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Everything posted by Sasori

  1. Its always confusing when people start talking ab out their schools hahaha. I had my exam last year after that I advanced to a higher level and probably have exams again next yer.

  2. I really have no idea how your school system work since I live in the netherlands.

  3. I had my finals last year and now i''m doing a higher study on the same school so I have my finals again next year.

  4. nothing special i'm way too busy with school.

  5. Oh yeah your right I haven't been here for a pretty long time.

    How are you doing?

  6. I always thought Alvis was a nice guy for a villain. While not a true villain i found myself agreeing with Dheginsea.
  7. I think paladins are a decent class but i find them a bit boring.
  8. `The whitebeard war arc is great but it sucks that most battles are either skiped or just not shown.
  9. My favorite pairings are Kent and fiona (lover their support convercation) Pelleas and micaia (I hate sothe in RD) Azel and tiltyu (Still can't believe Azel is actually 18) Pent and louise
  10. Why did zelgius kill greil if he was only interested in testing his power. When he spared scrimir he said he would always avoid killing someone but he still killed his teacher while he lets his enemy whome he doen't even know live .
  11. In the tower gareth said that soan was the first king of gallia but according to lethe's support with jill the only country's that exsisted that time where begnion and goldoa. gallia was created hundreds of years later when the laguz slaves escaped from begnion or something like that so how did soan became their first king.
  12. Olivir he has no equals only inferiors!!!!!!
  13. While they are usefull in my opinion they are overrated since they can have trouble keeping up with your army.
  14. It seems the war is reaching its end. It will be interesting to finally see whitebeard on the battlefield.
  15. Sasori


    I hope bee has a good trump card if he does not have one he's dead.
  16. Sasori


    did you watch the trailer of FF 13 Esau.
  17. Why would you deploy juno just to rescue a bunch of people isn't it better to just use another fighter instead?
  18. While its true Karel is outclassed from whenever he exist his stats aren't bad and he still has the +30 critical so he can be a decent filler.
  19. Mine are 1. druids. 2. sage. 3. berserker. 4. swordmaster. 5. hero.
  20. I've never used nino but I recently used lilina in fe6 after training her a bit I wasn't disapointed, Lugh is still beter then her but she gets the job done.
  21. The one who was in charge of IS left nintendo and i am pretty sure he is retired by now or i must be confusing him with someone else. The things that made FE4 so good are the number of enemies,the good story , holy blood , and the two generations. I have not played tracia so i cant really say anything about that.
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