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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. A little, but not that much. I always seem to remember flaws better in hindsight, instead of while I'm playing. Still I thought Awakening was great and can tolerate most of its imperfections. I'm not too bothered by the fanbase either. We all started at some point and I tend to ignore the more character worshipping topics.
  2. I thought of him as a total scumbag not much better then the senators he works for. He gives one good speech and shows a bit of care for one of his soldiers, but that doesn't count for much when you stab your own soldiers to death. He also seemed perfectly fine with doing the senate's bidding, until they used him as a scapegoat.
  3. I don't really think Gangrel and Validar are a good representation of the average Plegian. I believe Validar only took control because he was leader of their main religion and I have a feeling their number will shrink a little after Validar fed a lot of people to a dragon. I don't see any reason why Plegia couldn't be fine on its own if they receive some outside aid to help with the damage their nation had received in the last wars.
  4. (At Shytende since I can't seem to quote.) Ah yes I learned that a little while ago. Its a bit of a shame since Ringabel has only learned mage classes in my game so the genomes aren't great most of the time. Anyway I did a good enough job in chapter 8 having some trouble against team profiteur, but defeating the next two quite easily. And now I'm stuck at the stupid mage team.
  5. Yikes. I just got into chapter 8 and the difficulty seemed to have jumped pretty far up. I just finished fighting the Ancheim guys and they gave me a pretty hard time with them outspeeding everyone aside from thief Tiz and Spiritmaster Agnes who had the Hermes shoes on. I ended up relying on a rather cheap combination of Stillness, Rampart and the poison/exterminate combo. Perhaps now is the time to ask for some team advice. My guys are in their early 70's Tiz has Monk, Thief, Ninja and dark knight maxed. At the moment he's a thief with the ninja commands. Agnes has white mage, merchant, salve maker and spiritmaster maxed. She seems to be doing rather well. She's a spiritmaster with white mage commands and has the healing lore and epic group cast as skills. Ringabel has Black mage, Time mage, red mage, Arcanist and vampire maxed and is currently a black mage with ritualism. Skills are group cast all, status app and zero Edea has Knight, spellfencer, Valkyrie and Templar maxed and is currently a knight/Templar. Any combo's with these classes available aside from the above one. Also anything worth stealing since so far I could only get turbo ethers and elixers which are rather nice to have, but nothing crucial.
  6. Walmart isn't exactly popular in my country so I don't think it effects me very much. I don't think we even have a Walmart in our country.
  7. The first game I ever played was Super Mario All stars+ Mario world for the Snes. It was a good start to gaming since it had every 2d Mario up to then on it. I believe I got Donkey Kong country 2 at the same time or sometime later.
  8. Any genomes I need to look out for in particular?
  9. I'm currently in chapter 5 and so far I don't see much problems with it. I don't mind revisiting some places and doing some stuff. I have only done some of the side quest so far though. I'm a little disappointed with some of the classes you get in chapter 4 though. Rampart is a great skill, but other then that the Templar class has been lacking a little, especially when it comes to dealing damage. I know its supposed to be a tank, but a little more power wouldn't hurt. I heard a lot of good things about the vampire class, but I'm a little disappointed. The draining skills don't do much damage and the genome skills are consistently outdamaged by Ringabel's magic. The status effect most of the genome skills give don't seem to be very effective on bosses either. White wind is rather nice, but thats all at the moment. My black magic got a lot better in this chapter though. Death combined with group cast all basically means that random encounters are over in no time.
  10. Valtome easily wins this one in my opinion. He's not only evil, but also extremely stupid to go along with it. I wonder how someone as competent as Lekain ever thought how it was a good idea to have him lead the army. Other villains are vile and sometimes pointlessly evil as well, but at least they come across as more competent then Valtome. He basically sends his own soldiers to his death and he singlehandedly turns Crimea against Begnion.
  11. I'm a European player and I have no problem with uploading data. I also just finished up chapter 3. Chaugmar was actually easier then I thought. It was still a rather hard boss, but I had more trouble with some of the guys that came before me. Also is it me or is the salve maker really, really good. healing 2500 hp/250 mp and reviving someone at full health is pretty awesome at this point in the game and both of these only cost some basic items. MP was a bit of a problem before that job since ethers are very expensive and 40 mp is quickly burned through. (For some reason I can't quote people anymore)
  12. Fe11: Gameplay wise it was a little outdated, but still fun enough, however pretty much every character in your army had the personality of a brick which made me fairly uninterested about any of them. Fe12: One of my favourites fixing most of my problems with shadow dragon. It strikes a good balance with the difficulty, being pretty hard without being unfair, unless you play on Lunatic. Map design was pretty good and the cast is finally flashed out a little. My unit wasn't terribly interesting, but he did't hog enough spotlight to become a problem in my opinion. Fe13: I enjoyed this game a lot even though it has quite some flaws. The story could be better, the pair up system brings some balance issues and the game can be a little too over the top at some times. I think most of the problems come from over ambition though with IS having to give attention to 4 different villains, implementing a new battle mechanic and bringing back the generation system. I think IS just decided to throw every idea they had at the game since they thought it would likely be their final one and that made all those aspects not getting the fully attention they deserved.
  13. Fe6: This one is actually one of my favourites. It was a bit of a return to the basics, but I don't see anything inherently wrong with that. It has a large cast of (mostly) useable characters and it was the first game that introduced support conversations in their current form. Fe7: My first Fire Emblem game. I have many fond memories of the game, but my interest in the game has burned out a little. I played through the game many times and I'm not really interested in going back at the moment. Fe8: Good enough on its own, but something felt lacking to me. The cast was all around good, but its was a little small an the monsters weren't the most interesting opponents to fight. Fe9: A great fire emblem game. The main story was simple, but charming and had a lot of thought put in it in certain scenes. Fe10: I enjoyed the game, but there where a lot of things bugging me about it in retrospect. No supports, problems with third tiers and a story that wasn't told as well as it should be. It also played the beorc/laguz conflict incredibly one sided with every Laguz being either good or having good reasons for their less then good actions. The Beorc side on the other hand is filled with pointlessly evil senators and the like. I really liked Elincia's story though. I thought it was a shame the Crimeans did't get much attention.
  14. If you don't think of it as a problem then you don't have to worry about it. I can sort of understand since my social circle isn't very big either. I'm generally friendly, but I'm pretty shy and people usually need to work a little before I open up to them. I enjoy spending time alone, but sometimes I feel like I'm missing out a little.
  15. I just got the game today and its quite awesome so far. It is a little bit harder then I expected though. I just defeated Profiteur and it took me 5 tries. Dealing 300 damage twice is pretty damaging this early on.
  16. I guess I would name Zidane from Final fantasy 9. I never owned a playstation console so I missed the Playstation exclusive Final fantasy's. I'm not really interested in 7 or 8, but I always thought it was a shame I never had the chance to play IX.
  17. Yeah I dislike that too. It usually takes way too long for me to find a person to do a 6 vs 6 battle with in the passerby list.
  18. That's a question that's a little hard to answer, but I think that humans are (in general) the product of the society they where raised in. Your upbringing and the place or time you live in play a big part in your behaviour. Of course it doesn't apply to everyone, but I think that it plays a part in the morality in a lot of people.
  19. Most of the lords are a little generic so I don't have that much feelings towards any of them, but there are some lords I like more then others. Best: I like Sigurd for being a good unit and actually having his good qualities be more of a hindrance then a help during the story. I'm also fond of Roy, but that might be because I like rooting for the underdog and because I think he doesn't do enough to deserve the dislikes he gets. Worst: I'm not too fond of Hector since I always thought his attitude was annoying. I'm also not that fond of Eirika. Her story with Leon was nicely done, but I felt she barely accomplished anything in the first chapters and in her own route.
  20. Grass types would cry now that they have yet another thing to worry about.
  21. I liked the story in the Jugdral games, but I do think gen 1 as a lot better with that then gen 2.
  22. No need to get so down on yourself. You did pretty well for yourself there. You still had 4 Pokémon remaining until the end. I only managed to turn things around by using a weakness policy and triggering unburden on my Drifblim. Losing in itself isn't a bad thing either. I lose a lot as well, but that's just a reason to try more. Also about Aggron. I knew its attack was pretty high so I used will-o-whisp with my Typhlosion. The burn status not only damages pokemon, but cuts their attack in half as well. I needed till Black and White to figure that out too.
  23. We haven't exchanged codes yet. I just added your code. My code is 2191-7770-7149 thanks for the battle Ana. You almost had me.
  24. I'm not really a competitive player either. I do have a few tricks up my sleeve, but most competitive players easily wipe the floor with me. Anyway just say when you are ready.
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