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Everything posted by Anouleth

  1. Oscar and Kieran are a little bit better later on in the game, but Titania is far far better in earlygame.
  2. That's not "character development". That's Ike learning about the outside world. I mean, how many people from these other countries has he really even met? And Ike seems a bit wary about jumping to a snap judgment... He's also not really judging these countries on the basis of their leaders. He's never met Ashnard, or Naesala, or Tibarn. Rather, he's judging those countries on the basis of their actions. Kilvas attacks ships that are minding their own business. Daein launched an invasion of Crimea with no provocation. The situations are very different. Obviously, having just seen Greil killed before his eyes, Ike would be more inclined to attack the Black Knight, than a year later in Crimea. That would be true of any person. The Black Knight in general is extremely condescending towards Ike, in all of their conversations. He obviously has a very low opinion of Ike.
  3. Please quote a specific example, if you would. I don't remember Ike ever doing this. Where does he say that? Ike seems a bit troubled by the answered questions: after all, the BK's identity and motives remain an enigma, but I don't get the impression he's unsatisfied with his victory. In fact, we get signs that suggest he is satisfied: "Ike has avenged his father by defeating the Black Knight in single combat. That night, he sleeps until well past dawn. It is the first time since Greil's death that he has done so." "Ike Even now, though, I'm not as good as Father was. There's no way I could ever defeat him...Defeating the Black Knight was my way...I wanted to show him how strong Father really was."
  4. That's... not really true, though. Ike wants vengeance for his father, but that doesn't make him consumed by hate or vengeance. I'm still not sure what this character development is supposed to be. How, precisely, does Ike change in any way aside from becoming more experienced and more confident: something that happens to every FE main character, including Micaiah? I really want to know.
  5. Uh, there is. There are groups on both sides. I've personally decided to stop playing the "which FE is the worst" game, but given that you are taking part in it, you can't take some sort of moral high ground and act as if everyone else is being "childish".
  6. If intelligent life exists deep in the oceans, it will be some sort of freaky squid rather than some sort of freaky human.
  7. PCHOOOOO This thread is now about the infallible Kohei Uchimura.
  8. Maybe that was the definition 2000 years ago in Classical Rome, but you might want to check a dictionary from after the Battle of Hastings.
  9. Not being funny, but I don't think the plotline of DoF is professional quality and I don't think that marcus90 is just the person to make it so.
  10. In general, characters that have above average growths and below average bases don't get used. Why endure a worse character initially so that he'll be slightly stronger later on?
  11. Except that Zealot becomes their king.
  12. So can Vika. So can every character in the game. I meant in the long term. By the time Vika rejoins, you have Laguz Gems. Vika is stronger than Astrid, makes better use of Energy Drops, can BEXP her strength more easily, has a buttload of speed so she actually doubles, and has a frequently activating mastery (much more than Sol, that's for certain). On average, Lethe and Lyre are weaker than Vika.
  13. Anouleth


    Kohei Uchimura is my new husbando?
  14. Why would you start using Titania in Chapter 5? That seems awfully arbitrary: especially considering that you're refusing to use her in Chapter 4. Chapter 4 is pretty tough and aggressive and has a short BEXP turn limit, while Chapter 5 is a defend chapter where you're not under any pressure to complete fast for BEXP. Plus, in Chapter 3 and 4, you only have Ike, Shinon, Titania, and Gatrie as capable combat units. Shinon and Gatrie are even worse choices to divert kills to than Titania, and Ike is hardly going to solo those maps on his own.
  15. From what I gather, spell animations are a bitch. Good luck!
  16. On the chibi, her eyes look way too tall and thin.
  17. Why would he? He doesn't get anything out of it, except a far far harsher punishment if he's caught. And people in general, even thieves, still don't want to kill others: especially an unarmed person for no reason at all. Except that the chances of him shooting you are dramatically lower if you comply with him. I would gladly hand over my wallet for a significantly lower chance of death.
  18. Actually, you improve your damage by 1.5 attacks, since you still double. And there are other advantages to Astra: notably, that you can crit with it. Criticals are more reliable when you have many attacks, and often it will completely prevent a counter. I tend to end up with a lot of leftover forges anyway. And part of the point of Astra is that you don't really need forges as much since it increases your chance to ORKO. Their base critical rate is usually only around 15-20%, which is hardly reliable at all.
  19. Well, I wouldn't say that. Vika does have decent durability and bases, so she'll be a lot easier to train than Fiona: and her speed is very good, so she'll pay off more than Astrid. And she's just better than Lyre.
  20. What's the point in unlocking Hard Mode? I mean, there's no reward for playing Hard Mode.
  21. There's no reward for completing the game: but you do it anyway.
  22. No. It's too much effort for too little payoff, because she disappears for half the game and when she rejoins there are much better alternatives: even among Ravens (specifically Naesala and Nealuchi). She's definitely usable, but she's not a good choice when there are so many better alternatives.
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