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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Did't Square Enix only publish the game? Anyway yeah I was a little dissapointed in the game once part 5 rolled in. Doing the same stuff is one thing, but they reused the same dialogue so many times that I got bored of it. If they just changed some strategies then it would be a little better, but they only do so very late in the game. I did finish it through till the end and still consider it a very good game, but its probably the only game that made me think about how it should be 10 hours shorter.
  2. Same here. Link is one of my worst characters in Brawl because he feels so clunky and slow, without the power to back it up.
  3. I don't mind the fact that Toon Link is still a clone. Young/Toon Link where my mains so i'm glad he seems relatively unchanged. I know he could use wind waker weapons or something, but I just don't want him to. As for cuts. I think they will either boot Falco or Wolf, but not both of them. I think Wolf is the more likely of the two. I have a feeling Lucas will stay safe. I don't know why, but I just don't see him getting cut. Perhaps because the mother series only have two guys and I don't see them introducing someone else. I would't object if they cut R.o.b. I thought mr. game and watch already filled the retro spot. I don't have anything against him. but i'm just a little meh about him. The chances for Snake, Squirtle and Ivysaur aren't very high either.
  4. I think there's something wrong with the numbers, especially the European one. I don't doubt the fact that it sold the worst over here, but I took a look at Vgchartz and it only gives European numbers for 2012, 2013 and 2014 which is years after the game released here.
  5. It was from an interview quite some time back. I found an article with a quick google search. http://www.screwattack.com/news/koopalings-are-not-related-bowser
  6. Miyamoto did say that they aren't Bowser's children anymore at this moment or something like that. I do ignore that little bit of info though.
  7. Thats part of it yeah. I heard he was supposed to be an idiot in the book/history as well, but I still don't exactly like it. He did't impress me much in 7/8 and I have a little trouble taking him serious since Warrior Orochi 3 where he keeps screaming Nehza before getting his butt kicked. I haven't played the games before that though so I can't judge him in those.
  8. I never liked Lu Bu. I thought Tadakatsu was much better in the strongest warrior of his time role. Perhaps Volga will fit the Lu Bu role in this game. At least that was the impression I got of him when I saw his picture.
  9. I'm a little surprised they gave Impa a big sword. Aren't sheikah's supposed to be ninja-like people? Anyway I'm happy with most of the stuff i'm hearing about the game. I had been thinking that Link would be the only playable character that changed his moveset, depending on his weapons. Good to hear there are others as well.
  10. Ike wasn't my favourite character in Brawl, but I still think its nice to see him return. I did't like his Radiant Dawn design very much and I still don't so his new look is a bit of a let down for me.
  11. I think the new Fire Emblem will probably take over some elements from Awakening, but i'm still rather positive. I think most of the problems I had with Awakening was because IS was trying to do way too much at once with their new pair up system, two gens, 3/4 bad guys. This resulted in a pair up system that could use some tweaking and a story that was lacking a little. I think IS will have more time to focus on making things a little smoother now that the fear of cancelation has gone down a little so they don't need to push every idea in the game at once. I also think they will throw some of the old stuff back in like more varried map objectives and the like. I hope its a little like the transition from fe6 to fe7. The new art style is a subjective thing. I personally prefer the more grounded style that the other games used, but I don't think the new style is that bad.
  12. I thought it was a well deserved win for Conchita. Would still have preffered to see the Netherlands win though.
  13. I like my hair since it always falls just the way I want it. I can get up and be done with my hair in seconds. Other people either like it or call it Beatle hair.
  14. I really really wanted to like Metroid Prime. I liked the graphics and the adventure feel it gave me with all those scannable objects, but I never got very far in the game. I think it had more to do with my age though since I was still pretty young in the early gamecube days. I've always wanted to pick it up again, but like many games it hasn't happened so far.
  15. Well I doubt many people would line up to buy a baby Rosalina DLC. To me it depends on how they're gonna do the DLC thing if they're going to go down that road. I doubt i'll be paying for just some characters, but I could be interested if they add something alongside it.
  16. Personally I have a slight preference for Roy, but I don't care all that much. I just hope we get a second Fire Emblem character and i'm not all that picky about who will be picked.
  17. I have a feeling some of the cut characters will return as dlc. Normally I would't say so, but characters like Bowser jr and Diddy are pretty much always in spin offs and they did do some dlc for the golf game. I was personally hoping for Kamek, E.Gadd and Toadsworth as well. Mostly Kamek though.
  18. Wow normally i'm pretty up to date when it comes to directs, but I had no idea this one launched. I like the way they did this one. I wasn't that hyped for Mario Kart 8 before, but it looks gorgeous, has a nice free game attached to it and it will probably be of the same high quality so I guess i'll buy it. The new characters are lame though.
  19. I'm a smoker myself and I like doing it outside, so my answer would be no. I do think people should at least consider their surroundings though. I think its perfectly okay to do so in a wide area, but I would never light one in a crowded area since that's kind of rude.
  20. I like Ghirahim, but I consider the chances of him getting in to be very small. He's in important villain in Skyward Sword, but he's not all that important to the Zelda franchise aside from that game. Ganondorf on the other hand is one of Nintendo's most recurring bad guys and he's been playable twice before so I don't think they'll scrap him.
  21. I'm usually not a mobile gamer, but I did get final fantasy 6 and the after year for it. The after years works pretty well and has gotten the same graphics as the ds version. They did make the final dungeon quite a bit worse though. I'm a little bit mixed about ff6 though. The game is still awesome since its ff6, but the new battle system is a little clunky. The backgrounds and portraits got some improvements, but the characters themselves take some time getting used to.
  22. I'm going the get the Wii U version first, but I'm still undecided about the 3ds version. I could get the 3ds version first, but local multiplayer is one of my biggest reasons for owning Smash and I would like to have everything feel new when I finally play the game.
  23. That was a pretty nice direct. Never been much of a Greninja fan, but he looks like a good addition. I did't expect both versions to come out this year. I think i'll be leaving the 3ds version for later so the Wii U version will be completely new for me.
  24. I really liked Final fantasy IV: the after years, but I heard plenty of complaints about the tittle. The story was a little mediocre, but I thought it was interesting to see the interactions between the ages characters. It also features the biggest cast of playable characters in the entire series and it has a rather fun boss rush at the end.
  25. I thought it was a shame that Miriel and Chrom couldn't marry. I bet their marriage would be hilariously awful since they're such a bad match from what I can see. As for Sumia. I did't really care much for her, but I thought she could use more marriage options. She was pretty limited in that regard and I did't like reserving one character for her. I don't think her Shyness is a valid reason either since Olivia can support with every male.
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