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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. 6.5/10 Ray is the most durable druid in the game.....not a big acomplishment since Sofiya is fail and Niime is a bit on the frail side. Offensively he's not that good thanks to the fact that he get weighed down by a lot of tomes and his speed is only decent. Still his magic is high and dark tomes are powerfull, so he can deal some heavy damage. Nosferatou tanking is good, but not always that reliable. All in all he's the second best choice for a druid. Niime has that amazing staff rank and dont have to be trained, but there are far worse options then using Ray. Edit: forgot to mention I gave him one bias point since he was speed blessed in my previous playtrough.
  2. Uh i'm a bit late to the topic, but I have a question. Why is exeggcute in mid? I'm training one right now and he is a little disapointing. His offence sucks untill he reaches level 27. Barrage and bullet seed are unreliable and outrage makes him uncontrollable, has low power and wakes people up. To me it looks like he's outclassed supportwise by hoothoot/noctowl. Both of them have hypnosis and reflect, but sleep isn't very good when you need to turn to outrage for reliable offence. Exeggcute does get a few cool things like leech seed and the powder moves, but aren't there better users then him? Not only that, but grass faces a type disadvantage in a lot of gyms and the fighting gym is probably already over when Exeggcute learns confusion. So why is exeggcute higher then Noctowl? Do you guys use the leaf stone right away on him or is there something i'm missing about exeggcute?
  3. I used Fir in my previous playtrough to see what all the fuss was about. She was speed screwed so I'll already start with a -0.5 bias point. 25% strenght growth, 15% defense growth and 5 con are all horrible. Her bases are alright and starting in axe land makes it a little easier to train her, but she won't round anything one her own unless your wasting the wo doa. In my opinion she's a mediocre unit who's saved by the swordmasters awesome critical bonus. 3.5/10
  4. Normally my lowest rating is a 1, but I make an exception for Wendy and give her a 0/10 for not being usefull for anything. She's not getting a booby point either since she's too young for that.
  5. She's a jeigan with great growths and not a bad thing to look at. 10/10
  6. 4.5 with a 0.5 bias points for being a mage. Lilina comes underleveled and even Lugh had better bases then her. Her magic growth is awesome and she targets resistance so she will be a powehouse when leveled. Still aside from her magic she just doesn't have a whole lot going for her. She's by no means terrible, but she's just not worth the effort.
  7. I like archers, they are probably my second favorite class. Radiant dawn was a step in the good direction, but I wonder if they will bring 2/3 range back now that the marksman is gone.
  8. I've never really understood the shota hate. People seem to love loli's. I don't mind young characters as long as their personality is good. I don't know much about Richt yet, but he gets bonus points for being a mage. As for character disigns I like. Emelina: I like my female characters to be elgant and gracefull. Basilo: He looks badass. Viole: He looks like a certain prosecutor.
  9. Lugh's a great unit. He pretty fast and targeting resistance gives him pretty good offence too. 8.5/10 I've given him a 0.5 bias point just for being the first mage.
  10. Chad will never be a combat unit, but he's quite good earlygame and in the western islands with all those axe users around. Even with his awesome growths he will quickly become a liability on the battlefiel when the number of lance wielders and generals increase. But like we all know you don't rate thiefs for combat. He's your first thief so he has a little monopoly when he joins and while Astor is a better choice to use later on, he still does job well enough.....unless there are siege tomes. 8/10. 7.5 for being a good thief and 0.5 points for chipping at axe users.
  11. Lot is an avarage unit. He starts alright and if trained he stays that way. He's pretty tanky, but his speed and strenght wont be amazing. 7/10
  12. Dieck is so badass that entire armies flee at the mere sight of him. Anyway I like him. He had great bases, meh growths, but not low enough to make him lose his edge. His con is another advantage, it makes him one of the only units who can wield blades without trouble. Not having a horse sucks, but I don't penalise units for it, unless we're talking about fe4. 8.5/10
  13. 6/10 Like people already said, she is slow, frail and her magic base sucks, but she can heal. I guess there are worse choices if you don't use Saul or Clarine.
  14. Wolt is just an sucky unit. Extremely bad bases, growths which aren't bad, but not enough to compensate for his bases. Being bow locked isn't all that great either. He's still free for a few chapters and he can do some chipping. I'll be nice to him and give him an extra bias point, since I find him strangely endearing as a character. 2/10 as a unit and one bias point, so its a 3/10 for Wolt.
  15. 8.5/10 Marcus is your best unit for a long time. High starting stats, full weapon triangle controll amd high movement. Early game would be hell without the old guy. Still he's a unit with limited potential. His earlygame still make's him one of the best unit in the game.
  16. Hmmmm there are a lot of people I want to return, but I think Lex, Azel, tiltyu from fe4 are at the top of my list.
  17. Refreshing units is great, but low move really brings her down. 8/10
  18. 5 move, no pursuit, a weapon that breaks her back and being around for 1.5 chapters. Diadora has all the qualities of a bad unit. 1/10 for being the worst unit in the game
  19. Dew takes way too long to be a good fighter with those low bases and average sword rank, but the little guy has other ways to make himself usefull. His ability to give money to healers and poor fighters is awesome and he steals money for every hit he makes. He can also lower that bridge in chapter 4 which saving you the hell of going trough the mountains. And he's a little kid who can sleep with all the woman in the first generation, thats pretty impressive as well. 7/10
  20. Like all units without a horse Aideen's movement isn't very good, but as a healer she still has her uses. Her main problem is her competion. In her first chapters there is Ethelin who has much more movement then her and when she's gone she has claude to compete with. Still she's a good healer in her own right, passes some nice staves down and isn't a bad mommy. 7/10
  21. I think i'll be gentle with her. Not having a horse sucks, but its not the end of the world. She has great offense, with some not so good defense. 7.5/10
  22. Good bases, good grothes, awesome prf weapons and he's a foot lord who doesn't use swords. 8/10
  23. Meh he's kinda below avarage untill he gets the hero bow. 5/10
  24. Good to see the my unit feature returning, but.....I want my male mage back.
  25. 8/10 Whats there to say about Cuan? He's good in 2 chapters, great in 1.5 chapters and death on a horse in the other half. He also has a cool wife. Cuan and Lex are good examples of how a lack of pursuit doesn't break a unit. He loses some points for starting in axeland and leaving early, but when he's around he has both good offense and good defense.
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