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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. It will probably never happen, but I would like something of a troop deployment final Smash. Choosing your units is an important part of Fire Emblem so Roy's final smash could have a small element of choice with it. For example after the smash ball is grabbed Roy could get to choose between 3 assist characters. Wolt, rappidly firing arrows for high damage, but very low knockback, a magic attack that covers a lot of the stage, but does medium damage/knockback from Lilina or a cavalry charge with high knockback made by Marcus.
  2. My way for Dew to gain some levels was to grind him on Gandolf, but I guess thats too late now. Dew has a high chance of dodging his attacks and I don't think Gandolf can one shot him even at base. Normally that won't be needed, but Dew's base attack and weapon rank are so completely awfull until promotion that he needs every chance he can get if he wants to get levels. After promotion Dew wil be able to carry his weight around. Noish is not so tricky. He might not double, but he's good for some chip damage and the occasionall critical hit. His movement makes him entering the fray a lot easier. I never bothered with using Ardan so I can't say anything about that.
  3. I wasn't a Roy fan when he was playable in Melee, but if he's returning, then that would still please me. I'm in the minority, but I actually rather liked him as a lord. As for Ryu. I'm sure he's great, but I know very very little about street figher. Its a bit odd that Capcom gets two representatives though.
  4. As of now I would prefer it if the peace and tranquility Hoshido enjoys might just be at the expense of Nohr, without Hoshido being aware of that . That would push Nohr out of the designated villain role, while still showing the Hoshido side as good people.
  5. I have a feeling things will be less black and white as they appear. Still I do think its a shame that they seem to be trying to push you to the Japanese country. Still i'm going with Nohr. They looked cooler and since the lord is raised in the place he likely has a lot of friends in the army as well.
  6. Mewtwo looked pretty much like he was in Melee, but I don't mind that too much. His final smash looked cool as well. I did't expect to see Lucas returned but i'm happy to see he made it back in. I do have one question though? Did they ever anounce the deadline for using your codes? I have both games, but I had't registered them yet, so from the look of it I'll be both waiting and paying for the Mewtwo Dlc.
  7. Poor Sigrun is one of those Radiant Dawn units who excels in luck, Skill and resistance, instead of stats that are actually usefull. unimpressive bases and meh growths aren't very good, but Sigrun still finds ways to make herself usefull. Her first chapter is good for fliers since she can rid of those nasty pitfalls and it doesn't take long before there's a dessert chapter where she's one of the few characters with good moves. A short time away from third tier where she gains the standard broken skill helps too.
  8. I have no doubt that Nintendo can weather the whole Wii U situation. Sure its not massively profitable, but they have enough money to just sit that rough ride out, while trying to please their core audience. Nintendo usually performs very well when under pressure so i'm expecting their first party titles to still be good. I do have concerns about what happens after the Wii U though. They could make a more powerfull machine to answer many people's wishes for them to compete with Sony and Microsoft again, but I'm wondering if that will actually solve anything. Nintendo still has an image problem as an outdated, kiddy console maker and their relationships with third parties hasn't improved either. They tried with the Gamecube and I have a feeling that their next powerfull console will just be ignored again by people outside of Nintendo's fanbase.
  9. It is a very good move. Perhaps they thought that it was a way to make up for Young Link's rather lackluster normal attacks? Anyway played some more on the termina map and I like how its not as brutal as the twilight Princess map. What I don't like is that so far it has been a bit of a pain to navigate. Many sections are closed of or need items that can only be found on spots that are quite far away.
  10. I can't say I dislike any lord, but there are 3 which I did't really like either. Ike mostly because I never felt he lived up to his reputation. Yeah he's strong, brave and usually a nice guy, but I felt that the game itself went out of his way to portray Ike as the perfect good guy, while he did't do as much as other lords. Everyone aside from the bad guys liked him excect for Shinon and that only made it worse, considering that Shinon is an asshole with extremely petty reasons to dislike Ike. To me Ike always came across as more of a symbol, instead of a proper leader in his own right since Soren basically came up with all the strategies and I bellieve Titania managed the army. I also did't like how they changed the nobility to make Ike's common mercenary background look more appealing. I mean you always had corrupt nobles in Fire Emblem, but I still don't look fondly on the scene where they mention that pretty much every noble is a complete asshole and that the reason Elincia wasn't was because of her "Special and normal" upbringing. Sure after that they brought in some nicer nobles, but I still felt they where jumping at conclusions, judging an entire group on a few senators who, while rude and stupid did't seem to be that malicious yet. I also had a small problem with Eirika. I did find her quite likeable and I thought it was refreshing to have an actually inexperienced lord that had almost no combat training. The problem was that I never felt she acclompished much, considering that she needs to be saved in both the start of the game and after her own story. I just never thought she had her time to shine with her bro being the ultimate badass that actually conquers Grado in his story. Hector was a lord that was done, but I just don't like the whole rude lout thing he has going. He's not a bad character and I don't dislike him, but he's just not a character I find appealing.
  11. And I just played some of the new dlc. I had a few rounds with Young Link and did some termina maps. Young Link is great. At first I was a bit disapointed the Fierce diety mask was so prominent, but it works pretty well. Without it YL is fine, except when it comes to weakness points, but he turns into a real monster when transformed. Huge increase in range with the energy beams and his attack also gets a massive boost. Young Link is also the only character who can replenish his magic bar by himself by sacrifising some special. The termina map gets some good new missions such as a killing or rupies gaining contest with another army. I also saw some odd things such as Lana and Cia having their weapons traded with each other for one mission. The moon dropped really fast at first, but after that you are given more time. Fortunately because the entire map resets itself otherwise.
  12. I think canon battles like this are fairly problemetic since there needs to be taken into account what they show, but also who they are up against. Ashera for example is probably one of the stronger villains, but Ike himself has never exactly been portrayed as a superhuman. Sure he's one of the most powerfull people in his world, but its still pretty mundane when compared to the destructive powers that character like Pit and Rosalina have been showed to use. Fire Emblem characters also fight their battles alongside their armies, making it hard to judge how much they did themselves. From what i've played I would say that characters like Ganondorf, Pit and Rosalina are at the top, while the non combatents are at the bottom. If we take the pokemon movies into account then Mewtwo might win since I believe the storm he called could destroy the entire world or something like that.
  13. I played dynasty warriors 7, 8 and Warriors orochi 3 on the 360 so that console does have some. I would't start with Orochi since the massive amount of characters might be a bit intimidating if you don't know them already from the previous games. But if you want to begin somewhere I would recomend Samurai Wariors chronicles for the 3ds. Samurai Warriors 3 was a very bad introduction to the series for me since the sheer incompetence of your allies is very noticeable there. It could be that I was just terrible at it at the time, but it nearly made me give up the series. In chronicles your allies are a lot better and keeping them safe is less of a hassle when you can freely switch between 4 characters at once. The characters there are a lot less powerfull then the Hyrule warriors cast and the mission system has some differences so perhaps you could watch some trailers to see if that style still suits your taste.
  14. I did't really like third tier promotions in fe10. Broken skills, messed up the second tiers with low caps and it did't really feel neccesary either. The only good thing that came out of it was the marksman who actually did change a little after promotion, but otherwise it was pretty meh. I'm not against third tier promotions returning, but they need a pretty big overhaul in my opinion.
  15. There are some things I want to see changed, but I also really want to see some older characters. I like the old veteran characters, but Awakening seemed to have declared a war on the elderly. I guess it makes sense when you consider the avatar was able to marry anyone in Awakening, but still. Not making them marryable was an option too.
  16. I think pair up in and off itself would be a good mechanic if it had been implemented better so that it became a tactical choice, instead of being the best option all the time. This is just an idea of mine, but I would start by cutting some of the stat boosts pair up gives. It would still boost stats, but not to the big extend it did before. Secondly I would change the dual guard mechanic a little. The unit that guards actually takes damage. Of course this also means they won't guard if they themselves would die because of that. Thirdly brave weapons would lose their function to double when the support unit is wielding them during an attack. And finally don't let units attack enemies they otherwise could't. If an archer would attack a character a supporting unit with one range can't activate a doal attack. This way I believe 1-2 range weapons would have more of a place on a supporting units since they tend to be quite weak in the recent games.
  17. I think this is a good chance for the team to do some balancing work. I did't mind awakening, but it was the first game on the 3ds with a lot of new stuff, so its logical wasn't as polished as it could have been. I would like it if the pair up system was a little more balanced. Don't automatically make pair up the perfect solution 100% of the time. I would like to see it as a trade off. Better stats, but not enough to completely steamroll things so it will be a choice between more units or units with better stats. Better map design, although I did't think Awakening was as bad as is often claimed. Better story, but I think that will be fine if they keep focussing on one or two things this time. And lastly I hope they do something about brave weapons. Previous games had either con, availabilty or both holding them back to be too game breaking, but Awakening lacked that and made brave weapons easy to get. The pair up system also made the brave weapons being too good worse then it already was.
  18. I was a bit surprised with no Mewtwo footage, but other then that I thought this was a pretty good direct. New fire Emblem alone was enough to make my happy of course.
  19. Tingle instead of Skull kid? Thats a bit of a surprise. Still i'm very happy about Young Link. Glad to see my melee main back in something.
  20. I don't mind seeing an avatar back, but please please don't let him be as broken as Robin. Taking a back seat when it comes to story would be appreciated as well, unless they do a really good job this time.
  21. I believe that unicorns are the ones that only aprouch virgins. The first pegasus rider was male in greek mythology. Ahem anyway YES a new fire emblem! I wonder if they kept stuff like the pair up mechanic and how good that new writer is that got on board.
  22. I am basing this on hard mode, since Lunatic doesn't appeal to me, but I would say that Virion is the worst amongst the playable characters. He does have some good availabilty, but thats pretty much all he has going for him. His bases suck, his class pool has no synergy with itself and the archer class itself has taken a huge step back when it comes to ingame purposes. Mirriel and Ricken are both the surperior ranged option if you ask me and they don't appear that much later then him either. Donnel is another candidate for his extremely crappy early game. Still I was pleasantly surprised by the balance in this game. Yeah the Avatar is overpowered and such, but I felt this game was lacking in extremely bad characters such as Wendy, Karla or Arden to name some examples. Virion did't impress me, but at least he could hold his own somewhat.
  23. I am all for using religion for world building purposes and explanations for the more powerfull weapons, but I prefer if godly elements stayed in the background. Having gods as enemies or allies usually means the power struggles/politics are less important for the story. I think those parts tend to be the most interesting so I don't want to see them shoved aside for another God.
  24. Isn't Solrock pretty decent in the main game as well? His rock type will be helping in the 3 gyms that come after you get him. He resists Flanery, Norman and Winnoa gyms and hits 2 of those for super effective damage. He loses his shine after that, but its still pretty good if you want a crutch and levitate plus rock type also works well against team magma.
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