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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. I prefer Finn from adventure time. I will also accept Finn from Glee.
  2. I do like the idea of a more open-ended Fire Emblem...
  3. Personally, I think it's a good sign if a plotline or a storyline is highly divisive. If lots of people either love or hate Micaiah, that's better than having a main lord that's bland and boring. And when you have a character that has to make difficult choices, they're always going to be divisive. That's what makes them interesting. More ink has been spilled over the plot of FE10 than any other FE. What does that mean? That people care about it. That's always a good sign. I think that for me, the most important thing in Fire Emblem is good villains. FE11 fails for me because the villains are boring. Medeus shows up all of once. Gharnef shows up twice. Compare that to a game like FE10 where the Senators are a constant presence in the narrative.
  4. were's my Donny badge????????????? and also skrimir
  5. I think it's something that can vary, but I could be wrong. They definitely get some extra levels. Still, easily testable. Give them 0 base and 100% growth in some stat and see how much they gain (autolevel boosts can vary so you'd need to test multiple times, but it should be golden for testing whether they get unpromoted levels as well).
  6. It would be best of all if it worked like bad poison in pokemon games, so the damage would increase each turn. That way, it can't kill you suddenly, out of nowhere, but actually curing it would be more of a priority.
  7. tbh it looks like any given feaw indoor map to me
  8. I don't think that Integrity is quite... sirius enough YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
  9. Since you only need those stats for Medeus, it seems like you'd rather have the Maturity Drop on someone else so it can be useful throughout the game.
  10. I think the FF7 is the best Final Fantasy. It has the most effective villains in Shinra and Sephiroth, although I think Shinra makes for a better villain.
  11. uh... for a start, it's pretty much the same palette (green). I used Castle Green 1 from the custom tilesets. Second, in the OP: "Palette swaps are allowed, but the actual type of tileset needs to remain the same (Overworld/Generic Castle). Custom palettes are a go." So I should be able to use any palette? I'll still change it if you want. EDIT: I changed it. I decided the FE8 colours were nicer.
  12. i used to think goldie was funny then i hated her then i thought she was funny again then i hated her now i think she's funny again
  13. No. Only Tiki, Nono, and their children will have Manakete as an option.
  14. But in other ways, English offers shades of meaning that are impossible in Japanese. It really works both ways. And it's not like there aren't ways to express those honorifics in English (for example, calling a superior "sir" instead of "sama"). I think the biggest thing that's lost in translation is when animes make puns or jokes based on differences in hiragana/kanji. I remember Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei having a ton of them, but there were also a few in Azumanga Daioh.
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