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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Oh wow. I was pretty convinced this would be a Smash 4 port with the Inklings being added in. I kept thinking that until I saw the breath of the wild design for Link. So here's hoping its not just a skin.
  2. I was going to say that the direct was alright but that ending on Splatoon 2 DLC was maybe not the best ending they could have given it. I did not expect to get a smash trailer in the last minute.
  3. Noooooo! The Morgans are here, but my orbs still have not recovered from love abounds/Legendary banner. Anyway I fully expected FMorgan to bring a Wyvern with her, but I did not see her bringing a tome with her too. Thought they'd go for her boss battle and give her an axe. (Edit: wait its a pegasus? Kinda emberassed that I did't spot that) MMorgan being a red tome infantry was pretty expected. Nice to see him have a legendary to make up for it though.
  4. Same deal with Felicia who is portrayed as some kind of combat goddess while having extremely low strenght. They honestly should just have switched Jacob and Felicia's growths around with Jacob focusing on support and Felicia focusing on combat.
  5. Hexing rod priests for always being well protected and making multiple of your units completely worthless until the map ends. Also those 3 range master ninja's in Ryoma's final map.
  6. I'm happy that my Robin/Raigh/Gordin/Azura team managed to clear the infantry quest, but sadly my attempts at clearing the flier quest is going a lot less well. I feel like the Xander grand hero battle is almost impossible with my current team since without Airzura I can't do anything to avoid the green mages. Xander's panic ploy messing with my buffs isn't helping. At the moment my team consists of Elincia, Scorrin, Hino and Michalis with Claire and Camilla being other 5 star flyers in my barracks.
  7. Wasn't Saber/Genny shot down completely in Echoes because their endings never change? I mean Genny or Saber could marry a corpse if the other dies, but I don't think thats what they where going for
  8. I was aiming to get a Shiro, but he did't showed up after about 80 orbs. no one else did either untill finally Summer Corrin appeared in my last summoning session. -Hp/+defense isn't the best boon/bane combo, but its not the worse either and I needed the flying tome user.
  9. I think Mathilda has the worst ending. Delthea sealing her magic is a bit odd, but it at least makes some sense since she does mention how tired she is about people pushing her into the mage role just because she's good at it. Sealing her magic seems like a fix to that situation. Mathilda's ending on the other hand goes completely against her support with Clive. Why have a support where both are very happy with her being a war goddess if they just send her to the kitchen afterwards? Most people doing the vanishing acts and Michalis are close seconds. I don't have a clear defined favourite, but Maybe Lucius for the slightly more fire emblem 6 reference and his tragic fate. Dieck becoming some kind of super legend was fun to read about as well.
  10. Wait why is Ephraim not wielding Latona while riding on a wyvern? Not the most exited for Ephraim, but good for people who like him. I hope for Shiro or Scorrin, but Ephraim Will do.
  11. Sadly my Takumi is not +speed either. He is a +defense one and I already have Gordin if I want to use an archer with good defense. I don't have any of the armour mages so i'm out of luck on that one. I do have a love abound Lilina though or a Cecilia with blade tome if I want to go cheap so I might try out that meme build. Otherwise I'll go with the ok Boey.
  12. I've got my first Takumi and of course its a -attack one. I don't think such a bad bane will do me much good so I am considering passing on his close counter ability. However looking through my list I don't see many units that can make good use of it. Many of my mages are either pretty frail or their low speed hinders their ok bulk. I think I have narrowed down my choices to either Boey because of his amazing defense or Merric for his decently high speed of 35, a good amount of hp and maybe a quicker charge for dark Excalibur. However I like some advice on what to do with the close counter skill since the 40 attack of both mages make me worry about the effectiveness of close counter.
  13. Conquest for sure. Some maps went a little bit overboard with the difficulty such as the dreaded ninja cave, but on the whole I thought Conquest had some of the best maps in the entire series. A standout is the versus Takumi map in the market. I thought Birthrights maps where pretty weak to be honest so I think I enjoyed that game least. The game just threw unpromoted or unthreatening enemies at you for way too long. Maybe it was because I started with Conquest, but I rarely felt challenged by anything birthright threw at me. I still need to finish revelations so i'll need to wait on that one.
  14. Rickard maybe in that weird satalite bonus stage/ Bonus stage in Fe12. Rickard wasn't a character I cared much about in Shadow Dragon, but seeing him cheerfully con and cheat himself through his stage did bring a smile to my face. Linde in Fire Emblem warrior counts as a more serious one. I mean her having her dad killed and her posing as a man was brought up in Shadow dragon, but not much more then that. Her talking about her backstory against Niles made me much more interested in her as a character.
  15. I would have prefered Nohrian Azura or Hector for another distant counter, but i'll happily take that free Ike too.
  16. I actually started with DDD first as well and I was able to follow the story surprisingly well. Partly by reading those little summaries the game gives you, but mostly because I just decided to tune out and not mind the details when the game started to become stupidly complicated.
  17. I'm on a really big no speed roll today. First a +Defense/-Speed Imprisoned soul Celica (Don't know what to make of that yet) And then a +attack/-speed Delthea (Probably a dealbreaker)
  18. How about Minerva X Cherche? We already knows Cherche loves a Minerva already. Or maybe the always popular Hector X Zephiel?
  19. Doesn't Price already do Hawkeye under a false name? I'm fairly certain he voices both him and Zephiel.
  20. They aren't the most original nicknames, but I still use Nottharja, Notgaius and Notcordelia for the Fate clones.
  21. At first I completely dismissed Laurent as a boring copy of his mom and wasn't very interested in him. However I started liking him more because of how different he is when compared to his mother. Miriel usually just repeats the same (sometimes funny) expiriment of the day with other characters, but Laurent using his smarts to help people out usually resulted in interesting conversations or chemistry with other characters. I also remember not liking Nino when i was a kid. I don't know why though since Nino is a pretty great character. Good backstory, cute, but not defined by that and she has a set of good supports. Maybe it was her Est status or I just dismissed most girly characters at the time.
  22. The most boring map to me is that fe12 map where you recruit mathis. They heavily encourage you to take a long detour which makes the entire map a slog to get through. Conquest has great map design on the whole, but there are certain maps that are really bad. The infamous ninja cave, The final ryoma map, endgame and every place where they used those dumb hexing rods are contenders for most obnoxious map.
  23. I did't expect to beat the infernal infantry challenge with Robin, Raigh and Gordin since none of those are considered to be amongst the best infantry units. Still with some help from Azura they cleared not only Xander's ghb, but Narshen's as well.
  24. This banner gave me my fourth Siegbert and its finally one that is not -attack so i'm pretty happy with that. Completely neutral is not as good as a speed or attack boon, but i'll take it not being -attack as a victory My +speed/-attack Faye is ok. Despite the 10% chance of getting good units I think i'll save the rest of my orbs for new characters.
  25. So the game is out now. I never got the chance to play the previous two dissidia games so I entered this game as a newcomer and I mostly thing my purchase was a good descision, but there is one big problem that is currently really starting to drag this game down. The good The fighting itself feels pretty nice when you get the hang of it. I thought the bravery/hp system sounded weird in theory, but when playing the game I think it works pretty well. Almost no character feels alike either with various characters of the same class having vastly different playstyles. Something like the emperor's trap game for example feels very different when compared to Kefka's weird confussion/charged based fighting style. The story itself isn't the best to put it mildly, but there where some things the story mode did very well. What little character interactions there where tended to be pretty good and the fighting scenes where also top notch. The bad The story isn't very good sadly. Not only is the very story short, but it also feels very unfinished and rushed. The vast majority of the summon battles for example just come out of nowhere. No cutscene to establish them and no acknowledgement that they are defeated either. Villains only appear briefly in the story routes and some characters like Golbez don't even get a single line. I know the story wasn't the main focus of the game, but its still a shame it ended up like this. But my main problem with the game so far is the online part of the game. I never experience lag when playing, but getting to play itself seems to be a chalenge and I have no idea why. When the game is searching for people there is a big chance my entire internet connection just goes down entirely forcing me to restart my internet connection again. I've never encountered a problem like this when playing overwatch or any other online game so i'm left wondering what is going wrong all the time.
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