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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. No, because my problem is with the concept of the class and not the gameplay performance, as I have told you several times. Are you stupid? Small details are important. And that's how you feel. I feel that giving the women the class "Bride" is being sexist. They had perfect freedom to make whatever they wanted. And what they wanted was a woman wearing a wedding gown. Yeah, it's just a coincidence that it's the women that get the frilly dresses and get to be Brides while the men get armor and get to be Demon Fighters. Well, my point is that I don't have problem with characters in the past being Queens when it's appropiate. I don't think it would really fit as a DLC class that anyone can use. I think that would be okay. Or even Shaman, a la FE4.
  2. It's more that the man gets a cool kickass frontline combat class while the women gets to heal and wear a pretty dress. Eirika's character Ending is Restoration Queen. It kind of makes sense for her to be Queen alongside Ephraim, since they are twins and all.
  3. Fred doesn't support Olwen, even as Olwen supports Fred.
  4. No, it isn't. S Ranks are not what the player is "supposed" to go for, it's merely another option of many. It certainly seems a bit weird to say that Serra is an amazing unit because she gains lots of experience, which is 90% of her position on the S Rank tier list.
  5. The skirt and boots were at least more practical, even if leggings would be even better. And Eirika wore armour too in FE8. Queen is fine, I think. I didn't have a problem with Hilda or Elincia being Queens; any more than I had a problem with Zephiel being a King.
  6. He wouldn't be able to use his own weapon; whether it's Ephraim's Steel Sword or the Rapier.
  7. Maiden would be fine; but it's important to note that reclassing hasn't stopping other characters from hopping over class boundaries. You can turn noblemen into mercenaries, commoners into knights, and professional soldiers into rugged barbarians. And I don't really have any problems with the artwork.
  8. We know what it looks like and the name, so I feel pretty justified in saying that it doesn't look good and the name is a bad one. I'm not saying that this class is going to be useless or not fun to use or whatever, just that I hate the concept.
  9. The difference is that women are defined by loyalty and subservience to their man. She's lucky even to get bows and staves. The initial design was her to wield Pre-Nuptial Agreements and Bouquets.
  10. Bride is not a title, or a status. I believe the issue is that a woman being a bride is an extremely small and minor part of who she is. Being a Prince, or a Lord, or a Villager, or even a Nomad or a Pirate is a better reflection of title or status. Eirika is a princess or a queen before she is a bride. And that's true for every woman, that being a bride is going to be an extremely small part of who they are.
  11. So what you're saying is that you're happy that a woman is wearing a dress, that is a dress that is worn to battle, to battle? You seem easily pleased, then. Pole dancing is quite different, you know. And I don't see any lance rank on Olivia, so clearly she does not know her way around a pole.
  12. That's not a battle gown. It's a wedding dress. What, precisely, about it is suitable to battle? For the class to not be ridiculous. We could have a Janitor class or a Ballerina class, and that would be original and probably interesting (to idiots), but those classes are also ridiculous. As a homosexual, I am the least likely person to fetishize Eirika, but you must admit that Pole Dancer and Schoolgirl are original classes, and I'm sure I could scrape some subhumans off the floors of TvTropes' basement who think they're interesting too.
  13. So, men get Demon Fighter, and women get Bride? Why not give them Schoolgirl or Pole Dancer too while they're at it? Less badass than a girl in armour or some practical clothing. like what her brother is wearing.
  14. -Jesus On Wheels- Marcus -Top- Sain Priscilla Kent Ninian/Nils
  15. He's kind of meh. I don't really have a strong opinion on him.
  16. Not admissible, being female has no effect on her gameplay performance.
  17. The problem is that giving Great Knights 7 move expands the already significant advantage they have over Generals. I guess that making Paladin and Great Knight balanced is more important than making General and Great Knight balanced, though, because you have more cavaliers.
  18. Hah, I usually get 2-3HKOed. Then again, Belial drops health globes like candy and I can usually Diamond Skin through every other attack. I actually found his first form more difficult because he summons adds. Then I discovered the wonders of Lightning Orb in Act 3. But I still have to skip every elite with Invulnerable Minions...
  19. Makes me think a bit of Diablo 3, where certain random enemy ability combinations are just impossible. I have to skip every Champion with Invulnerable Minions, for instance.
  20. Entirely because Nolan exists in early Part 1 and is better in Part 3.
  21. Is it me, or would you not be able to approach the house since the cliff is in the way?
  22. Othin, why must you be such a cynic? Don't you believe in love? Don't you believe that love can blossom anywhere, at any time, between any two people of the opposite gender regardless of their personality?
  23. Aran drains far more EXP than Zihark does. And it's not like he even has significantly better combat to show for it. I don't see why he's a hindrance in Part 1 either. Nolan is pretty useless in late Part 1 and he's generally worse than Zihark.
  24. Except that "grandmas and soccer moms" are also gamers.
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