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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I don't mind Nohr being Mordor because it was advertised that Nohr was a country without the rescources to support themselves. I do have a question though. How often does that come up in the main story? Is it mentioned at all or does "Garon" simply justifies the invasion by twirling his mustouche?
  2. I don't mind kid characters. Liked a few of them and could tolerate the most others. I was a bit worried with Tsukuyomi since he seemed like a huge brat from what i've been hearing, but reading through his support I thought he was fairly tollerable. The only support where I thought he was annoying was his Benoit one.
  3. Thank you for the good matches. I had a lot of fun and actually won a few times, but unfortunately I need to go for the moment.
  4. Does somebody have time today for a few matches?
  5. I would like to see an Elibe remake, but I wonder how they will handle Roy if the tactician from fe7 comes back. Roy makes some fairly smart descisions during the story, but I would't put it past IS to just give that stuff to the tactician instead, especially if they use the avatar system from the previous two games. That would be a bit of a shame, considering his intelligence is one of the few things about Roy that sets him apart from the other lords.
  6. I don't know enough about the story to make a accurate guess and the fact that the "Marry sue" label is a bit tricky isn't helping either so i'll just say my piece of the player worshipping that I hear a lot. If the player worship annoys me or not depends on how its handled with the characters that aren't Kamui's brothers and sisters or servants. It makes sense that the Hoshido side is a bit crazy for Kamui, considering he was stolen from them and the same can be said for the Nohr side who also risks losing their brother/sister in one of the two routes. You still have Camilla who's very creepy with it, but thats mostly her being needy instead of Kamui being that good from what I could tell. Felicia and especially Joker being very devoted to Kamui also makes some degree of sense, considering he is the only reason those two actually have a job. So those characters I can understand at least a little, but I would be annoyed if everyone else in the cast also started to cling to Kamui for no good reason
  7. There are quite a few characters I like, but most have been named already so i'll keep it at the one characters I don't see mentioned a lot. Siegbert. From the looks of it he's a very nice, if somewhat ackward prince and from what i've seen he lacks a big gimmick that dominates his entire character. The only thing about him that I see mentioned is his hair, which I don't see any problems with.
  8. I'm currently up for a few matches if anyone is interested right now.
  9. Smash: Fox Melee: Young Link. I tried very hard to make Link my main in the original, but I always thought he was too slow and clunky. Young Link meanwhile was perfect for me. Brawl: Toon Link WiiU/3ds: Again Toon Link and surprisingly enough Zelda who went from one of my most awfull characters to someone I can actually win with.
  10. Oh cool. I thought the matchmaking before tournament mode was a bit of a hassle so I haven't showed myself in the vs topics that much lately. I did sign in for this tournament though.
  11. From what I remember Felicia's clumsiness is mentioned, but its not the biggest part of the support. Its about Felicia wondering if Flora is angry at her. She denies, but eventually comes to the realisation that she may have been a bit jealous of Felicia's skill in combat, while Felicia has spent most of her life being envious of Flora's maid skills
  12. I quite like the skinship mechanic. Not because I have an interest in the whole face rubbing thing, but I think the mechanic is so shameless and ackward that it stops being creepy and starts going into funny territory.
  13. I am wondering what the deal is with the characters that get recruited from my castle battles. Is there any story reason why they join like that or are they just bonus units that appear once you cleared those battles?
  14. Hate is a bit of a strong word, but there are several characters I don't care for. Perhaps they're more interested in other supports or during localisation. Felicia: I don't mind that she's a cutesy, clumsy anime maid, but I do mind that, that single trait seems to be 99% of her character Soleil: Same deal as with Felicia I'm not too fond of the awakening clones either. It just seems a bit much to include them in this game.
  15. This news came quite sudden and i'm saddened to see a man like Iwata go like that. A great programmer and in my opinion a good CEO as well, but I thought the best part about him was how involved he looked with his fans and his co-workers. Few CEO's commincated as much with their fans and I thought his way of doing the direct came across as very charming and genuine.
  16. Lets see if I can come up with some personal skills. Lugh: Extra sweets- Empty inventory spaces are filled with sweets, each healing 15 hp. Sweets dissapear after the end of the battle. Marcus: Tutoring- Units that Marcus can support with gain a 10% boost in growths if they gain a level while adjecent to Marcus. Oliver:Protector of beauty- Oliver takes the damage if a Heron thats adjecent to him gets attacked. Wolt: Milk brothers- Wolt and Roy have their attack boosted by 3 when in support range. Mirriel: Research- Avoid +20 during the battle phase if she gets attacked by a unit of the same class as one that has attacked before. Niime: forgotten spell- Can use the freeze command to freeze 3 tiles of water each turn. Hawkeye: Dessert dweller- No movement penalties in desserts. Ogma/Dieck: Superstar- Arena rewards are 50% higher then normal.
  17. So far I really like the game, but its a bit of a problem that the game doesn't seem to like me back. I suffered through 3 crashes already, all happening when a mini cutscene occured, such as the gun one at Nagashino. Its starting to annoy me quite a bit.
  18. I have one small question. Are map narrations back in this game? I did't realise I would miss them, but I felt something was off about them not being in Awakening.
  19. The wording can easily be taken out of context, but I personally did't get a romantic vibe from this support conversation. I just saw it as Leo feeling self conscious about his sister coddling every sibling except him.
  20. Yes and no. The face rubbing is a bit weird, but I can ignore/stomach that as long as its not required. I actually grew a little fond of it from what i've read, considering its so completely shameless that it starts to become very funny. The underwear thing thats been going around doesn't bother me either. Its not unheard of for Rpg's that have customisation options to have that. Xenoblade, Dragon quest 9, Dragon age, etc. Its the Awakening pandering that annoys me a little though. The premise of the game was good enough to stand on its own, but now I feel like the game doesn't have the courage to stand on its own merrits. The children themselves where not neccesary in my eyes, but I can live with that. Having 8 carbon copies on the other hand is something that I consider an extreme waste of space.
  21. I remember being quite good with Lucas back in Brawl, but I completely sucked when I tried using him today. Perhaps i've gotten too used to Ness. I did't remember many of Lucas' moves feeling as laggy as they feel now. Roy on the other hand completely surpassed my expectations. I was glad he got in, but I feared he'd be a Marth clone again, but he actually plays and feels quite differently. I'm no expert on the competetive side, but I thought he was rather strong too.
  22. The kid expies are not a dealbreaker to me, but its the only thing about if so far that I'm actually seeing as a negative The series did rely on archtypes before, but I think that was mostly in a different way. Most of them, such as the red/green cavalry serve as a way of giving you a good balanced team right at the start. Characters do share things when it come to personality, but they where never complete carbon copies, not even in fe6. The 3 awakening clones on the other hand are merely there because those 3 kids are popular in Awakening. My biggest dissapointment is that they're all on the noire side though. If they where spread out more it would't bother me that much, but now one version has characters that look like carbon copies, which to me makes them very dull in comparison to everyone else.
  23. I'm a bit dissapointed at the news that Roy's specials are still similar to Marth, but other then that i'm still quite happy he has returned. I was never really a fan of him in Melee, but I like him in swords of seals and as far as lords go he has one of the better claims to being in smash, thanks to him being a veteran. I'm less happy that the whole "representation" debate fired up again on a lot of sites. Most of the time there with cries of bias, while there are far better explanations for those choices. Fire Emblem for example has 3 normal characters in Marth, Ike and Robin, One clone in Lucina who can barely be called a characters and did't take any time and now Roy who's in because he's a melee veteran plenty of people missed.
  24. I don't know how I feel about this. I like a debuffing weapon type in theory, but i'm wondering how usefull it will be. Enemies usually don't need to be debuffed too badly. Maids and butlers is also something i'm not sure about. Almost all classes in Fire Emblem have been combat orientated with the exception of the dancer, which is a class meant to motivate your other units. Butlers and maids aren't exactly made for combat as far as i'm aware.
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