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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Well I did think it was a problem. Shinon reminds me of that one character who doesn't like the perfect main character, but who is so bitter and petty about it that he's wrong automatically and only makes the main character looks better in comparison. If someone doesn't like the main character I would like them to at least have a point about it.
  2. My main problem is that so far you can't really do much with the Avatar at the moment. You can customise their looks/class, marry someone and fate gives you one big choice, but thats pretty much it. I never got the feeling that the Avatar was really my own character since I barely affect how he reacts in the story. My main suggestion would be to take a page out of Bioware's book. Give your avatar some dialogue trees during supports and have that effect their relationships. If the relationships can change, depending on the dialogue trees it could also give characters a better chance of saying "Screw you Avatar" once in a while. If people are a jerk to usually nice Robin or Kamui, then we would have just gotten the Shinnon problem, where a character is gigantic asshole for very petty reasons. Player worship should also be toned down a bit as well. I usually don't consider it that bad, since normal lords get praised a lot as well, but it gets a little stupid when Lobster lord admits that he used to be jealous of kid Kamui, implying that Kamui was already godly when he was barely able to walk. Just praise them when they do good and at least say they're wron when they're wrong.
  3. Is that true? I have a hard time imagining a scenario where someone like Xord doesn't sound hilarious. But anyway I tend to judge the whole dubs vs sub thing on a case by case basis. If I play a game based on an anime I watch, then I would much rather play with subs since I already know the voices. Others would just sound off usually. Not understanding what they say doesn't really have to be a bad thing either. It means you don't always realise how cheesy some things would sound in english.
  4. I'm not too surprised with the high places, but I did't expect many of the characters to rank that lowly. I mean Siegbert, Kisaragi, the Kanna's, Yukimura, Yuugiri and Orochi don't look like characters that are so unlikeable to me. I am pleasantly surprised with characters like Gunter and Benoit being so high though. Judging from other japanese polls I thought they'd be at the bottom of the list thanks to them being old or not especially pretty.
  5. Right I love Fire Emblem, but buying a foreign 3ds and the game is not something my wallet would appreciate. At the very least I hope they won't make the wait as long as they did with Radiant Dawn.
  6. Happy to see you guys are having a release date anounced. Europe did't get one, So I have the terrible feeling we'll be having to wait longer again.
  7. Cloud? I did not see that coming at all. I would have preffered to have seen Cecil, but I like what I saw so far. Seeing the internet explode will be amusing as well. Sadly the fates stuff was all very bare bones. I don't think I've seen anything that I did't know already. Edit: I haven't played ff7 myself, but I believe Cloud's final smash is his most famous move from his game. Omnislash if i'm not mistaken, so if anyone's the thief it would be Ike. But your right that they look similar.
  8. My entire first playthrough of fe7 was a massive fail. But to be more specific I did have two massive fail moments in Path of Radiance. I once did't realise the Black knight would move in his first chapter so I ended up with a dead Mordecai in that game. The other was in the chapter where you have to save Geofrey. Reyson got hit by a balista, but narrowly survived. I healed him up, but did't move him since he survived anyway. I did't realise Reyson only got his flying weakness when transformed so the next turn he was immediately one shotted by the Balista. I don't think I restarted after that.
  9. I have quite a few characters I like, but most are already mentioned. Siegbert isn't, so i'll be the first one to do so. I like Xander a lot in design and in supports, but his role in the story sours me a little on him. Crimson looks cool, but I don't know too much about her yet, thanks to her lack of supports.
  10. I got the game last week and i'm having a lot more fun then I initially thought. The online works reasonably well too. A few lag games, but those games are in the minority. I do have a small question about two costume. I had the Zora costume for a while and I just got the pharaoh suit, but is it me or are those very situational. I don't recall much meanfull water after world two and I don't expect to see any sand either after clearing the dunes either. sand is not even that big of a hazard in most of them either. The Goron suit is similar, but there are still some flame bars you can use it for. I'm not aware of the other two countries have similar uses.
  11. Zelda is one of my best characters as well, but i'm no competetive player and I guess the complaints about her do make sense. At the very least she seems useable in comparison to Brawl Ganondorf and Melee kirby. I know she has plenty of flaws with her air attacks being tricky to sweetspot land and resulting in lag when they don't work, alongside being slow and frail, but I still think she has some nice tools available. Nayru's love is a great defensive tool if you don't overuse it, Farore's wind is punishable, but its powerfull and can work good on roll happy players. The phantom knight could use some improvements, but it hits from an unique angle when fully charged, making it good for edgeguarding. Other then that her dash attack not the best, but still pretty good and her forward smash does have some good range and lasts longer then some of the people I fight in for glory think. Another thing is that i'm a bit confused about doctor Mario and the Mii swordfighter. I don't use either of them all that much, but from what i've read both weren't seen as all that good.
  12. I'll be getting it later this week, but I think playing with strangers is the only thing I can do. No one in my group of friends own a 3ds and most people I know on forums tend to be Americans. The descision to region lock makes sense to some extent with random people, but I don't think it was the smartest move to region lock friend play as well.
  13. I agree with this as well. To me Tadakatus really came across as a "man of peerless Might." A loyal, though and proffesional soldier. Meanwhile I've never been able to take Lu Bu seriously again after Warrior Orochi 3. I thought he was somewhat of a loser with him constantly screaming "NEZHA" and then being effortly trashed. It was propbably meant to set Nehza up as a powerfull opponent, but I was just smiling at how much of a fool Lu Bu looked. I'm also not very fond of the arrogant brute types either.
  14. I'm glad Lucina isn't back since a main character should't return to an entirely different world. Then again I think she would fit in a lot better then the clowns we have now. I think the 3 are fine characters on their own, but I find it hard to believe anyone would leave the fate of their world in the hands of a flirt, a larper and a moody teenager. Lucina meanwhile was a competent leader in the future timeline and would actually be more fitting to get a task to help save a world.
  15. I don't think fanservice is automatically a bad thing, but I really hope IS tones it down several notches for the next game. Right now it just feels desperate, shameless and more then a little undignified. Its at the point that I'm starting to get personally offended that IS things they can use eyecandy to get my money. Other then that I hope for a much, much better world. Awakening wasn't too good at world building, while the previous games did a good job at it. I want important locations, several countries, empires, named battle and a war that flows naturally. Awakening tended to do things very quickly and without me feeling all that involved in the conflict. I also hope the supernatural stuff becomes a little grounded. I don't mind it normally, but many of the supernatural stuff in Fates is the stuff thats dragging the narrative down. I prefer it if the next game doesn't include two generations, but I can live with it if they keep it. However if they're going to include it then I do hope they do it competently. In fates it all looks very desperate. My last point is related to the others, but I hope IS gets their self respect back in their next title. Let their next Fire Emblem stand on its own merrits and stop cowardly sticking with every single thing that proved popular, especially when it doens't make sense like the returning characters or the two gen system. The fanservice point goes here as well.
  16. Hoshido could use some more bad spots, but I don't think they need to be just as bad as Nohr or become much more morally gray. My biggest concern isn't that Hoshido is right and Nohr is wrong, but that Nohr is wrong for the sake of being wrong. Nohr can still be the agressor, but they should still have their reasons for attacking Hoshido, outside of that stupid Garon reveal. Have Leo and Marx admit through gritted teeth that the spoils of wars could at the very least save the poverty stricken Nohr or something. Now Xander especially just comes across as spinelessly following a "muhahahah" villain. The conditions of Nohr and their reasons for attacking are barely touched upon in the main story and from what I heard Garon doesn't use it to motivate his troops or the people of Nohr either. I think the whole IK stuff dragged the story down and made it much more simple then it could be. In other words I would rather have the Nohr story to be the selfish path instead of the evil path. Have them do the wrong things for more justifiable reasons. I'm not too opossed to people like Gantz or Mcbath though. Mustache twirling villains aren't that uncommon in Fire Emblem and if they're good at it they could be good villains. The problem would only occurs if they're the only villains of note. The avatar itself could work wonders in this story if used correctly. Have the side you pick actually affect the relationship you have with the characters. Unfortunately everyone still seems to love Kamui even though he goes against their interest and can kill several people from the other side. Right now the game seems to miss people judging Kamui. Apearantly the game does judge you for going Nohr, but the characters themselves don't, aside from Takumi.
  17. My favourite class has always been the mage/sage line. Good units, able to attack at range and targetting resistance. They're also very stylish with their fancy capes. My least favourite class is probably the fighter. I don't dislike them for gameplay reasons, but they often bore me, which limits the amount of fighters I use.
  18. I've started pretty late with the warriors series. My first game was Samurai warriors 3 and I gave that game up pretty early. I remember a lot of babysitting allied generals which got annoying real fast. My breaking point was in Kenshin's story where no officer was allowed to die and one kicked the bucket right when I was delivering the final beatings on Nobunaga. I gave the series another go with Samurai warriors chronicles for the 3ds and thats when I became a fan. It had a more structured story and the switching between characters made it more easy to get into for a newcomer. The events also kept me playing for longer then I thought. After that I went into the dynasty series and they where fine, but they never stuck that well with me. 7 had their cloned movesets and I just felt the not important characters where a lot less well defined. Orochi's 3 and Hyrule warriors where awesome too. As far as favourite characters go I like Ieyasu a lot when it comes to the story, although i'm appearantly in the minority on that one. For gameplay Hanbei's my favorite
  19. I'll vote for Fiora. Mature, gracefull, responsible and actually a good unit, unlike Juno and Syrene who are also some of the more gracefull pegasus riders, instead of going for the cute route.
  20. So far i've found the previous two avatars to be alright. Chris was very boring and not very good for Marth, but he was so unimportant that I did't grew annoyed by him. Robin meanwhile was an alright character, who just happened to be far too broken when it came to gameplay. I don't know much about Kamui's character yet so I can't comment on that yet, but I can't say I liked how he was handled in the story. Fates had the ability to make the best avatar characters in the series. The side picking alone could be used to great affect to shape your relationship with the families, the two sides and individual characters. Sadly from what i've heard the game goes out of their way to have everyone adore Kamui, even when you don't side with them. In that regard Fates could have learned something from Dragon age origin. In that game your companions had no problem calling you out on behaviour that displeased them and they could really grow to dislike you or even turn on you if you pissed them off enough.
  21. I have a feeling the kids where added late in development to please the higher ups and they hastily had to give some kind of explanation for why they could fight with their parents. At least I really really hope thats the case since a forced inclusion is better then them having thought of this completely stupid story justification from the get go. At the very least that doesn't make me think they're just that bad at writing.
  22. I'm a bit confused. Did't they mention you could play the game on the Wii u by transfering the 3ds version or by paying it as DLC in the main game? Did I read that wrong?
  23. I actually did't expect to see Skull Kid again after he was left out of the Majora DLC. I'm glad he's in, but I hope they don't make his moveset too moon focussed. It has already seen plenty of use With the great fairy, her cutscene, Hookshot upgrade and Young Link link. I wonder if they'll be using his transformations as well. Other then that i'm glad this proves its not just ww content. Its nice they get 3 characters, but it would be a shame if that was the only game focussed on.
  24. I know the story in the big lines, but I haven't spoiled myself too much on the minor details so I may be wrong on some accounts. What bothers me about the Nohr storyline is how little its actually about Nohr itself. From what i've expected people where somewhat more shady there thanks to basically living in Mordor, forcing them to expand or otherwise do things to help in their survival. The stupid Garron reveal basically makes Nohr and the plight of its people very unimportant and thats a shame. I'd prefer it if some characters like duty driven Xander of the more pragmatic Leon would at least rationalise the war with Hoshido somewhat. They don't have to be fond of it, but just have them express that the war with Hosido gives them the oppurtunity to get rescources to make things better for their country. Right now Xander just comes across as a somewhat spineless daddy's boy who knows everything's horrible, but still trusts Garon. It makes Xander a frustrating character too since I really like him in his supports. The fact that its a good side versus evil side isn't something i'm against on paper. I don't mind Nohr being more in the wrong or Hoshido being a good place like most main character countries. But the lack of of nuance or reasons for Nohr's actions mentioned above sours me a bit. Hoshido could be a tad more ignorant about Nohr's plight and Nohr could be more desperate, instead of just being ruled by a mustache twirler.
  25. I don't mind the shipping or child mechanics up to a point. Fire Emblem 4 did them well and so did Awakening, aside from the way you unlock them. My main problem now is that its there for the sake of being there. The children in fates serve no purpose in the story, the explenation is dumb and to me it looked like they weren't meant to be included either since many characters are...a little bit questionable when you consider the ages and the incest. At least Awakening could somewhat handwave those complaints away, but I don't see it happening here. As for Genderlocked classes. I'm not against them in theory, but IS always seems to give one side the shaft. Females get their special winged ponies and magic using horseman. Males on the other hand get an axefighter and....another axefighter. Its pretty boring in comparison. The reverse happened in Awakening where males got the extremely cool and usefull dread fighter, while females got something as corny as a bride.
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