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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Its a bit hard to say since the growth rates have been giving a boost. I heard a long time agon on gamefaqs that Liz wasn't that good, but I can't really remember why. Is Richt really bad or just outclassed by Miriel?
  2. I was thinking, does Leonardo really deserves a low 2.5? He's a sucky unit and I don't really like him, but he gets a few nice toys to play with like the Lughnasad and the brave bow. His part 1 performence is not good, but I don't think its that horrible.
  3. Lehran brings a good staff, but thats pretty much it. He can use Micky's or perhaps even Pelleas' weapon to good effect, but he isn't that much better then those two with them. I guess he can spam the Ashera staff for 3 turns since its the only place where it can be used. 1.5/10
  4. Poor Gareth joining when everyone targets his pitfull resistance stat. Blood tide is still good and all that, but unlike Nasir, Gareth really can't hold his own against the spirts. He's a better attacker then Ena, but his hit rates aren't that good either. 1.5+ 1 bias point since he looks cool and he needs a pity point.
  5. I started with Thracia a little while ago and on elite mode, so I might not have much right of speaking, but i'm a bit suprised with some characters. Brighton has been extremly good so far with tanky stats and wrath to get good offense. He can even hold his own indoors with his pretty good starting sword rank. I don't really get Nanna so far either. Staves are great, horses are great and charisma is even better, but she has pretty sucky stats and E staves, not to mention the fact that Thracia isn't extremely nice to ponies. I kinda expected that Robert would be pretty worthless outside of elite mode.
  6. Nasir is pretty cool from someone who is barely around. His stats are good enough to at least deal some good damage to spirits and he has constant 2 range, but of course white pool is pretty much the only reason he's great. +5 speed and magic is too awesome to pass up. 4/10
  7. Uh Starwave's comment might have been childish and immature, but your not really acting much better at the moment. Ahem anyway I don't really like the chapter. your options are kind of limited and the enemies are boring. Its basicly just take potshots with Micky while Eddy does the real fighting. 2/5/10 Edit: Oh crap I thought we where still doing 1-P. Any this chapter is a little more like it. The house is a little of the route and doesn't give anything terribly usefull, but thats alright. Its good for a first chapter it isn't that hard, but the enemies are at least not to losers they normally are at this point of the game. 5/10
  8. Really? I did't know since Renning was the only horsie I ever used in endgame and that was a loooooong time ago.
  9. Ena's combat is even worse then that of Kurth. A worthless high magic base and crappy strenght, but Ena's main use isn't combat. Its to give units a sexy +5 strenght. Even Boon comes in handy when Lekain silence's everyone. 3/10
  10. Crap bases, low exp gain when transformed and still not that great even when you train him. Night tide is sort of nice I guess. 2/10 Btw how did Renning get so high? I like him, but he only joins in endgame and while his stats are not bad, they aren't amazing either. His horse would be nice, but since endgame is indoors so he won't gain that much from it.
  11. Wow 13 units have a 1 or lower. Are there that many sucky units in this game?
  12. Anyway Diglett is a pokemon I often forget about, but he's by no means bad. Kanto is kind of nice to Ground types with Surge and blaine around. I believe Erika is the only gym where he is on a disadvantage. He's fast, has decent power and promotes early. Earthquake is always nice. He doesn't have all that much coverage, but he can learn night slash and more importantly rock slide. 7.5/10
  13. Its been a while since i've read the support, but did't she had a child with another man because the character she married died?
  14. Lolivar is the most beautifull unit in the game, unfortunately his looks can't hide the fact that he's horribe. The worst class for endgame and his bases stink too. Micky alone make's him pretty useless, but he's awfull even if she wasn't there. 1+1 bias point for his personality and his two awesome theme songs.
  15. I did't like Rita either. She had some funny moments, but normally I could't stand her "tsundere" (ugh I hate that word) moments. I liked Yuri, Raven, Judy and Yeager.....and i'm probably the only one who liked Cumore and the final boss of part two, who I won't name because of spoilers.
  16. Pelleas is pretty bad. He has low bases and the growth potential is kinda worthless with those caps. He can use siege tome's a little or become a decent healer when promoted, but thats it. 3/10 includes one bias point since I like Pelleas.
  17. Are you guys sure that this isn't Paris?
  18. The least broken of the laguz lords....not that it means anything since Neasala is pretty good on his own right. Great bases, good growths for a laguz and a 21% chance to activate tear. S strikes hurts him a little bit, but he still kicks ass with it. Availability is more of an issue with him. 7.5+ 1 bias= 8.5
  19. As someone from the Netherlands, it has always suprised me how big of a deal healthcare is in America.
  20. I would like anyone else better then her as champion, but its not a big problem for me.
  21. Uh Aine I have a question. Which are the units you consider better then Jannaf and Ulki? I mean the two hawks are not as godly as some units, but they still outperform the majority of the cast when they are around.
  22. A falcon knight with avarage at best bases and horrible growths. Is she good? No, but the game tries its hardest to make her usefull. At the bridge chapter she's usefull because fliers are important in that chapter, in the next one she's forced and the dessert isn't far of either. Her stats could be better, but she isn't exactly horrible against the standard enemies. Her high magic base and 5+ promotion bonus also makes her a good candidate for imbue. Healing 17 hp as a level 1 seraph knight is kind of good. 5/10+ one bias point= 6/10
  23. Huh are the support conversations already translated?
  24. I never found Janaff anything special in Por, but here the guy is my favorite Laguz. His bases are great, 32 str and 34 speed when transformed is almost godly when you get him. And to make things better he's one level away from tear and as a bonus he flies. Sure he's not as fast as Ulki, but it doesn't matter since his speed is good enough for the job 99% of the time and his strenght lead is more important. 9/10 he doesn't get a perfect score because he needs to smoke grass to transform early. Its still a little sad being the oldest hawk yet still looking like a kid.
  25. Perhaps I missed it on one of the previous pages, but could someone tell me if they mentioned the European release of fire emblem?
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