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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I imagine it's a mixture of War Knowledge from Strategist (lots more EXP), plus better supports, plus more time to build them, plus more stats. Name HP Str Mag Skl Spd Lck Def Res MU 41.30 11.20 18.80 12.10 14.90 13.90 14.30 14.30 Sariya 30.00 5.00 14.00 7.00 13.00 3.00 13.00 10.00 This is 10/10/1 MU versus 10/1 Sariya.
  2. Well, it's probably pretty ridiculous in a casual playthrough, much as stuff like double Earth supports or General Sedgar or Nosferatanking were in previous games. In that sense you could say that it makes the game much much easier. But I don't know if it will turn out to be the optimum strategy.
  3. The +2STR doesn't really make the difference between ORKOing and not ORKOing, and even if she did she still lags behind in terms of movement, 1-2 range, durability. It could go either way I guess.
  4. Well, it seemed to me that was the kind of list you wanted. Hence you talking about how we should only consider giving all the resources to Jill.
  5. Nor do I. If Aeine actually believes that saving turns is a good way to measure the quality of a unit, he should have no problem with Edward being the best Dawn Brigade. But I am willing to extend an olive branch. How about we say that Edward is just the second best Dawn Brigade unit? (also I think it's funny) And also because this is not a low turn count tier list.
  6. What does this playthrough have to do with my statement at all? I am claiming that using the Energy Drop and Dracoshield and Seraph Robe on people other than Jill saves turns in comparison to not using them at all. Thus, using them still has an opportunity cost. If you give all those resources to Jill and save turns with her, that doesn't mean anything since those resources can still save turns in other locations. Edward leans far less on Leonardo and Micaiah than Jill does on the people she needs to help her save turns. Jill does not save turns single-handedly ever in Part 1, she is only capable of saving turns because she is dropping people who can actually do thing such as Tauroneo, or Micaiah, or the Black Knight. Jill is highly reliant on Sothe to steal items for her to make those turncount savings such as the Energy Drop, the Master Seal, and the first Seraph Robe. I know that she can do that. Point is that so can quite a lot of other people, if more slowly. Nobody is going to solo 1-P unless they are called Edward. It is not just slower. It is impossible. 4 minus 3 is how many turns? Because it's smaller than 14. A lot smaller. Jill is not as useful as Edward. You have many units that can do a similar thing to Jill. The same is not true in 1-P. Also Jill was only so useful in 3-13 since you rigged a Stun proc with her. Which brings me onto another issue with Jill, namely that she's RNG reliant in order to make some of her turncount savings since she relies on growths. So Jill is not going to save all those turns in every playthrough. You do not have to train Nolan at all. On those chapters where Jill is present, in comparison to dondon's 0% growth LP, you only saved: 1-7 1 3-6 1 3-12 5 3-13 2 4-P 2 4-3 4 4-E-1 2 A total of 16 turns, and certainly not all down to Jill being trained, especially the Part 4 turncounts. Let's say she still saves a turn in 4-3, and of course dondon used Jill to save turns here and there in Part 1 and 3-6, so she saves approximately: 1-6 2 1-7 1 1-E 1 3-6 2 3-12 5 3-13 2 4-3 1 14 turns, exactly the same as Edward in 1-P! Huh. How about that. Then apparently he saves turns in 1-2 and 1-4. When I played through Part 4 with one Axe wielding flier, I only got one less turn than you, so I would say it is exactly 1/16th as useful as Edward. This just doesn't make any sense. Ordinarily I dislike Aku chi's habit of constantly banging on about opportunity costs, but you really seem to misunderstand. Consider an alternative universe where Jill doesn't exist. In this world, all the resources that Jill uses to save turns still do exist. Those resources still save turns. That cost has to be taken into account. If Jill saves 2 turns with the Energy Drop and Nolan saves 1, really Jill is only saving 1 turn because even if she didn't exist we'd still be able to use the Energy Drop.
  7. Well, you should be concerned with the former. Offensive comments are forbidden by the code of conduct. And also it's rude. Not really. None of us really know for sure whether or not Bramimond is still physically a man, so Crash isn't really incorrect to call him a transsexual.
  8. I don't, but if it keeps stupid arguments out of this list, then I might. That's not what you said, though, you said that the opportunity cost is very minor, which I don't really believe. Am I supposed to believe that Energy Drop/Dracoshield/Seraph Robe don't have any effect on turncount unless we give them to Jill? Jill does not cut turns in some of those instances. She doesn't cut turns in 1-8, for instance, and there are probably alternative strategies that don't need her for later chapters too. If she is cutting turns, she's usually only cutting 1 or 2, or in order to cut those turns she has to be used in conjunction with many other units. Edward saves multiple turns in 1-P, though, and requires no resources to do it, and does it single-handedly, and there is no comparable alternative. EDIT: I am told by people who actually keep track of this bullshit that Edward saves 14 turns in 1-P, which is quite an impressive figure for Jill to overcome. Not to mention that he apparently saves a turn in 1-2 and 1-4 as well.
  9. Jill can carry Tauroneo at base. She doesn't need the Master Seal to carry him. The Master Seal does not allow her to carry him. Also, it's not really true that it makes a 6-turn of 1-6 easy. I consider very little in this game to be easy. The only reason that it seems easy is because we've picked the entire game apart and know exactly the optimum way to play it. Also that implies that even without Jill, the strategy is possible but more difficult. Also if you want a low turn count tier list, I can go make one. There's no need to ruin this one. If Jill can basically solo Part 3 DB by herself with those resources, I can only imagine that Volug and Nolan would also be able to solo Part 3 since they generally have better stats in every imaginable area, so yes, there is an opportunity cost. Jill is not a laguz, she does not get more bonuses out of stat boosters than other units, she just happens to have more move and is able to engage enemies at a faster pace. What definition of efficiency? Because if it's low turn counts, Edward has her beat.
  10. I believe the general catchall word is "genderqueer", but I don't keep up with the slang so I could be wrong. Also, don't use that word, crash. It's rude.
  11. That's not true. I don't even need to look up the enemy stats to tell you that 64ATK is not OHKOing in 3-6. Tough luck for Aran, I suppose.
  12. Which doesn't really mean anything at all. Seth can solo everything after the opening cutscene. Ditto for Sigurd. Sety can solo everything up until the final boss. Wolf and Sedgar can solo most of their game given time to gain levels beforehand. I am telling you, this is not "unlike anything else in previous games". Fire Emblem has had broken shit before. Shit that is FAR more broken than certain unit types merely having great durability. What's broken is Lena and Shiida beating half of FE11 with warpskips, a turn per chapter. You think I can't find a video of Sety or Wolf or Sedgar or Haar shredding through hordes of enemies on enemy phase? I'm told that apparently, this is different because the game is so much harder, because enemies have relatively, much better stats. And in the same breath, apparently Sorcerers can ORKO, reliably, with a relatively weak weapon, and at the same time deal enough damage to heal themselves completely. Because, having played FE6, FE10, and FE12, I can say that ORKOing in those games is really not easy and not something that is in reach for many characters, let alone the class with the worst speed in the game using a relatively weak weapon, or characters with horribly imbalanced stats like Sariya and Henry.
  13. And as we all know, tier lists are incapable of dealing with any variables or random elements whatsoever. When Mjemirzian first played FE10, he was the best qualified person to comment on what was good and what wasn't. He's not a stupid person. Yet he still made mistakes and recommendations that now seem hopelessly quaint. When FE11 came out, people who were not stupid sang the praises of Wolf/Sedgar. Hell, for many many years after their release, we still heard misinformation about games like FE6 (omg lilina) or FE7 (omg canas). So maybe you are qualified to make claims about the game, but we don't have to believe them and dondon is perfectly justified in taking them with a pinch of salt. Yes. It's intelligent and considered use of player and enemy phase offense to make sure everything dies quickly. Really? Angelic Robes only cost 4k. That's really not much at all...
  14. [citation needed] People tell me that Shadow Dragon sold badly but I've never seen any concrete evidence, aside from vgchartz links that say that it sold somewhat worse than FE7 and FE8, but better than FE9 and FE10. And even if it sold worse, there's no evidence that it was because of Gaiden requirements.
  15. Wildheart is actually a moderately useful skill...
  16. instead they talked about the zany wacky new comedy exclusive to 3DS: Threediots!
  17. Anouleth


    I don't normally watch these but are they supposed to be this awful?
  18. I don't think that map should just throw houses in any old place just because they don't want it to look empty...
  19. Yeah I know I just feel like being obtuse She dropped it or someone confiscated it before she hurt herself what do you have against Truth
  20. but she's not an anime woman also she didn't actually throw it she just fell backwards the second after that photo was taken
  21. Ah, but Presea can't throw an axe, or wield two at a time. Therefore, Hand Axes are going to have to be forbidden for female pirates until you can provide photographic evidence of a woman throwing an axe. The animation will also have to be redrawn.
  22. It's true to an extent in most FEs, actually. Smaller teams usually have an easier time than large teams.
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