapping an instant kill move on everyone wasn't very interesting. Only Marksman had a good change behind them. Some balance changes would also be nice. The not Greil mercenaries have a hard time in this game. The Dawn Brigade has fewer chapters, the part 2 characters rejoin late and characters like Ilyana just join part 3 underleveled while still not being very good even when trained. Magic as a whole could be a little more impressive too. Giving Muarim, Tormod and Vika more to do in a Beorce vs Laguz conflict would also be pretty nice. For weapons i'd say change staves and crossbows. Drop the staves counterattack feature or make it so that it isn't useless 99% of the time. The only times i've seen it do damage or on some joke video's. Crossbows could be less useless in player hands and less of a death sentence to fliers in enemy hands.
  25. I don't know how well it goes with Milotic and A marowak , but I found Minior to be extremely useful in the battle tree. The Ai is too dumb to realise how its ability works so you are free to set up as they try and fail to use status effects on him. Acrobatic, Shell smash, earthquake and its rock moves also give it some good moves if I remember correctly.
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