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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I don't know yet. It depends on how good the english voices are. If they are at kid Icarus level I don't mind setting them to english. If the english voices completely suck then i'll change the to the Japanese ones.
  2. My plan for is to resist this board with all my might since I still have to wait 2 months to actually get the game. When the game launches in Europe i'm probaly going to spend some time fighting with my twin about who gets to play it first.
  3. Ugh I can't stand those guys from the Westboro Church. Really is there anyone who even likes those guys? I'm all for freedom of speech, but I don't think that it should extend to everything. In class we recently talked about a guy called Karl Popper and this quote from him is how I view the situation. “Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society... then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them... We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant.”
  4. How about fe9 Tauroneo? I rarely hear about people using him.
  5. Am I allowed to brag about how my country legalised pretty much all soft drugs a looong time ago I rarely use it myself though, its way to expensive and I enjoy a normal siggarete or a drink a lot more, but if people want to use it then I think they should be free to do so. In our coffeeshops you can only buy soft drugs in small quantaties and aside from that its a lot safer then from a random dealer. A dealer might try to cut costs which can make the drugs a lot more dangerous, meanwhile the coffeeshops are kept under a close watch so they don't sell to minors, need to make it as safe as drugs can possible be and the above mentioned small quantaties of drugs. I prefer our system to the alternative, but I can see why some might disagree.
  6. I like both of them equally so far. Yveltal looks badass, while Xerneas looks gracefull. I always thought that Zekrom tried to hard too look "cool", but for some reason I don't have the same problem with Yveltal. (Oh by the way for some reason I can't sign in with the sign in button anymore. Right now I have to click on an other poster and log in from there. Does everyone else have that problem?)
  7. Sasori

    Pokemon X and Y

    This looks so awesome! I really can't wait to play it.
  8. Fennekin because it looks pretty cute...ok that made me feel less manly, but its true. This is the first time i'm not that fond of the grass starter though.
  9. Most: Merlinus (at least Hardin and Zephiel have an excuse to change. I think its hard to see fe7 Merlinus as fe6 Merlinus) Least: Murduck (Did he even age a day?) By the way who is Hyman again?
  10. I'm still old fashioned I guess since I prefer to have the cartridge and the box somewhere in my room.
  11. I'm a little bit annoyed with the wait. I don't really benefit from the extra translations since i'm dutch and we play 99% of our games in English and we prefer it that way. So i'm not all that happy at waiting for the French/German/Spanish translation, still two months isn't that long considering we usually have to wait a lot longer then that. For example we got tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the new world a full year after the American version.
  12. I hated crossbows in fe10 because they where pretty weak when I used then, while still one shotting most of my flyers, but i'm not against a return of the crossbow. As long as they use them well and realise that crossbows don't really work like bows.
  13. I don't mind having cavalries with both swords and lances it kind of fits them. I would however be in favour of nerfing them a little bit since mounted classes are pretty much always extremely good (especially in Por). I mean they have weapon triangle controll, good stats and sometimes caps, canto and higher movement. I don't really know how they should do that though. Perhaps just make them a little worse statisticly so they actually need the higher move and weapon triangle controll instead of it making already good units even better.
  14. Uh lets see Name: Kratos (no not the god of war one) Class: I think i'll keep him as strategist Lover: Mirriel Best stat: Speed or magic. Worst stat: skill or resistance The rest: I have no idea
  15. I'm more of a samurai warriors guy. I joined a little late since the first warrior game I played was Samurai warriors 3 and I was....not very impressed. I gave the series another shot with samurai warriors chronicles on the 3ds and thats when I fell in love with the series. After that I played dynasty warriors 7 and it was great. The characters where a bit too similair in gameplay, but other then that I had no problems with it and the story mode was especially well done. Last game was Warriors Orochi 3 which was once again great. I'm still not good at remembering the names of most dynasty guys though.
  16. Would't removing permadeath completely change the entire series? Right now enemies are still treatening when they gang up on you, but individually they are no match for your units. If they removed permadeath the games would become laughably easy unless they give an extreme buff to the enemy to get them to your level. I kinda like permadeath it makes you care a little more about your units and gives a penalty to just mindlessly charging in.
  17. I actually don't see a problem with mages in this game. Its not like FE10 where they all completely suck. Merric needs a little bit of help to get going, but that 65% does help him double after a while and training him isn't that hard since he's on of the few characters to move normally in the dessert and he can one shot wyverns with excaliber. The low magic growths are a shame, but enemies usually don't have much resistance so they manage to hit hard anyway.ges My only real problem is that all mages that aren't Etzel or Wendell have a bit of a rough start.
  18. Another minor annoyence in this game is the fact that you can't pick your weapons in the fight command, but need to go all the way to items to equip the one that you are going to use. Especially annoying with healers.
  19. 14 April isn't all that bad. I think I can wait 2 extra months.
  20. Yup it does. Thank you. I'm pretty interested in Luigi's mansion 2. I've borrowed the previous one and while it did't blow me away it was still fun.
  21. So um is there any news about an European Nintendo direct?
  22. I started with fe7 and I was pretty horrible at it when I started. Lets see I had most of my units killed Relied on Marcus and Oswin trough the entire game I thought Wallace was an awesome unit I did't know how to recruit characters like Raven And last, but not least I did't promote Hector since I forgot about the heaven seal.
  23. Downloaded it a few days ago and i'm having lots of fun with it. I do have two little problems. The 5 move archers from shadow dragon make a return. Gordin and Ryan already barely double and this doesn't really make them easier to use. My second problem is more a luxery problem since I want to use too much units to see their events. As for my unit. I don't really have an opinion of him. He's kinda bland so far.
  24. Best: Fe4 Worst: Shadow dragon Fire emblem 6 has the Idoun battle theme so its fine in my book.
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