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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. The face really bugs me...
  2. Except for those 20 extra chapters of availability. Did you only get to Chapter 3?
  3. I'd give Astra to Lucia. Also while Stefan is pretty hot and has amazing combat, he has a time-consuming recruitment and no mount. He's basically as good as a mid-game joining Myrmidon can be; it's just that it's not that great.
  4. Except that Bastian and Lucia still won't grow into good units. Geoffrey... maybe. He does have Paragon.
  5. Except that mount slaying weapons are super weak and even with effective bonuses deal less damage than Silver weapons. The only one that can outdamage it's silver counterpart is the Halberd which is also far heavier and less accurate.
  6. And there's a distinction between something being worth getting and something being significantly useful. 10 EXP on Matthew isn't really useful in any significant way but it's still worth getting. Actually, my argument is that unless Bartre is a very good unit, Karla will not be worth getting. If Bartre is a very good unit, Karla will be worth getting because the cost is essentially nil.
  7. I agree with you except that the Anouleth role MUST be town.
  8. I think it's only an issue against Armour Knights. She shouldn't have a problem ORKOing other unit types. Think of it this way; Elincia has the same attack and speed as Shinon but with Brave effect. AKA she has no trouble ORKOing everything but AKs and tougher bosses like maybe Kotaff. She certainly needs the Energy Drop to ORKO Maijin, but Geoffrey and Largo can probably make up the difference. EDIT: I just saw their bases. Flight certainly saves turns in Chapters 2 and 6, but I question her durability and lack of 1-2 range, especially in Chapter 4.
  9. Except that being worth recruiting is a cost-benefit scenario. The cost of recruiting Stefan is greater than the benefit he provides. The cost of recruiting Marcia is smaller than the benefit she provides. If Stefan's recruitment location was closer to the start point he would be worth recruiting. But is isn't, so he isn't.
  10. That formatting is horrible, by the way. HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES 43.3 36.6 16.6 41.6 41.6 71.6 31.6 21.6 Oh and I should probably point out that for most FEs, non-integer values of growth rates are meaningless. So rly it's HP STR MAG SKL SPD LUK DEF RES 43 36 16 41 41 71 31 21 Dunno if they round up or down?
  11. Because it would reduce the cost. Chad is worth recruiting because the cost is zero. Cath is not worth recruiting because the cost is having Roy fuck around to talk to her.
  12. Quite aside from the possibility that I could die before using it.
  13. I also think it's a little bit fishy how Psych was all "pls cop scan on me". Could be a godfather, or the mafia might have a tailor or something.
  14. Well, fearless leader, you are far better informed than I am, so I suppose I should probably copy you. ##Vote: Psych
  15. Why don't you take your vote off now and wait for Prims to post again? Or is changing your vote too many times "scummy" too? Do you not want to appear too much like you have an individual mind? I know that a lot of players don't like changing their vote because it makes them look like they're actually thinking about how they're voting rather than like a brainless townie. Kay seems pretty scummy, jumping on the Anouleth bandwagon. Not to sound OMGUS or anything.
  16. I could prove it right now, but I don't think you'd like it.
  17. How do you know I haven't done so already?
  18. Why on earth should I claim to you. The only reason I am in the spotlight is because you put me there by voting for me. And your original complaint was that I wasn't posting enough. Now, I do post, and you tell me to stop.
  19. Characters have to be pretty fucking amazing to be "worth" any amount of trouble. Short of making Bartre into Marcus 2.0 Karla will not be "worth" getting. I don't really care how good she is. She could be as amazing as Stefan or as horrible as Cath. But there isn't a "correct" way to balance her.
  20. You're so fucking keen to lynch me when you don't have a shred of evidence to back you up except your "hunches". You know what? Let's make a deal. If I turn out to be town, you can get out of the game and ask for a sub because YOU are hurting the town with your shitty scumhunting. And why would I get out? I'm enjoying this. If you haven't noticed, I love huge arguments.
  21. I thought you had voted for me for a second. My mistake. What a surprise. Everyone acts like a dumbass and votes town, so it must be their fault for not conforming. So by not posting frequently, I am spending my time wasting your time? That's the dumbest thing you have said all day. First, I'm not actually spending any time by not posting. Second, it's not my fault if you're acting stupidly. I am not paranoid in the slightest. Paranoid implies all these votes against me are actually fake, when in reality the threat to me is pretty real. Paranoid would be refusing to claim to anyone because they might be mafia, or accusing everyone who voted for me of being "out to get me".
  22. Oh and if I'm not "playing the game" right now, then Raymond isn't either, so he can fuck right off.
  23. Obviously because I don't have the same amaaaaazing scumhunting skillz you do. I am playing the game. I'm arguing and discussing with you. If that's not playing, then what the fuck is? You are being far more of a burden by leading a lynch against a town player. And really, even if a player is relatively quiet they are not being a burden. Town players can only be a positive, unless they spend their time misleading the other town players.
  24. I'm not saying that people should be sitting on their asses doing nothing. Like I said, I don't have any objections to other people playing their own way. I just don't see why I have to join in. Why? Just to put pressure on people? You want me to put pressure on you? Because I can if I want to. No evidence to suggest that you're town, either. In fact, there's no evidence to suggest that many players here are town.
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