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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Uh, what? Aliens didn't swoop down and give us gender roles. What is this "outsider source"? Why? David Reimer didn't grow up in a blank white room. He grew up in America, a place where there are cultural gender roles. He identified as a male: so he would have identified with the cultural associations of men too. Who the fuck knows what an "innate gender state" would even be? But we do know that some people identify as male, and some people identify as female, and it's not affected by what one they were brought up as.
  2. Pretty much. Are you going to put your life on the line in a gunfight just to hold on to your wallet?
  3. Perhaps the coin is getting consumed by some sort of Miracle effect? So it prevents an attack that would otherwise kill you, then vanishes from your inventory? Or a glitch.
  4. I don't think they are Sues: or even close. The Mary Sue "disease" is a writer having a favourite darling in the class and throwing them a ton of cool powers and abilities, always making them the hero and saving the day. I don't get that impression from either Ike or Micaiah. What bothers me is when people write "oh Ike can't be a sue because of XYZ" when Micaiah also has XYZ and gets called a Sue every five minutes.
  5. Voted for Celice. I just like him more than the others? Micaiah takes second place.
  6. Surely the same applies to Jill, though? So your "ideal list" would be something like: Top Marcia High Titania Oscar Jill Kieran Tanith? Depending on whether you think Jill being a second or third string flier is more worthwhile than Kieran being easier to train and having better offensive stats.
  7. Not our fault he made his topic in the wrong forum.
  8. If Jill saves turns, why isn't she mentioned once in your chapter descriptions? Did you even recruit her?
  9. Where does Ike say he's incompetent? Hmm? Where is it said in the script that it's because he's a green commander? The impression the script gives is that Ike and co are hopelessly outnumbered and trapped: "Soren We're in trouble. They have us completely surrounded. We cannot escape Titania So many of them...and so few of us...It doesn't look good, does it" In fact, the script complements him on how well he does in the situation! "Kamura You took on the Daein army with meager numbers, and you've fought well. My compliments. However, it ends now. Prepare to die!" "Daein Soldier So few soldiers, and yet you managed to defeat our general? You have fought well. But it all ends here. Prepare to die!" So much for being "green". Micaiah gets bailed out by the Black Knight and Nailah and Kurth throughout the game! So she can't be a Mary Sue? And how are these things Ike's fault? It's not like Soren or Titania warned him not to enter the castle in Chapter 7. How is Chapter 8 his fault? Greil picked that castle to stay in: not Ike. And it's not like Micaiah doesn't make bad decisions. She uses Sacrifice in public in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2 gets captured, in Chapter 9 almost gets killed by Jarod, and loses several important battles to Ike. Her decision to have mercy on Jarod is particularly disastrous. Why is there one standard for Ike and another for Micaiah? Why do Ike's mistakes show that he's "flawed" and "complex" but Micaiah's mistakes don't? And Micaiah dislikes Ike & co. Then what the fuck is Micaiah, who's perhaps the second worst lord character in the history of FE and usually ends playthroughs at level 6/5/2? As is Micaiah. Good luck pitting Micaiah against any lategame boss. What does that have to do with anything? Oh no, how dare your idol Ike get beaten by Micaiah once out of five times. Except that Ike wasn't even leading that portion of the army. So is Ike. Ike is praised by people even in the country he invaded. So did Ike. So did Ike. Everyone in Crimea loooooves Ike, except the token Shinon. As opposed to Ike who kills a Goddess, not because he has special powers but because he's *just that awesome*. While you might get a big stiffy at the thought of Micaiah getting killed, I imagine that Sanaki and co. would forgive her under the circumstances. It's fine if you don't like Micaiah, but in four years of endless arguments I have yet to see anyone actually prove she's as terribly written or bland as everyone claims. And how are these things Ike's fault? It's not like Soren or Titania warned him not to enter the castle in Chapter 7. How is Chapter 8 his fault? Greil picked that castle to stay in: not Ike. And it's not like Micaiah doesn't make bad decisions. She uses Sacrifice in public in Chapter 1, in Chapter 2 gets captured, in Chapter 9 almost gets killed by Jarod, and loses several important battles to Ike. Her decision to have mercy on Jarod is particularly disastrous. Why is there one standard for Ike and another for Micaiah? Why do Ike's mistakes show that he's "flawed" and "complex" but Micaiah's mistakes don't? And Micaiah dislikes Ike & co. Then what the fuck is Micaiah, who's perhaps the second worst lord character in the history of FE and usually ends playthroughs at level 6/5/2? As is Micaiah. Good luck pitting Micaiah against any lategame boss. What does that have to do with anything? Oh no, how dare your idol Ike get beaten by Micaiah once out of five times. Except that Ike wasn't even leading that portion of the army. So is Ike. Ike is praised by people even in the country he invaded. So did Ike. So did Ike. Everyone in Crimea loooooves Ike, except the token Shinon. Except that Ike is also universally adored by everyone in every other country, unless they're evil (like the senators). As opposed to Ike who kills a Goddess, not because he has special powers but because he's *just that awesome*. Or how he's the Only One that gets respect from both beorc and laguz. While you might get a big stiffy at the thought of Micaiah getting killed, I imagine that Sanaki and co. would forgive her under the circumstances. It's fine if you don't like Micaiah, but in four years of endless arguments I have yet to see anyone actually prove she's as terribly written or bland as everyone claims. I don't know if it's necessarily to do with her being female, but I think one contributing factor (and a contributing factor in general towards popularity) is that she sucks at combat.
  10. No, she isn't. Modern tier lists run off gross utility (rather than net utility). Characters are not "detrimental" just because they are not as good as the best characters. You're entitled to your opinion. So having a lot of movement and killing a lot of enemies is a negative? No wonder you like Mia so much. Titania "often" charges? Titania does not do things on her own. She does not run off and solo the whole map while your back is turned. She "charges" as often as the player lets her charge, and every kill she gets is delivered to her from the hand of the player. And this is another change of heart from you. I thought the "problem" with Titania was her lack of weight. Apparently now, it's having too much movement. And that she charges without orders? Wasn't the whole point of this thread to prove that BEXP and CEXP is really tight? By your own admittance, Mia only cleared up reinforcements that didn't need to be killed anyway. Really, why not just use Soren instead of Ilyana? Soren certainly doesn't need to drag around a support partner to shore up his offensive stats. Even if he's a lower level than her, he'll usually still have the advantage in MAG/SKL/SPD. Then what the fuck is Mia, who has less of literally everything except speed?
  11. Making her unable to put limited experience to worthwhile use, making her an EXP hog. The fact that she took experience in the past and will take some in the future doesn't change the fact that she fits your definition of an EXP hog perfectly. But that's not in your definition. Athos cannot put EXP to any use, ever. But obviously he is still worth giving kills to. In the same way, even though Marcia is worth giving kills after she promotes, she is still an EXP hog! The two are not the same, according to your definition. So basically, tier lists disagree with you not because of a genuine difference in opinion on what makes a character "good" (which is a subject admitting a wide debate), but because we're uninformed. If you don't like the current list, make a new one with different criteria.
  12. Sounds a lot like FE12 Lunatic: but you'd think that with greater potential to get bonuses from other avenues (Double, DEF+2, Rainbow Cry), you could probably get as much as 60DEF on a general.
  13. Not talking about Endgame. Would you give Marcia 100% of your BEXP when she joins? Why not? Because after she promotes in midgame and reaches high enough stats to kill Muarim, it's not worthwhile to give her more experience straight away (because it could also go to Oscar or Kieran or Mist). And obviously if she's blessed, she reaches that point earlier.
  14. So really, this thread should be titled "Titania doesn't have enough weight", not "Titania hogs EXP". Or even "EXP is limited in midgame", since the conclusions would apply equally to all characters rather than just Titania. Then the word "hog" would indeed, apply to every combat unit in the game. Even Marcia doesn't put limited experience to worthwhile use after a certain point.
  15. Nobody is stopping you from making this list. And surely Jill won't be recruited? So if Titania was a lower level and had lower stats and needed more experience, she'd be a better unit? So if Titania had 4 more weight, she wouldn't hog experience? How does that work? I don't remember weight having an effect on experience gain. It's also possible to do Titania + Kieran and Titania + Oscar. So why is Titania "at fault" but they are not? Why is the opportunity cost of EXP higher for Titania than it is for Oscar or Kieran?
  16. Even under US gun laws, many of the people at the youth camp would be unable to purchase a firearm because they are too young. I don't know if the security officer at the camp had a gun, but since he was one of the first to die, I doubt it would matter much. And Breivik only managed to get his weapons because he smuggled them from a country with more liberal gun control laws (the Czech Republic). Moreover, Colorado has some of the most liberal gun laws in the US, yet this Joker shooting happened anyway.
  17. Pretty sure Calill, Mist, Mordecai, Tanith, Haar, Reyson, Elincia, Muarim, Boyd, Shinon, Gatrie, Ike, apparently Ilyana, and Volke all save a non-zero number of turns, and Oscar certainly saves more turns than Kieran does. If you use Titania, Oscar, and Kieran, and in Chapter 17, Kieran is still unpromoted (level 19 let's say) is that Titania's "fault" or Oscar's "fault"? How do we assign blame? What about the other units that took experience?
  18. So apparently, admitting that you don't know everything is mutually exclusive with confidence. Gotcha. No, she doesn't. Reread the script. Fiona is initially happy to help Begnion: "Fiona I will not lie to you. My people are proud citizens of Daein, and some agree with these so-called liberators. However, I will not lead my people into danger over ridiculous rumors of some unknown orphan prince." It's only when Laverton is about to execute prisoners, after Micaiah has already thrown down her weapons, that Fiona switches sides.
  19. I think the Fire Emblem fanbase is good. To everyone reading this message: continue to be awesome, unless you are Snowy, in which case you could afford to try a little harder.
  20. Fiona doesn't immediately side with Micaiah either: therefore Micaiah is not a Mary Sue.
  21. Really? Ike is not confident in earlygame? So when Ike had no problem with becoming the leader straight after Greil died (despite his inexperience), that wasn't confidence in his own ability to lead? If Ike didn't think he was up to becoming Commander, why did he accept the position? Can you show evidence that Ike did not think he could command? "Ike I'm not saying that to gain anyone's pity. It's the truth. But even so, I have no intention of giving up command of this company."
  22. You know, this has pretty serious implications. If Titania saves no turns after Chapter 11, what does that mean for Kieran? Because that means Kieran only saves one turn, chapter 17-2, and needs a hefty chunk of BEXP/CEXP to do even that. Are you suggesting that Kieran needs to move down on the tier list?
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