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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Bows aren't range locked anyway. They have 3 range access.
  2. The main problem with giving 1-2 range shortbows is that it's lazy. Instead of trying to make bows good and useful in their own right, the "solution" is to make them more like other weapon types. Well, that is one way to balance the game; the easiest way to make all the characters balanced is to make them as similar as possible. BTW, it's a sad truth that if actually making things make sense wasn't a priority, Mekkah's Troll hack of FE8 would be the best hack I've ever played.
  3. It's not forum procedure. It's social procedure. You're probably right that sometimes this community can be very unwelcoming, and often it's unjustified, but this guy has made no effort to socialise at all. Forums are social places. They're stickied at the top of this very forum.
  4. I like both Feaw's and Prime's maps, but Feaw has a door that's casting a shadow on the wall next to it. And he's OBVIOUSLY going to put a bolting sage in that tower. AND he dissed my map. And everyone should do height changes the same way I do them.
  5. I wouldn't call it a nuance of interacting, as if it's some sort of social convention exclusive to SF. No matter where you are, it's pretty presumptious to expect other people to go out of their way to help you when they don't know you or anything about you. It's not like he's gone out of his way to introduce himself or post in any other subforums.
  6. You say this is a balance hack in your first post, so I assumed that naturally, one of the goals of this game is to make weak characters like Wil more useful relative to others. And Wil's stats aren't "fine". To be honest, why does the number of uses have to be changed at all? They appear in the final chapter. They are unlikely to run out of uses when the number of enemies remaining in the game can literally be counted on the fingers of two hands.
  7. I really doubt that getting around copyright infringement is that easy. I mean, would putting the ROM in a .rar file change anything? Then why should it for a .ips file?
  8. DONNY honourable mentions: Grego, Vake, Krom, Anna, Miriel, Sairi, Henry, Velvet, Sol, Ronku, Lucina, Azure, Wood, Chambray
  9. Because CelicexYuria is disgusting. They have five grandparents between them, ffs.
  10. Because the ranking system will no longer work. I think the ranking system is a great addition to FE7, and to screw it up would be a mistake Then it's not a balance patch. Minor changes are insufficient to balance FE7 since FE7 has major balance issues.
  11. Gay marriages are in the same position, though. If anthing the position of gay marriage is worse. That reflects a more liberal government rather than anything inherently wrong with civil unions.
  12. Strictly speaking characters in a medieval setting should all speak with Boston accents.
  13. (damios - clandestine seducer of domiciles) Damios looks at the door, because APPARENTLY that's not an obvious thing to do. He takes note of whether it's ajar or not a jar, and if it's a door and not a jar he checks if it's locked.
  14. "Well, looks like the mighty wizard doesn't know everything," Damios said with a look at Stella. "Try not to draw any attention to me..." Damios made to move away from the rest of the group. He would make his way along the sides of the houses, sticking to the shadows until he reached the wall. Those zombies didn't look very alert... it shouldn't be too hard to approach the door without being noticed. Roll Move Silently: Take 10 10+8=18 Roll Hide: Take 10 10+8=18
  15. You're clearly past the earlygame hump that Lilina suffers from, so you could probably continue to use her. Lugh being better than Lilina has little to do with the long run. Lugh is pretty crappy in the long run, after all, his only saving grace is Aircalibur. Plus, an extra 35%STR is better than an extra 15%SPD.
  16. Curriculum: -Horse riding -Silver lance wielding -Experience hogging -Cutscene-based expositioning
  17. Isn't giving S Rank weapons infinite uses going to plummet their value? Without the S Rank weapons funds rank will become far, far harder to meet. Also pathetic attempt to balance Wil out. His boosts are barely even bigger than Sain/Kent's. "-Short bow is 1-2 range" Lame idea. "-Bishops can use Anima, Valkyries get light magic, male sages get dark magic (so dark magic isn't basically Prf for Canas anymore), female sages get light magic and Druids get anima" you would also need to put work into balancing out the different magic types since currently light and dark magic will be as relevant for Sages as nipples on the Batsuit
  18. C'mon guys, don't be so mean. He says he's a big fan of Fire Emblem, after all! Therefore you should be perfectly happy to spend hours making battle animations for him. In fact, you should be grateful that he's offering you to have the opportunity to have your work featured in his hack. Think of the great exposure.
  19. Wouldn't healing for 4-12HP usually take you out of Prayer range? Or put you at the edge of it so you only get a small bonus? Also, you only have one Life Ring.
  20. Why does it matter what their base stat total is? The end result is pretty much the same; that both Wolt and Wil are pretty much useless.
  21. As opposed to Sain/Kent/Wil and Oscar/Boyd/Rolf?
  22. I think that the Lord of the Rings an excellent story, because J.R.R Tolkien does such a good job of generating a rich and interesting setting. And what we see in the Lord of the Rings is really only the tip of the iceberg. That being said, for the majority of fantasy settings it is perfectly acceptable to use established fantasy conventions. It would be nice if everyone could be as ambitious as J.R.R. Tolkien, but I think that most writers wouldn't be able to pull it off.
  23. Just be glad you're not Irish. Because then he'd be... Adrag! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  24. It doesn't really interest me. You mean, like AIs? I personally feel that the actual reality of how advancing technology affected warfare is far more interesting than a novelist making up some crap about how some fictional technology affected some fictional culture, normally in a way that isn't actually true or realistic. How can we imagine what a magical society might look like and evolve when most of us barely understand our own society? In addition, when you throw established high fantasy conventions out of the window like you're suggesting, you also throw away any leeway you have to be unrealistic. If you want FE to seriously consider questions of how technology and culture would interact with magic, that technology and culture would also have to be realistic. So no axes or heavy armour in the 17th century, for instance. Maybe it would be really really cool if they could pull it off, but it's very hard to pull off and given that they can't even do medieval europe accurately I think it's asking a bit much for them to engage in speculative fiction. Also, flying machines is a 20th century thing. So what you're really talking about is Advance Wars.
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