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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. My least favourite Lord is probably Fe10 Ike. Him having a big role is fine, but I don't feel there was anything left to work with. He's just the standard hero and even the additional traits like being a big eater are utterly generic. Other then a brief conversation with Oliver I don't really remember any standout moments with him. Its a shame since I did like Ike in Path of radiance, despite some things not being handled as well as I would like.
  2. Minerva is a great choice. Wyverns in general could use more characters an there are few more badass choices. I'm not really feeling Linde though. She is a pretty minor shadow dragon character and Merric just would have made a lot more sense. He's the first mage and Marth's childhood friend. I get a feeling Linde got in for marketing, but eh. the trio already in the game are Ok. Them already being certain additions take out Some exitement though. Tharja and Azura are also choices that where predictable but they make sense and Azura has a lot to work with.
  3. I only planned to spend 60 of my 120 orbs for this banner, but it turned into 100 instead. I got a +attack Deirdre out of it. Sadly she is also -speed. Quick reposte might help a little, but 24 speed still looks pretty bad.
  4. Too bad. I was hoping Azelle would be coming as the second red mage cavalry. The other 3 picks look good enough, but still.
  5. I thought the sleep staff guy in Fe4 chapter 2 was interesting enough for being the only Augustrian noble that isn't either an complete idiot or a mustache twirler. He only gathered his troops when Sigurd conquerd two castles and was right next to him. And then there's Hafed who may not be a Camus, but who's still is a perfectly polite gentleman. I believe he's the only not racist Dain boss and he's even somewhat mild against Tauroneo.
  6. Favorite: The tacky fire/fall jokes about Flora/Sigurd and Emn. Least favourite: Anti clive topics. Not the serious ones discussing his stats and characters, but just the bashing topics. I've seen far too many and they are boring.
  7. My least favourite support would probably be Marth and Caeda. I like the pairing and on its own I would like the support, but I got a feeling of deja vu when reading that support. Its been a while since I played fe12, but it felt like a total repeat of their conversation there. I'm not sure which support is my favourite as of now. Maybe Celica/Rowan? It explains why Rowan is such a gungho dumbass and its nice to see Celica share my impression of her little fight with Alm.
  8. But thats what makes her so good. Her "You will pay for your insolence", Xords "FEELS LIKE A FLY JUST BIT ME" and Tyria screaming after every hit are comedy gold. Anyway I start hating a boss when the game tries to make them come across as Sympathetic or well intentioned, but when I don't end up feeling the same way about them. To me characters like the Black Knight or from Tales of the Abyss are completely irredeemable scumbags and the game treating them in a somwhat positive light is something that ends up annoying me.
  9. I'd say Fates wins this one. Yeah its story sucked, but I think IS at least learned some things from Awakening when it came to gameplay. I think most of Awakening's gameplay problems where because its mechanics weren't perfected yet. It was the first time they tried out something like the pair up mechanic and as a result it was still rough around the edges. Fates refined the pair up mechanic into a much better balanced mechanic and I think it helped out the game as a whole.
  10. I kind of expected Rowan to get a support conversation with Takumi and I don't mind. Rowan seems like the type of guy that would test Takumi's patience so that could be fun to see. Takumi and Lissa I like too mostly for the same reason.
  11. I wasn't happy with the idea of archer Anna making her way into Warriors when I first heard the leak. I think i'll be taking those words back now that she looks like a blast to play and now that there is another archer in the game.
  12. From a million lance cavalries in Heroes to 0 in Warriors. But yeah i'm surprised to see a lack of lance cavalries. Both Camus and Hardin where such obvious picks that its surprising such a recuring fighting style hasn't been used in Warriors. One of those might have gotten in if they bothered to give Shadow Dragon as much attention as the rest of the cast. Armour knights not getting in is less surprising to me. None of the armour knights from the 3 games where that marketable or important.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQka4wv6BLw
  14. I would't mind a prince banner with Siegbert/Shiro/Kiragi/Forest, but other then those and the Morgans no one of the secons gens in very high on my wish list.
  15. You don't have to kill Jedah in the weird swamp. Just like with Desaix the dracoshield is there to make him harder to kill, but also to show he's only an optional opponent. The dracoshield is nice though.
  16. Probably giving Sheena that anti armour protection skill. It looked like a good idea when I first played the game, but now I realise there are barely any anti armour weapons and the units that wield them aren't exactly top tier material either. I remember it being expensive too. Other then that I sometimes accidently end my units turn by tapping on them twice.
  17. Oscar is a weird addition for a new character. I thought blue lance cavalries would receive a bit of a break after receiving so many in such a short amount of time. Kieran would fit in better with the Crimia theme and give axe cavalry another spot I'm somewhat relieved about Elincia. I thought she'd be getting the Lachesis treatment and yet another healer. Nephenee is ok. Looks good, but not someone i'm exited about.
  18. Having her use a sword might actually be a good thing. We already have 2 pegasus riders who use lances so I don't think there's much more that can be done with a lance.
  19. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel with the leak seemingly being true. On the one hand I like most of the picks. Ceada and Tiki work well for being some of the more memorable shadow dragon characters and we din't have a playable dragon yet. Celica using Valentia spells and swords could work well with a moveset and I like Lyn so I can forgive her being a weird choice. My main problem would be Anna. We already got her 3 times in a row and i'm almost certain they're going with the same money grubbing routine as last times. I'm also a bit bitter about her being an archer since that makes the chance of Gordin or Jeorge getting in very slim. One of the two could help expand the shadow dragon roster and both are good characters in their own right.
  20. I have a question about Merric and if he is salvageable or not. Other then Boey I have no green mages so I was pretty happy I pulled a +attack/-resistance Merric, but at 4 stars his performance in the training tower has been awful. Too little resistance to bait blue mages, not fast enough to double much and his damage isn't that good either with his poor weapon might. +hp and spur resistance are not exiting skills either. Does the boost in stats from being a five star and his own legendary tome salvage him a bit or should I just drop him off completely? I also managed to pull a +speed/-resistance Katarina who i'm considering to train. I already have a lot of red mages though with both Leo's (meh), +speed/-hp Raigh (a bit better then Leo) and a Sanaki nuke so I'm not sure if she will add a lot to my team. And my last question is about Zephiel. Should I swap life or death with something like Earth boost? Wary fighter and bad speed probably isn't the best combo with life and death
  21. The Roy I got for free was nice, but I can't help but be a little annoyed at my other pulls. I got two other 5 stars...and they where Sakura and Maria. Yet another batch of worthles healers instead of archers.
  22. Its kind of cute that everyone starts dressing up as their dad. I'll probably pick Roy since he is my favourite of the 4 and I still don't have a 5 star red cavalry.
  23. I believe Validar is disliked because he is bad at his job of being an evil cultist. He seems to make more mistakes then Manfroy or Garnef and he never really seems like the big shot he thinks he is. He is called out ingame on being a bit too smug though so maybe him being incompetent was by design.
  24. Its been a while since I updated so this is my f2p list Red Roy ( promoted +defence/-resistance) Raigh (Promoted +Speed/-Hp Zephiel (Promoted) Alfonse Tobin Seliph (+hp/-defence) Lucina Ryoma Sanaki Leo (-Speed) Summer Leo (+Speed/-defence) Blue Donnel (promoted) Azura Reinhard (+attack/-hp) Clive Clair (+defence/-resistance) Robin (+defence/-speed) Green Hawkeye Sheena Hector (+attack/-resistance) Michalis (Promoted) Cammila Boey (+resistance/-speed) Celica (Promoted) Colourless Gordin (Promoted +attack/-hp) Lucius Sakura Priscella So far I haven't had any luck with colourless units. I only got 3 of them from pulling and none of those where archers.
  25. Clive: A decent if unexiting character who really gets dragged down by being this games Merlinus. Is he even right once after his introduction cutscene? Jesse: His introduction and memory scene make me smile, but otherwise I haven't paid much attention to Jesse. He comes too late and I did't recruit Deen so he did't have much supports either. Rudolf: Oof poor Rudolf you simply don't work as character. I'm wasn't planning to be too harsh since he's an upgraded nes villain, but the remake goes with the risky not too well thought out plan and makes that even worse with Berkut's inclusion. It really makes him come acros as an awful father figure and a huge scumbag. I know the game says he cares about Berkut, but he sure does not show it. He is dismissive at best and actively seem to encourage Berkuts douchebag behaviour. Him having a nephew also turns him into a complete coward. He had the time to tell his general the truth about Alm, but somehow he did't have time to sit down with his adopted son to tell him he has been lying to him all his entire life? Either he did't care or Rudolf just did't have the spine to own up to his own lies. Either way reflects pretty badly on him. But he does have a cool voice so he has that going for him.
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