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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. I agree with this. Otherwise multiplayer would just turn in a game of "who has grinded the most and uses the most overpowered units." Perhaps you could pick one or two units from your game as lord of your army, but I would't want more then that. As for things I would like to see......uh I don't really know. Just the usual I guess.
  2. Well I knew Marth and Roy from super smash bros melee and I had wondered where they came from. A few years after that I visited a friend who was playing Fire Emblem and I thought "Wow is this Fire Emblem? It looks boring.", but then he let me borrow the game. I've been hooked ever since.
  3. Finally downloaded it. The guys who translated this did a really good job. I do have a little slowdown in battles, but its not a big problem.
  4. Oh cool i'm going to download this later. I also can't wait till the base conversations are posted somewhere, so the characters will finally have a personality.
  5. True that was more of a problem in fe9. Still starting with 3 str made Sanaki even worse then she already was.
  6. I don't really like the Str = AS system simply because its starts to become meaningless for physical units and its unkind to mages. Rhys and Soren for example where screwed because they could't wield anything without losing speed and the heavier tomes in general weren't that usefull because of the extra weight. Physical units on the other hand can wield pretty much everything around mid game. The heaviest weapon is the 20 wt hammer and most axe users reach that with ease. I think the con system is my favorite since its always an issue and yeah its wasn't implemented well, but I believe that it can work if used correctly.
  7. Uh I don't really have a lot of confession. I guess that I don't like Seth is one since he's pretty much worshipped everywhere. I have nothing against "Jeigans", but I just thought he was boring. Another one is that I did't think Echidna was amazing either. She has a low str base,low growths, she's not all that durable and her bad con makes her lose speed whenever she use's axes.
  8. I don't really think the trainies are underrated. I like using them and I usually use the tower of Valni to get them into 1st tier, but they weren't exactly created with efficency in mind. As for underrated units....uh thats pretty hard. Most games are already several years old so every character has already been talked about a lot. Lets see I guess Hugh deserves a little more love. His bases and levels are workable and while his growths don't really wow me he's good enough for the job.
  9. I loved Skyward sword. I liked the controlls, the dungeons,the story and while I dreaded the silent realms, they where great in the fact that it was one of the few area's in gaming where I was actually worried about failing. It does have one MASSIVE flaw though and that there are a lot of fetch quests, search quests and doing other boring stuff of no importance.
  10. I don't care if the next Manakete is male or female as long as its not an underdressed Loli.
  11. Oh yeah I keep forgetting about that. Probably because I try to keep my whole team around the same level as each other. I have another question though. Why is Magby so low? Its fast, hits pretty hard and gets some decent coverage. I know its outclassed by Arcanine and is a little on the frail side, but still. Edit: Oops nevermind thought I saw him in low. Lower mid isn't all that bad for him.
  12. I'm no expert, but should Zorua be so high? I used one and it did't impress me at all. Yeah illusion screws the enemy over, but its really frail. Not only that, but snarl is his only special stab move untill night daze. His entire level up movepool consists of nothing, but physical dark attacks untill level 64 and some status attacks. You could teach him dark pulse, but 10 shards is a heavy investment. And I don't recall him having a good tm selection either except shadow ball and a flametrower that comes late. And I can't recall any situation before the e4 that dark was a handy type to have around.
  13. Sasori


    I smoke as well. around 2 packs of cammel a week. I started around 2 years ago.
  14. Late or not your still doing an amazing job and we're all gratefull that your willing to do it.
  15. Yup Geitz for me as well. His bases are good enough for the job and he isn't annoying to train like Bartre and Dart and doesn't go trough a midlife crisis like Dorcas. Hawkeye is good as well. I do have a soft spot for Dorcas since he ended up pretty well in my last game. Dorcas 20/19 Str:30 Skill:28 Spd: 17 (one wing) lck:22 def:20 res:11 Then again it was a weird playtrough in general with Hector sucking pretty badly and Eliwood capping defense in first tier with only one shield.
  16. I beated the game a few days ago. Been doing some world tournaments and defeated the triplets. My team is Lv 60 Shogun Adamant Samurott Moves:Ice beam, megahorn, surf, aqua tail. Samurott is a good mon able to do good damage to most things and his speed isn't exactly horrible either, but god he's boring. I miss my Serperior. Level 59 Bowser Timid Magmar Moves:Thunder punch, strenght, flametrower and fire punch Bowser has been pretty great. He packs a punch is quite fast. Unfortunately he's very frail and the last two gyms aren't kind to him at all. Level 58 Tryclops Jolly Magnezone Moves: Flash cannon, thunder wave, volt switch and thunderbolt Magnezone is very very awesome. Steel/electric is great and he resist most of the important opponents. He did slow down a bit later on and his movepool isn't exactly the greatest. Level 58 Hanbei Hasty Roserade Moves: Giga drain, Venoshock, Leech seed and Synthesis I always wanted to use a Roserade, but there was never enough space untill now. He did't really disapoint. He has a huge special attack and good speed too. Leech seed and giga drain also help keep him alive since he's quite frail. The poison pint/venoschock combo is also pretty good even though its situational. Level 58 Dracula Jolly crobat Moves: U-turn, Fly, cross poison and Acrobat Crobat was suprisingly good since I did't expect much when I catched that annoying Zubat. I originally used him as a filler untill someone better came along, but he grew on me. Acrobat is pretty powerfull on him and his speed is great. He was also able to hit pretty much anything (except steel) for at least neutrall damage. Level 58 Boreas (yay golden sun) Jolly Vanilluxe Moves: Ice beam, Icicle spear, Signal beam and hail A very late adittion to my team. I wanted an ice type to replace the suprisingly disapointing Zoroark and I always though Vanilluxe was pretty cute. To my suprise he's actually pretty bulky if people don't use super effective attacks. Special attack and speed are pretty good as well. Definately better then I thought. Well thats my team. I't might suck a little since i'm not all that good, but it took me trough the games without all that much trouble.
  17. I think the American president race is interesting, but I haven't watched the debate since its airing on 3:00 in the night in our place. I guess i'm pro Obabam since he's merely far right instead of extremely far right winged like his opponent. Not meaning to be insulting, but the political climate in my country is a little different.
  18. I like him in Path of Radianc. I can't say the same for Radiant Dawn. As a combat unit his is better in RD though.
  19. So Magmar stats are decent while Electabuzz's stats are above avarage? Doesn't Magmar beats or ties him in everything except a few points in speed?
  20. Are Trainees overrates? I've seen almost nothing, but hate for them. I think they are fun to use, but that they where not designed with efficiency in mind.
  21. Knives really sucked in Por, but I did't have much problems with them in Radiant dawn. But perhaps they could give it a bonus in the future. More damage when attacking a unit from behind maybe?
  22. Either everyone is very fast or i'm very slow. Anyway i'm about to challange the Driftveil gym with this team. Shogun(lvl 29 Adamant Dewott ) Bowser (lvl 28 timid magby) Tryclops (lvl 28 naive Magby) Hanbei (lvl 28 hasty Roselia) Dracula (Lvl 27 Jolly Golbat) I caught an Yamask and used it for a while, but i'm considering replacing it for N's Zorua...both aren't as good as the rest yet though. Zorua is pretty frail and Yamask isn't doing much aside from a whisp followed by Hex.
  23. Oh yeah I also forgot to mention Hector. His stats are pretty good, but in Hector mode he'll stay at 20/0 for a looooong time.
  24. Ilyana for me too. She's not all that good in path of radiance and just awfull in Radiant Dawn. Nephenee gets my vote as well. She's a perfectly fine unit, but people act like she's the perfect unit. I wonder if people would have changed their mind about those two if they weren't "hot"
  25. I like the series, but I don't really know if I can call myself a fan. I never owned a sony console so I haven't played many final fantasies. I really liked final fantasy 4/5/6 and 13 and the after years where pretty enjoyable too. The only final fantasy game if feel like having missed out on is 9. It looks cool and all the characters sounds interesting. I never got very enthousiastic about final fantasy 7 though. Probably because its been hyped so much that it will feel like a letdown even if it would be the best game ever made.
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